The Village… Coming to a movie theatre near you…

Forums British Sci Fi Series The Prisoner The Village… Coming to a movie theatre near you…

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  • #39663

    [quote]…this is the story of the small [i][isolated][/i] village … surrounded by a woods inhabited by a race of “mythical creatures” [i][Rover balls?][/i] and the romance that blossoms between Kitty [i][aka Kathy?][/i], the daughter of the town’s leader [i][No. 1?][/i], and … a young man [i][No. 48?][/i] who questions the policy of keeping [i][the “rotten cabbage”][/i] citizens completely confined to the village.[/quote]

    Will Rovers catch No. 48 in the woods? Will No. 1 catch No. 48 playing in his daughter’s garden … with the rotten cabbages? Will romance flourish, or will he ultimately be betrayed by Kitty (as 6 avered, “Never trust a woman, even the four-legged variety”). Will the “young man” ever escape the Village? That would be telling…

    Quote, minus words in brackets, from

    The M. Night Shyamalan film is due in theatres in 2004 and will probably disappoint hardcore Prisoner fans hoping for a faithful adaptation of their favourite show.


    Yeah, not the Village I know. This is much closer:

    (Number 5, you’re gonna love this!)

    (Nicked this from the [url=]ng[/url].)



    😆 Good one! 😆

    It’s just too bad wedding-day Steve dressed as a Klingon had to soil the page. 😉

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