The OTHER Prisoner movie— Yikes!

Forums British Sci Fi Series The Prisoner The OTHER Prisoner movie— Yikes!

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    Well, the Aussies have been showing rare Paddy kissing movies like [i]Nor the Moon by Night [/i]and [i]The Gypsy and the Gentleman [/i]late at night. Do you think this is next?

    [quote]Drake, a member of the porn community, who tries to quit the business, wakes up in a strange place called “The Colony” – a village populated by other former members of the porn business who tried to quit and found there was no way to walk away from their pasts. Now Drake has been assigned the number 69, and he is constantly being tempted with sex to tell why he quit the business. Will the leaders of “The Colony” break #69? – Or will he find a way out of this gilded cage?[/quote]

    (Link leads to adult DVD with a skin-e-max kinda boobie picture which is much less disturbing than Logan’s inflatable sheep. You have been warned! [url=]*Click*[/url] )


    [size=9]Do I dare review this on my site?[/size] 😆


    That’s an Aussies site, but I’m guessing a US production:

    (bigger pic of the cover there)


    Yes it is! Someone reviewed it on the Pris NG, but I seemed to have missed that part. They say the production values were terrible (no, really?) but the dialogue was good.

    Anyway, I bought it. It’s cheap on so many levels. 😉



    Who is Number One? Why it’s mysterious Mr. XXX.

    I’ve come across that title before in my relentless search for por… erm… Prisoner references. Just like the real [i]Prisoner[/i], you can be sure there is plenty of bouncy ball action. I appreciate the informed [i]Danger Man/Prisoner[/i] parallels commentary: the Prisoner is Drake and they’re in the Colony –as in Colony 3 (the Village from [i]Danger Man[/i]).

    As “Spoofs” by the porn industry are very common — [i]Lust in Space, ET The Extra Testicle, Deep Space 69, A Clockwork Orgy, Lexx[/i] 😉 — it’s not surprising they’d go for some [color=orange]Six[/color]ploitation.

    Interestingly, renowned American author, and co-founder of [i]The Village Voice[/i], Norman Mailer, wrote the controversial essay [url=][i]The Prisoner of Sex[/i][/url] in 1971.

    It was written as a response to the women’s lib movement; he was chastised by many feminists for his views. The contoversial issues Mailer touched on in the work resonate deeply when it comes to discussions about the controversial porn business – directly referencing that work, and its ensuing controversy, in the skin flick would be sexationial


    Interestingly, renowned American author, and co-founder of [i]The Village Voice[/i], Norman Mailer, wrote the controversial essay [url=][i]The Prisoner of Sex[/i][/url] in 1971.

    It was written as a response to the women’s lib movement; he was chastised by many feminists for his views. The contoversial issues Mailer touched on in the work resonate deeply when it comes to discussions about the controversial porn business – directly referencing that work, and its ensuing controversy, in the skin flick would be sexationial[/quote]

    Somehow I doubt they do. Much like how [i]The Mattress[/i] didn’t really make any damn sense. “Neo, the Mattress has you”


    I figure even though people actually in the act look more ridiculous than sexy to me, and this is sure to ultimately be terrible, it can’t be less entertaining than suffering through the Dilbert DVDs looking for a rumored Fall Out throne.

    There was a show on Trio for awhile (I think it was called “Good Clean Porn”? Perhaps someone could correct me on this…) which showcased dialogue and acting ability by editing out the “money shots”. I wonder how many were good enough to make the cut in that regard.


    [quote=”Stormsweeper”]Somehow I doubt they do. Much like how The Mattress didn’t really make any damn sense. “Neo, the Mattress has you”[/quote]

    I like that. [i]The Mattress[/i] is a nice play on [i]The Matrix[/i] words. Haven’t seen the later [i]Matrices[/i], and haven’t heard that before, but it works well — as in you’re sleeping; it’s all a dream — especially if said by Morpheus (the God of Sleep & Dreams). In [i]The Prisoner of Sex[/i], no doubt, they won’t be using the mattresses for sleeping.

    Pet, it was indeed [i]Good Clean Porn[/i]; the production site’s description is: “It’s classic adult films with all the naughty bits cut out.” Ouch! Reminds me a little too much of the John Bobbit story – at least he was later “uncut”.

    I guess you watched the [i]Dilbert[/i] episode [i]Holiday[/i] where they purportedly have that scene which is Fallout-[i]esque[/i]. No throne?

    Oh, here’s a [i]Prisoner[/i] reference you’ve most probably seen before from [url=]The Scheme Underground[/url]: “I am not a Church numeral; I am a free variable!”


    Was that the one? You should hear the story behind Dilbert:

    This guy contacts me and offers to trade the Dilbert ep with the Fall-out scene and a Nowhere Man magazine article for anything extra I have. I trade him a pack of postcards.

    Then, I get my mag (cool!) and the complete Dilbert set in the mail (oookaaaay) and a note saying when I’m finished I can sell the set on Ebay (cool) because the show sucks (oookaaaay). I write to find out which ep it was, and can’t get ahold of the guy because he went on some extreme sports decathalon thing (from what I gather).

    So I actually have to watch the episodes. I did it while working out because I hate the animated Dilbert and it was less frustrating that way. I only cracked a smile once when Loud Howard sneezed someone’s skin off. They should have had more of that. It was excruciating.

    I thought I got through them, but it turns out each disk has other pages with episodes on them, and I may have skipped a disk, so I gave up.

    Then he writes back and admits that he only bought the set because he saw on the internet somewhere there was a Fall Out scene, so he didn’t watch the whole thing either! 🙄


    I’ll look on that one when I can bring myself to open it again.



    Well, there’s a scene in Congress where everyone in favor of Dogbert Day says “Aye aye aye!” but it looks just like a normal US congressional hearing to me otherwise. And the throne on the float doesn’t look very Fallout-esque to me either.

    So aside from reading into the Ayes, which they say in Congress Prisoner or no, (or at least they used to) I don’t see it. 😕 If it was supposed to be a Pris reference and not a jab at Congress mindlessly agreeing to ridiculous demands, they would have put in a see-saw or the Number 1 eye or had someone in a particolored mask walk by. Or the guy with the plastic explosives would have been dressed like Number 48.

    I can upload some screencaps when my server is back up and you can judge for yourself.



    [quote=”Pet”]Well, there’s a scene in Congress where everyone in favor of Dogbert Day says “Aye aye aye!” but it looks just like a normal US congressional hearing to me otherwise. And the throne on the float doesn’t look very Fallout-esque to me either.

    So aside from reading into the Ayes, which they say in Congress Prisoner or no, (or at least they used to) I don’t see it. If it was supposed to be a Pris reference and not a jab at Congress mindlessly agreeing to ridiculous demands, they would have put in a see-saw or the Number 1 eye or had someone in a particolored mask walk by. Or the guy with the plastic explosives would have been dressed like Number 48. [/quote]

    That’s the scene from Holiday I read about at [url=]THIS[/url] avid Prisonerophiles site (that’s where I found the Scheme Underground Prioner ref). Maybe the person you were in contact with read the same, but then again, there’s no mention of a throne at all, so maybe a newsgroup (hope quoting from the site isn’t minded)…

    [quote=””]And another place where the influence has shown up is: Dilbert on TV!!! I was watching the episode “Holiday” where they were voting for Dogbert holidays and they used the same layout, scene, sounds (and result) as used in the trial scene in Fallout![/quote]

    Maybe it’s the “Holiday” title that really made him think it was influenced by the Prisoner (I hear Holiday and I think Prisoner). From what you said, the Fall Out reference is not very compelling, but upon re-reading the above quoted words, he said “influence” which is more vague. I have a pretty holistic world-view. We’re influenced to some extent by everything we see and hear, so…

    I checked out a Dilbert “Holiday” review, and I haven’t read anything that reminds me particularly of Fall Out — Free For All to an extent, as in “vote”, now that’s compelling! 😆 It reminds me more of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, or whatever. I’d still like to see the screencaps, but you can read almost anything into something if you look hard enough. It’s amazing the number of things that remind me of The Prisoner. It had a real impact on my consciousness from a very young age.


    Well, here’s the best [url=]clip[/url] I could manage. There are a few skips, but it’ll do.

    Here is a picture of the setup of a US Congressional hearing:


    And here are some close-ups:


    I think both TP and Dilbert took the design from a common amphitheatre quarter-round used for public meetings. Perhaps the page author saw the Prisoner in it because s/he is unfamiliar with US subcommittee hearings? It doesn’t look anything like what I’ve seen of British Parliament.

    We see rooms like this whenever a celebrity gets on the bandwagon about Scientology or whatnot.

    But I am not a Fall Out scholar. 😉

    Anyway, enjoy!



    “ReBoot” has a much better “Fall Out” episode:

    It’s on the 2nd volume of the 3rd season DVDs (3.2 is how they numbered it), I believe. you should be able to rent it from Netflix or any well-stocked DVD rental place.


    Ugh! Every time I hack my site I forget how to use BBcode!

    Thanks, SS! I’ll have to look for that one. In truth, though, One Life to Live has to have a better Fall Out episode than Dilbert, since I don’t believe this is one and while I don’t like soaps I really [i]hate[/i] Dilbert.

    My favorite Arrival was I-man’s [b]A Sense of Community[/b], but I haven’t gotten word that they released the second set yet so I don’t have it.



    Just checked the case and 3.2 isn’t really visible, but the volume is named “The Net” – the next volume is named “The Web” – and “Number 7” is the third episode on it.

    At a ReBoot marathon a couple years ago, I was one of the 10%b of people there who recognized that the entire ep was a Prisoner homage. It does sort of give away the ending to Fall Out, though.

    The last episode of the 3rd season also has a recap of the whole season done in the style of “Pirates of Penzance” too! 🙂


    Okay, here’s the sumup:

    An actor, whose name I’ve already forgotten but who has apparently been in a hundred movies or something, finishes filming a James Bond type scene as a character named Drake which he believes to be his last. Afterwards, they ask him to fill out more paperwork for the next scene and ask for a butt print to identify him.

    In between the sex parts he quits, is gassed, taken to the colony, goes to the store, asks for a map, talks to other actors who quit, meets Number 3 (not 2) in an outhouse, gets set up with a Nadia type, breaks a Leo McKern No. 2 type, thinks hes about to escape for real, and then….

    Anyway, the dialogue is Prisonerish. No male frontal that I noticed. There are lots of jokes about the porn industry, some of which I’m sure went right over my head as I’m not a connosieur. One of them was about how he didn’t know what type of movie he’d been in when he quit because he always fast forwarded over the dialogue to get to the sex parts. (Which I found funny because that’s the opposite of what I did. It made it about half an hour. If there was any Pris dialogue in VO during the sex bits I missed it.)

    But in all it was pretty funny. And Rover just looked like a normal green ball. (No Woody Allen mad scientist stuff there. Just a plastic ball.) It can be distracted by getting naked. 😉

    Thar you go. Now I’m going to pass this on to someone else. Geez! The things I put myself through for my art! 🙂 Off to PM some curious people at my site.


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