the ultimate buffy spoiler- those who don’t want to know, do
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- This topic has 8 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 23 years, 3 months ago by
Aeryn Crichton.
21st November 2001 at 10:01 am #35820
KeymasterBasically, I just want to talk about the ep with people who’ve already seen it. Seriously, I think reading about it before hand will ruin it, so please don’t if you haven’t seen the most recent episode to air (in the U.S.) yet.
Buffy “did the deed” are they an item now?
what do you think? also, what do you
think about the not-quite-human thing?
And what’s up with Willow? Do you think
she’s misguided or she’s going to turn?
I just really want to talk about it and
none of my friends really likes buffy.
Tell me what you think!25th November 2001 at 11:35 pm #43022Anonymous
GuestWell if you’ve benn following the show lately you know they’re not an item. I bet you next epi will start with B saying: “OK we did it but never again” and end with more smoochies. I know, this is getting annoying…
About not-human thing, hmm. Easy answer is that she is sort of an angel now, re cemetary shot from “Afterlife”. Angels do not have souls, as you know. So that, of course, makes her even more than human, not less, as Spike wants to think, so they’re even less likely to ever be an item.
Or she does not have a soul because Willow messed up a spell (or the bikers interrupted her) and they will have to find her soul and bring it back or something.
I think Willow will not turn to be really evil like Angelus, maybe she’ll lose her moral compass like Faith. There is nobody there to help her, with Giles and Tara gone and Buffy all absorbed into her own pain and Xander going all family man. So until they all sort out their issues Willow is on her own with Amy as bad influence. But I think Willow will soon tap into stuff that will scare away even Amy. That’ll be fun.26th November 2001 at 4:35 am #43023dgrequeen
ParticipantI can’t imagine what Buffy even sees in Spike: he’s skinny, weedy, peroxided, and he smokes. Plus, he’s another vampire. Can’t the girl get a living boyfriend? Oh, wait, she did that, and he was beyond bland.
I’ve always thought the show was well-written and well-acted, but frankly, I think they’re starting to run out of ideas.
26th November 2001 at 5:16 am #43024Anonymous
Guestyep. newkate hit the nail on the head! buffy is not human any more, she is more than human.
i would like to toss out a theroy about spike. i think that the longer he has that chip in his head the closer he is getting to having a ‘soul’. the chip could be considered a curse. if you remember before when he was human he was a poet and a gentle man in love with a women who wouldn’t give him the time of day. yes he was a little bitter about this but he was basically a good person. the chip is keeping the demon in him down allowing him to get in touch with his humanity. i mean just look at how he is with dawn. he really cares for her. i do believe if the chip was taken out he would still be a somewhat nice guy. part of the reason that angelus was so bad is because he was a worthless human to begin with. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]28th November 2001 at 10:15 pm #43025dgrequeen
ParticipantOK, does anybody else find the love/hate Buffy/Spike slugfest disturbing? I admit, I LMAO at the building falling down around them, but their greetings and goodbyes seem to involve punching each other in the face.
I don’t doubt Spike is in love with Buffy. But what’s her deal? She claims to despise him, but can’t keep her hands off him. Is she trying to recreate what she had with Angel? Does she really care for Spike and refuses to admit it? (because what girl wants to admit to an attraction for dead guys — oh, wait, I guess that could describe me, the dedicated Lexxian)
And why do I get this vague sense that James Marsters may be setting the stage to leave the show?
29th November 2001 at 9:43 pm #43026Anonymous
Guestoh i hope spike doesn’t leave the show! i like his character, and i think skinny & peroxided is cute. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] hehe
::elfie suddenly realizes dgre’s description pretty much fits her and whimpers::
lol [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
1st December 2001 at 12:33 pm #43027Anonymous
Guestlast week’s ep’s last shot was completely hilarious-buffy completely surrounded by garlic. i think willow’s going to “beat the habit” as it were, but i don’t think buffy’s going to make it. I don’t think that Spike’s going anywhere and i [i]think[/i] that they’re going to end up together. if they do start dating then the slugfest will stop, if it doesn’t then, ewwww! [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] whatever happens in the future, buffy is definitely in denial right now. she thinks that what she and willow are doing is comparable and it is *a little*, but she’s not hurting anyone and that’s what counts. and no way are they running out of ideas, this season has roots going back years!
4th December 2001 at 2:22 am #43028Fantasma
ParticipantAnother yummy Buffy topic!
Let’s see if I can drag this from my memory..
Spike and Buffy… this is about Buffy needing to feel AND avoiding all the cards that Spike calls her on. After another discussion where someone had pointed out that when Spike was telling Buffy something she didn’t want to hear, she stopped it my be kissing him. I’m sure it never even crossed her mind that in her coming back from the dead, she might have come back *different.* So, when Spike realized he could smack her around, and jumped to the conclusion that *she* came back wrong, suddenly she found herself with feelings of horror and maybe worthlessness. She had become one of the *things* she slays.
Which really doens’t fit into anything, but it seemed important in my head.
Another idea that I enjoyed was that Spike actually doens’t want to hurt her, and in return, no chip work. And I’d bet to say that he can’t really hurt her physically anyway. But, again, I don’t really have anything to support that.
Personally, I think the two of them together do work a little bit of magic. Sure, Angel was/is the love of her life, but if she give him happies, so comes the end of the world… literally… and Riley… I think she liked him.. I think she cared for him.. but it was an empty love… he was supposedly everything she wanted.. a nice normal boy… but, it got boring.. and thus he took the boot = P Plus the fact, that she had to hold back with him… I can only imagine if he had bruised hips on occasion = P… now, Spike on the other hand… he is everything that is wrong for her (but at least he’s got the strength, so her nutcracker like thighs won’t break him), and thus the allure.. which induces the conflict “He is bad, he is evil, and yet, he is so kissable..” or is that my conflict…
Is this Spike/Buffy pairing sick and disturbing? Most definitely. Is it enjoyable? Most definitely.. in the naughty sort of way = P
As for the Willow saga… there are hints of this way back when, maybe even season 2, but I can think of the Halloween eppie in Season 4 where Oz says to Buffy, “You didn’t encourage her, did you?” and think it shows that even back then, Willow didn’t really understand the power of it all. She used it.. and used it.. and used it… until we found she wasn’t even doing the simplest of tasks.. and magic seemed to be the answer to everything. Fighting with you girlfriend? Make her forget. Need some decorations? Wave your hand. In some ways it’s Faith’s motto of “Want, Take, Have.”
It just got too easy. And no one but Tara could see it (or at least she was the only to speak up about it.)
And then Amy brought her to Rack. He was into the very black stuff no doubt, very hard, scary stuff. Which I think led to her wake up call, the one that said “I have a problem, I need help.” But going it cold turkey? Promising never to use magic again? I said it before and I’ll say it again, Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
It’s going to be a long and difficult road for both Buffy and Willow. They gave in to their naughty desires, whether it be to feel good, or to just not feel empty, and the temptation to go back will be great.
This struggle will be intense, and I can’t wait for new eppies again! = )
6th December 2001 at 12:42 pm #43029Aeryn Crichton
ParticipantBoo hoo! I don’t get UPN! So, I’m having to miss these great exchanges between Spike and Buffy. I’ll just have to rely on reading about them for now. I’ve been a Spike and Buffy fan ever since that ep when Willow’s spell goes awry, and Spike proposes to Buffy. It’s one of the funniest eps that I’ve ever seen! And, to be honest, I felt like crying with Spike in the ep about his past when he cries because Buffy has rebuffed him. I think that a pairing between them would be great! Spike really has changed.
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