Things to look for in episodes of Lexx

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    [b]Things to Look for in Episodes of Lexx: [/b]

    [b]I Worship His Shadow[/b] -You can see the Lexx’s mouthparts devouring the packaged organs on the conveyor belts.
    -One of the Heretics is wearing the same harness as Zev.
    -The scene in which His Divine Shadow orders one of his senior officers to kill another officer then herself is lifted almost word for word from episode four of the [i]Doctor Who[/i] story [i]The Keeper of Traken[/i].
    -When His Shadow’s essence surrounds Kai, if you play it frame-by-frame you can make out jointed insect legs trying to strangle him.

    [b]Super Nova[/b] -The Poet Man does not have the typical Brunnen-G hairstyle and is the only Brunnen-G we’ve seen with facial hair, plus none of the ancient Brunnen-G have Kai’s mark.
    -The stabilizer computer contains Okudagrams that look almost identical to the ones in the [i]Star Trek: The Next Generation[/i] episode [i]When the Bough Breaks[/i].
    -Kai’s cross-section has many empty cavities where organs should be.
    -In the scene on the 5,000 year old memory disc, the Time Prophet is amongst hourglass-shaped pillars that appear to be resting in a lake of molten lava.

    [b]Eating Pattern[/b] -When Zev shines the penlight in Kai’s right eye, the faint image of a skull can be seen briefly.
    -790’s mouth is computer generated in this episode.

    [b]The Giga Shadow[/b] -Kai expresses fear when he sees the Gigs Shadow.
    -Look at the profile of the enrolled Giga Shadow and you will see where the Seal of the Divine Order comes from.

    [b]Mantrid[/b] -The letters “ATC” can be seen on the right shoulder pad of Rock Hound’s uniform.
    -The shot of Zev as seen from the eyes of the insect larva is similar to a scene in the 1958 version of [i]The Fly[/i].

    [b]Terminal[/b] -The device Dr. Kazan uses to open the airlock is a controller from a Nintendo.
    -The scene in which Zev reverts to her Cluster lizard form is similar to a scene in the 1973 B horror film [i]Sss[/i].

    [b]Lyekka[/b] -Blue and purple lights recur throughout this episode, in dreams and scenery.

    [b]Luvliner[/b] -Xev is wearing Zev’s wrist restraints, but not her harness.

    [b]Lafftrak[/b] -The chalkboard behind Xev in the school sketch contains 1. demonstration for how television works, 2. T.V. plus T.V. equals T.V., 3. carrots plus rabbit equals heart, 4. heart plus T.V. equals 790. The other chalkboard has a picture of a Grey alien and more television imagery.

    [b]Love Grows[/b] -The uniforms the stripper ship’s crew are wearing look a lot like Kai’s living outfit, only theirs are in shades of blue and grey.
    -Xev is eating blue powder from a Divine Predecessor faceplate.

    [b]791[/b] -The space suits the crew uses in this episode are not the same as the space suit Stan wore in [i]The Giga Shadow[/i].
    The organic prisoner containers look a lot like the ovoids in the movie [i]Alien[/i], and are surrounded by a similar blue force field.

    [b]Norb[/b] -The illusory space carnival has the Seal of the Divine Order worked into it in several places.

    [b]Twilight[/b] -790’s eyes and mouth are in pastels, like those of 792.
    -Ruuma is a vast ocean with a single island, like Nook.

    [b]Woz[/b] -Sister Dodo’s socks are similar to those work by the Wicked Witch of the East in the 1939 film version of [i]The Wizard of Oz[/i].
    -The Beloved Sisters are wearing the same outfits as the frontier customs officer in [i]I Worship His Shadow[/i], only their hats are painted red.
    -The corridors inside the Dark Lady’s tower “lean” toward the center.

    [b]Patches in the Sky[/b] -Lissha from [i]Stan’s Trial[/i], Laleen from [i]Wake the Dead[/i], and Lyekka and Lomea from [i]Twilight[/i] all appear briefly in Stan’s dream at the beginning.

    [b]Brigadoom[/b] -Kai appears to have flown some weird eruciform Insect craft to the Time Prophet’s moon.
    -Clips from the space battle at the beginning of [i]I Worship His Shadow[/i] appear behind the actors when they are waving flags around.

    [b]Brizon[/b] -Brizon’s ship is a variation on the design of Kai’s stinger in [i]I Worship His Shadow[/i].

    [b]The End of the Universe[/b] -Xev tried to fight Mantrid drones off with the femur Pa used as a weapon in [i]White Trash[/i].

    [b]Fire and Water[/b] -The interior of Princetown looks a lot like the Special Projects Area in [i]I Worship His Shadow[/i].

    [b]Gondola[/b] -In some scenes the Prince copy of Kai seems to be missing Kai’s mark, in others it is clearly visible.

    [b]K-Town[/b] -The metallic component on Kai that the control rods are removed from contains the Seal of the Divine Order.

    [b]Battle[/b] -Zev’s dress in the flashback contains the Seal of the Divine Order.

    [b]Little Blue Planet[/b] -The flash cards President Davison is reading from in the beginning all have a stylized Grey alien head on the back. The symbol reappears on Mission Light Brigade paraphernalia , only inside a circle with a line through it.
    -A poster with a picture of Barnab Hufferton from [i]Fluff Daddy[/i] is supposed to be visible in the background.

    [b]Texx Lexx[/b] -The beam headed for Pluto bends the light from objects behind it.
    -The Carpathian painting is part of [i]The Temptation of Saint Anthony[/i] by Hieronymus Bosch turned backwards.

    [b]Xevivor[/b] -Behind Tina are photographs of two real life skulls believed by some to be human-Grey hybrids.

    [b]Vlad[/b] -This episode makes use of the famous [i]Apollo 17[/i] photograph of Earth.

    [b]Bad Carrot[/b] -This episode makes use of the famous [i]Apollo 17[/i] photograph of Earth.

    [b]Prime Ridge[/b] -In the background in the ad for Prime Ridge, the awning of a shop says “ARCADIA.” Arcadia was an idyllic town in Greek mythology where nothing bad ever happened.
    -At the bottom of Stan’s wanted poster, it says “Remarks: HE IS ALWAYS COMPLAINING ABOUT SOMETHING.”

    [b]Moss[/b] -When Bunny says “I can’t watch this anymore.” the actor Kai is on the television.
    -President Priest’s rendition of Moss’ salute is similar to George W. Bush’s infamous three-finger sign.

    [b]The Game[/b] -Prince’s lip ring disappears and reappears throughout the scenes in the Other Zone.
    -When the second 790 rook is destroyed, the cut in it is perpendicular to where the axe actually hit.

    [b]Haley’s Comet[/b] -All of the outer planets of the Solar System are shown once, except for Uranus, which is seen in two different shots.

    [ 04-04-2002: Message edited by: DalekTek790 ]


    And I thought that I was obsessed with Lexx!?!


    DalekTek790 did a great job of geeking out for us. We need more insights to cover the last several episodes of the series.

    Not as subtle an observation as many of those, I start off by offering that in Yo Way Yo the name on the bespectacled Texan nerd’s T-shirt is “Patsy” which was quite appropriate for the fellow and the other grad student-like characters (and perhaps grad students in general?).


    [b]Additional: [/b]

    [b]I Worship His Shadow[/b] -Every other “arm” on the [i]Fore Shadow[/i] has a satellite dish.
    -The 6 craft seem to be coming from the part of Brunnis-2 that is the last to be destroyed.
    -The images that appear in Kai’s extracted memories are of a man, the [i]Fore Shadow[/i]’s control pod, the Time Prophet, something that looks like a church window, the [i]Fore Shadow[/i], a small boy with the Brunnen-G hairstyle and clothes, and the destruction of Brunnis-2.
    -Variations on the same latticework appear below Stan’s viewscreen, on both types of robots, on the Divine Predecessors’ pillars, and in the debris among the Predecessors on the Lexx.
    -Someone climbs by the screen behind Stan’s bed when the wakeup call is playing.
    -Thodin’s insect-shaped container looks a lot like the flying robots in [i]The Dark Zone[/i].
    -The docking bay Stan works at has the Seal of the Divine Order on the wall next to the Arabic number “511.”
    -The exchange between Stan and the line officer is very much like the events in the Paul Donovan’s 1992 short film [i]The Dark Zone[/i].
    -The scene where Stan throws hex nuts at the robot drones is also similar to [i]The Dark Zone[/i], where he throws crumpled-up notes at an area housing a robot drone, trying to get one in a hole.
    -The robot drone in front of Stan moves slightly.
    -The tattoos on the new Divine Shadow host, when viewed from above, form the shape of an insect.
    -One “strand” of the essence separates from the rest and enters the new host through the nostril.
    -The eyes of the old Divine Shadow host remain black even after the essence is passed.
    -The brain cut from the old host has burn marks on it.
    -There is red on the inside of His Shadow’s robes.
    -There is a whirlwind-like effect over the Time Prophet’s head.
    -In the flashback, Kai has hair hanging in front of his right eye, instead of his usual left eye.
    -The Divine Predecessors are flown to the Lexx in an Insect-shaped craft piloted by a robot drone.
    -16 brains are visible in the craft.
    -Every single robot drone we see is numbered “790.”
    -One of the prisoners on the hanging slabs appears to have blue skin, but it is actually a veil-like net surrounding his body.
    -There are [i]Star Trek[/i]-style purple and red fluorescent lights below the prisoner viewscreen.
    -The images that flash across the screen during Argon Protopi’s memory search are of a dark-haired woman’s face, hands removing a woman’s undergarments, a man’s face, another woman’s face, and finally the memory of the Divine temple.
    -The organs that fall onto the plate are a kidney, a lung, the entire brain, and an eyeball; the other eyeball is in the flesh collected in the bag.
    -In the shot of the Lexx’s mouthparts devouring the bagged flesh, it has discernible glossae and paraglossae.
    -There are two Divine clerics in the background in Zev’s memory, and one 790 drone.
    -The hair color options on the lusticon are brown, blue, green, red, and blonde.
    -The cursor starts on blonde, then is moved up to brown then down to blue; but by the time the second phase of the love slave transformation has begun, it is on green.
    -All of the tall security robots are numbered “1266.”
    -Green chariots like the one 790 summons can be seen wheeling around when Stan visits the correction center; some are empty, others are carrying cylinders full of clear liquid.
    -The medallion Thodin is wearing has the image of an arachnid on it, like a spider or tick.
    -Thodin also has a patch on his right side depicting a dragonfly.
    -The masked man who throws brains at the Cluster lizards has two Cluster Awards of Merit.
    -Some of the people in the audience at Cobalt Stadium are waving cards in the shape of stylized Cluster lizards.
    -Non-Roman characters can be seen under the image of Zev when the camera scans her.
    -The same type of characters, italicized, can be seen displayed vertically in Bugbomb’s vision.
    -His Divine Shadow’s key is blue, while the Heretics’ key is yellow.
    -The female officer’s body is not vaporized by the black pack, only her head.
    -One of the Austral-B Heretics’ hand in left clinging to the scaffolding when the rest of him is vaporized by a black pack.
    -The new Divine Shadow is barefoot, whereas the last one had black boots.
    -The wounds inflicted on the Divine Shadow host have healed by the time of the trepan scene.
    -When Kai crushes the brain, the memories shown is the exact same montage of images as when his memory was taken, only played backwards.
    -When His Shadow jumps from the bridge, translucent red wing-like extensions deploy from his robes.
    -Several of the smaller ships in the Cluster’s 24th Attack Wing are seen to be vaporized when they attempt to enter the fractal core.
    -The end credits use the British spelling of “center” for the “Correction Centre Guard” credit.
    -The disclaimer at the end of the end credits reads “All universes, characters depicted, names used, and incidents portrayed in this film are fictitious. No identification with actual persons is intended or should be inferred. Blah, blah, blah … Any resemblance of the characters portrayed to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.”
    -There is an advertisement for [url=][/url] in big letters above the production information.

    [b]Eating Pattern[/b] -There are things in the sky like blood vessels.
    -The Wist clone crosses her eyes when she orally implants the worm in Stanley.

    [b]The Giga Shadow[/b] -The man Kai kills in the protoblood flashback is wearing the same outfit as the frontier customs officer in [i]I Worship His Shadow[/i].

    [b]Mantrid[/b] -A piece of the Cluster including Cobalt Stadium is visible as debris near Mantrid’s planet.
    -The effect of crossing universes is different than in [i]I Worship His Shadow[/i].

    [b]Terminal[/b] -When the plasma from the terminal’s engines begins to come into the chamber Kai is in, a purple, essence-like substance floats about the room.

    [b]Lyekka[/b] -The Lexx’s interior has changed.
    -There is a vermiform, apricot-colored tentacle at the center of the plant pod when it “takes root,” which forms into the Lyekka simulacrum’s lower body and legs, though this metamorphosis is obscured from the viewer by the outer tentacles.
    -When Lyekka appears nude, she has no navel, but in subsequent episodes when she is clothed she does.
    -Right after Kai makes the joke about it being a good dream he scans Stan’s face for a reaction.

    [b]Love Grows[/b] -The storm the stripper ship gets caught in looks similar to the ion veil in [i]Lyekka[/i].

    [b]White Trash[/b] -One of the Golleans on Vermal appears to be Pa’s identical twin.

    [b]Patches in the Sky[/b] -The women in Fruitcake’s dream appear to be love slaves.

    [b]Woz[/b] -The Dark lady’s love slave guards seem to be wearing blinders.
    -The original Zev is credited as Lisa Hynes, whereas in [i]I Worship His Shadow[/i] it was spelled “Hines.”

    [b]Fire and Water[/b] -790’s eyes are pinker than they were in the last season, even before Kai’s repairs.
    -The Lexx’s bridge has changed color, but not shape, between the flashback and the main events.

    [b]May[/b] -The moth breeders in this episode are similar to the robot drone in [i]The Dark Zone[/i].

    [b]K-Town[/b] -Several bricked-over windows are visible inside of K-Town.
    -There are five balloons visible at the end of the episode.

    [b]Tunnels[/b] -The bureaucrats in Hogtown are dressed the same as Mantrid in the previous episode.

    [b]Girltown[/b] -The cage Stan’s head is in is similar to the headcage in [i]Stan’s Trial[/i].

    [b]The Beach[/b] -From this episode on, 790’s left eye is slightly bluish, while the right eye is the same pink it has been for the entire season.
    -In the scene where Stan washes up on the Beach it is apparent that Brian Downey is wearing some sort of wetsuit under his costume.

    [b]Heaven and Hell[/b] -All of the souls in the Inferno appear nude, except for Stan.
    -If you look really close, you can make out the western coast of North America on the little blue planet at the end.

    [b]Little Blue Planet[/b] -The Lexx’s interior has changed again.

    [b]P4X[/b] -Tina is staring at Kai as he is talking to Dr. Longbore, foreshadowing the events in [i]Xevivor[/i].
    -The newspaper Kai is reading has an ad for “space age shoes” for $12.95, marked down from $80.00.

    [b]Stan Down[/b] -This episode makes use of the famous [i]Apollo 17[/i] photograph of Earth.

    [b]Xevivor[/b] -The Xevivor voting ballot is similar to the “Butterfly ballot” design.

    [b]Walpurgis Night[/b] -The bats that scare Stan are not vampire bats, they are too big.
    -The sign on the inn says “CLOACA,” which is Latin for “bath” but also means “sewer” and in scientific terminology is the organ reptiles and birds have in place of a rectum.

    [b]Vlad[/b] -Vlad has a red version of the Seal of the Divine Order on her chest.

    [b]Haley’s Comet[/b] -There is a grill over 790’s mouthscreen in the final scene.

    [b]Viva Lexx Vegas[/b] -The lettering on Drago’s sarcophagus is not Egyptian, Coptic, or the characters seen in [i]I Worship His Shadow[/i].

    [b]Trip[/b] -Kai’s hair is not restored to how it appeared when he was alive.
    -The scene where Stan sees Xev rolling first in the corridor to his left, then the one to his right is similar to a scene in [i]Aliens[/i].
    -The scene where Stan has a hallucinatory conversation with the food spigot is similar to a scene in the drug-themed horror film [i]Naked Lunch[/i].

    [b]Yo Way Yo[/b] -Even though the asteroid is twice the size of the moon it is not spherical.
    -The scenes where the asteroid looms over various cities is similar to scenes in [i]Independence Day[/i].
    -The names on Dr. Longbore’s laptop in no way correspond to the names he reads off.
    -Dr. Longbore’s vocalizer unit is knocked away from his body when Priest shoves him, yet he is able to speak and his voice has the same electronic undertones.
    -This episode makes use of the famous [i]Apollo 17[/i] photograph of Earth.
    -The Lexx has even fewer ocular parabola working than in [i]Texx Lexx[/i] when Stan asks it to fire.
    -When 790 orders the Lexx to blow up Earth, more of the ocular parabola work and the beam is similar to when the Lexx was fully functional.
    -The flight into the asteroid is similar to a scene in [i]Independence Day[/i].
    -Kai’s kamikaze flight closely parallels the opening scenes of [i]I Worship His Shadow[/i].
    -Kai laughs when he sees that the mass of the Higgs boson ends in a repeating decimal.
    -The key to the new Lexx is blue, like His Shadow’s key in [i]I Worship His Shadow[/i].
    -Two of the pieces of debris seen floating near 790 are exactly the same shape.
    -“The End” appears in a different typeface than the lettering in [i]I Worship His Shadow[/i]and the episode titles.

    [ 08-05-2002: Message edited by: DalekTek790 ]


    I know Im nitpicking Dalek but I dont think Kai was impressed with the mass of the creation particle. Something like that would be trivial to the Brunnen-G.

    Im reminded of “Supernova” when Kai was told:

    Today is not your day to enjoy death.

    I think Kai was just thrilled he was finally dying. But regardless thats not why Im posting 😛

    Did you notice that BlueStar and little Lexx have very similar voices or do I just have a bad memory? Going to watch Supernova tonight to check.


    When Kai says the Lexx is being assisted by gravity returning to Earth in its weakened state in Yo Way Yo, the fiction in the science fiction is prominent. Gravitational acceleration caused by the sun over 93 million miles away from the sun just won’t significantly increase the speed of the Lexx, compared to the short time they got back to Earth (though I didn’t see how far away from Earth they were, we didn’t see much time pass on Earth; it wasn’t weeks, looked more like hours to my guess). Maybe the dark zone physics was little phunny compared to ours.

    Wouldn’t you know the Higgs mass is a 13…
    guess that’s why we were type 13s.


    OK, here’s one for you:

    In “Fire and Water” when they do the long shot of Stan in the bicycle torture ala Hollywood Squares, the person to Stan’s right (our left) is Mother Teresa, the person to Stan’s left is Albert Einstein, the person above Mother Teresa is some guy in a bunny suit and the person below looks like Captain Kirk (gold shirt with black pants). I can’t make out the rest though, and the person right below Stan is in one of those guillotine contraptions, so there’s no way to tell who it’s supposed to be.


    In Stan Down, I think the guy in charge of supervising Stan’s bashing was at the start of Little Blue Planet, the one who said Macaroni’ and not Marconi.
    Of course, I may be wrong…



    Originally posted by Chameleon:
    In Stan Down, I think the guy in charge of supervising Stan’s bashing was at the start of Little Blue Planet, the one who said Macaroni’ and not Marconi.
    Of course, I may be wrong…

    I deliberately ommitted actor re-use, since that’s a topic in itself.


    In I WORSHIP HIS SHADOW – all the prisoners, except for Thodin, wear the same harnesses. The heretics, Giggerotta, etc.

    One other thing to look for would be Zev’s shoes. Before her transformation, she’s wearing little white slippers. Once she’s tranformed, she has the black boots that are actually attached to the platform like her wrist restraints.



    I was looking at the part where HDS steals Kai’s memories. I actually looked at the dvd frame-by-frame. In the upper right hand corner – they show a young woman with curly dark hair. They show her several times – Is this perhaps Kai’s living lover or maybe his mother? Any ideas. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

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