The sad state of sci fi

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    Is it me, or does anyone else think that sci fi shows have been rubbish lately?

    Andromeda has slumped to an all time low on the patronising drivvel front, LEXX has gone all anal (or smelly) and even the new Enterprise has gotten a little boring.

    And that bloody new X-Mutants series is nothing but a childrens sci fi show (or rubbish with special effects!)

    I’m desperately trying to console myself with Red Dwarf re-runs and Stargate until something good comes along.



    Originally posted by SadGeezer:

    Andromeda has slumped to an all time low on the patronising drivvel front, LEXX has gone all anal (or smelly) and even the new Enterprise has gotten a little boring.

    oh dear, someone didn’t like ‘bad carrot’? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by SadGeezer:
    LEXX has gone all anal (or smelly) and even the new Enterprise has gotten a little boring.

    I’m desperately trying to console myself with Red Dwarf re-runs and Stargate until something good comes along.

    I guess you were about as disappointed about hte premise of Bad Carrot as I am.

    Enterpise started out looking great, but recently it seems like its just a continuation of Voyager.

    I love SG-1. Is there any chance of adding a SG-1 section or thread? I can try to put something together if you’d like.


    quote[quote]LEXX has gone all anal (or smelly)[/quote]

    Ah, it’s not my type of humor too, but it’s Lexx. By January, I’ll be so desperate I probably won’t mind all that much [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    But scifi in general is in a slump. We need more shows like Red Dwarf and Lexx, not the standard ‘heroic space stud pilots ship and has all manner of heroic adventures until the audience’s brains melt and dribble out thier ears from the repetitivness of it all’

    There isn’t much good written scifi anymore, either.


    Didn’t like ‘Bad Carrot’? Oh my….. well then you are really not going to like 769.



    I put this on the general BB but it seams to be more at home here…..Is the Enterprise a ship of mutes? I dont think anyone exept the “star 6” have said anything, not even a “Yes Cptn. Archer”. I know that every ST show has a main core that do everything but at least 2ndary crew members talked interacted with the MC.I realy started out loveing Enterprise but I’m starting to go luke warm. I hope it dosent get as bad as Voyger which I stoped watching after 7/9 came on board. DS9 was the best of them all .
    Will come back to rant and rave, love the new site!

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