This is Maya’s response to you Frey.
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- This topic has 25 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 9 months ago by
6th June 2004 at 2:43 am #39972
ParticipantPost by Banned poster was deleted.
7th June 2004 at 1:14 am #71511cloaked
Participant*walks into barren waste land*
*looks around*
*shakes head and walks away*7th June 2004 at 5:47 am #71535Dee
ParticipantDee is a bit buzzed after 6 Beck’s beers.. Humm.. I must say it sucks ass maya is banned 👿 I mean gee.. let the past be the past, if it’s over APEC stuff.. All stuff before my time, but really… move on fokes, left the ban 😡 It is not needed. Maya has been nothing but a doll on and helped out a lot of fellow Lexxians! Get over it peeps, act like adults, left the ban 😀
7th June 2004 at 6:05 am #71541ilyekkakai
Participant[color=red] Weeeeel…I am drinking down a rather large bottle of Rhine and..
[size=24]Right on [/size][/color]
7th June 2004 at 5:29 pm #71583mok
ParticipantIf we’re voting (and I am under no delusions that we are) Maya has been nothing but a positive and Lexxilicious member for the time I knew her. Hopefully a pardon can be considered. ME! ME! Can I be her parole officer? 😈 😈
7th June 2004 at 6:13 pm #71590Anonymous
GuestMaya is a well respected member of the LEXXian community on some areas of the internet. An avid poster with many views and ideas that are not always shared by others and has had many disagreements with people!
Sounds like an ideal sadboard member. Unfortunately, Maya was banned for personally attacking one of the moderators and generally being a nuisance. Maya wasn’t banned by me, but I stood by the ban and have never questioned it.
Recently Maya was able to post on this site, however due to some glitch- not quite sure what, the IP number was missed off the banned list and it took a while to correct. Maya is therefore still banned until further notice.
Personally, I’m not sure how I feel about this, I sometimes feel that I’ve been harder on some and softer on others – however, personal attacks on mods on this board will not be tolerated because they general deserve much respect (they all work really hard on this site and don’t deserve some of the nasty things that have been said).
Having said all that, a post on Sci Fi regarding this issue (see here: seems top encapsulate all the reasons why Maya was banned. I and the mods on this site don’t need this much agro from one poster.
So, as far as I’m concerned. I’m happy that the ban stays in place – especially after the above post.
7th June 2004 at 7:32 pm #71597Dee
ParticipantCome on man, give peace a chance! 😕 Maya dose not have the power to offer an olive branch here at Sad’s, but the admin & mods do. So, it’s up to them. Why not give maya a second chance? Geez, ya treat Sexecutioner better than you have maya 🙁
7th June 2004 at 8:53 pm #71604KarubaLuna
ParticipantI appreciate your response Mr. Sadgeezer. This is your site and you get to call the shots. No doubt your mods are hard-workers, close friends and you respect them and their decisions. However, Maya’s “recent” banning (recent in quotations because I am aware of all the rationales, crossed wires and explanations) was very badly handled. Although the mod’s were allegedly only enforcing past policy on a single poster they actually have hurt the whole community.
Maya is very important to the Lexxian community on all its various sites. She has been nothing but kind and giving of her time and resources. When I was a noob, she treated me with respect and openness and made me feel very welcome in the community. She is a high priestess for many of us. 😀
Watching events unfold from the sidelines, I can only say that the banning has hurt many of us. Not just Maya. No one contacted Maya or made any explanations. We all react differently. Can you blame some of us for going ballistic? It has just been very disturbing to watch and upsetting for a lot of us.
Perhaps I am beating a dead horse, but I would like to petition you for Maya’s reinstatement. Whether she actually comes back or not is another matter entirely and shouldn’t play a role in the principle of the decision. I for one, would be grateful to see her reinstated if for no other reason than as an olive branch to our community and balm for our wounds at seeing one of our own treated so badly. I am a post APEC fan and singularly uninterested in past battles. Please help us move past all this past silliness and get on with being a happy community of lovin’ Lexxians.
7th June 2004 at 10:36 pm #71610Anonymous
GuestGod points both!
[quote=”Dee”]….Why not give maya a second chance? Geez, ya treat Sexecutioner better than you have maya [/quote]
For the reasons I’ve explained above. And, sexecutioner is not treated better.
[quote=”KarubaLuna”]……Perhaps I am beating a dead horse, but I would like to petition you for Maya’s reinstatement. Whether she actually comes back or not is another matter entirely and shouldn’t play a role in the principle of the decision. I for one, would be grateful to see her reinstated if for no other reason than as an olive branch to our community and balm for our wounds at seeing one of our own treated so badly. I am a post APEC fan and singularly uninterested in past battles. Please help us move past all this past silliness and get on with being a happy community of lovin’ Lexxians.[/quote]
Thankyou for your post Karuba, it is genuine and elloquent and one should count themselves [i]very [/i]lucky to have such good comments expressed as well on their behalf.
This site is heavily moderated in that if the rules (and there are very few of them) are broken there are concequences. This isn’t a board managed by a clique, we often argue and dissagree with ourselves and other posters and I think that’s a good thing. But personal attacks on someone who is not paid to do the things they do and who only wants to try and keep the peace is hurtful not only to the Mod/Admin or reporter concerned, but to me personally.
Karuba, based on your post, I’ll speak to the mods and admins about it, but I have to say personally that Maya didn’t do herself any good burning bridges like that on sci and I’m nervous of re-instating someone who feels ok to go and spread dissinformation is that way. I remember re-instating someone in the past and having them eventually turn round an bite me in the bum – it hurt.
To help put things in perspective, in the six years that this site has been running, I/we’ve only ever banned 4 users. It takes a lot to get banned from SadBOARD and as a result, it will prolly take just as much to be re-instated. I’m sorry this is upseting some of you and because of this I will personally take the decision weather to re-instate Maya based on my own findings. Please be assured that this does not mean re-instatement. I’ll get back to you [i](in this thread). [/i]
7th June 2004 at 10:48 pm #71611KarubaLuna
ParticipantSir, you are a gentleman. Your kindness and candor are much appreciated. Thank you.
7th June 2004 at 11:26 pm #71615FX
Participant🙁 enough already, to refresh memories for our older posters, and to bring the newbies up to date, there were terrible wars here at the end of 2001 which culminated in my banning both maya and gelfling…i felt, and continue to feel, that maya has no boundaries…she carried the flame wars over to my personal email, as well as attacking me multiple times on the board…same same for gelfling…i have just read maya’s revisionist theory of events on, and once again, she has come up with a story with very few facts, and is now defending it as the truth…frey had nothing to do with banning maya, but apparently many people immediately took maya’s version as gospel, and turned on frey 👿
to those of you that feel that maya has been unjustly treated, i am sorry, but her version of events is not what happened…nevertheless, i am sorry for all the misunderstandings, and hope you will all continue to visit …as saddy says, none of the admins ban lightly, but we all feel there have to be some limits, and unfortunately, people do cross those lines despite multiple warnings, and thus end up banned…
7th June 2004 at 11:48 pm #71616El_Coul
ParticipantI know this is COMPLETELY O/T but…
Did anyone ever see that Simpson’s episode where George and Barbara Bush decided moved into the house across the street from our favorite family?
Of course, Homer and George dont see eye to eye and start fussin and feudin so George hangs a big banner on his OWN house that reads ‘Bad Neighbor’ so that Homer will know he is a bad neighbor when he looks across the street.
Twas Funny
OK, sorry, back to the show!
8th June 2004 at 12:47 am #71621KarubaLuna
Participant[quote=”FX”]:( enough already, to refresh memories for our older posters, and to bring the newbies up to date, there were terrible wars here at the end of 2001 which culminated in my banning both maya and gelfling…i felt, and continue to feel, that maya has no boundaries…she carried the flame wars over to my personal email, as well as attacking me multiple times on the board…same same for gelfling…i have just read maya’s revisionist theory of events on, and once again, she has come up with a story with very few facts, and is now defending it as the truth…frey had nothing to do with banning maya, but apparently many people immediately took maya’s version as gospel, and turned on frey 👿
to those of you that feel that maya has been unjustly treated, i am sorry, but her version of events is not what happened…nevertheless, i am sorry for all the misunderstandings, and hope you will all continue to visit …as saddy says, none of the admins ban lightly, but we all feel there have to be some limits, and unfortunately, people do cross those lines despite multiple warnings, and thus end up banned…[/quote]
I understand your point of view FX. But that was years ago. It’s like divorced people still fighting over what happened during their marriage. It’s embarrassing for outsiders to watch. And who was right or wrong isn’t important to anyone anymore. Refreshing memories adds to the problems, it doesn’t solve anything.
As long as I’ve been in Lexx fandom Maya has been nothing but exemplary. And she is a big part of our family. It takes a big person to let go of the past. I’m hoping both sides of this vengeful old thing are up to the task of putting aside grudges. It is a small hope, but a genuine one nevertheless.
8th June 2004 at 2:11 am #71636Dee
ParticipantI still say let maya post again free 🙂 I mean, it will not end anyone’s life, or cost jobs, Come on .. the powers that be.. let it go.. be stand up memers of the human race, fast and easy. Please left the ban on maya!! 😀
8th June 2004 at 2:36 am #71639El_Coul
ParticipantDear Lexx.comers,
I wasnt gonna post about this (in an un-smartypants kind of way) but…
I appreciate how y’all feel but lets remember weve just crashed this dinner party en masse so lets try not to complain about the food before the hosts and hostesses have even finished setting the table to accomodate their new ‘guests’ huh? 😉
8th June 2004 at 2:41 am #71640KarubaLuna
ParticipantDinner? Did someone say dinner? Hey, I never saved any of our recipes from the great recipe thread we had going over at the old place and am now kicking myself. “Why clutter up the desk?”, I thought. “I can pull the recipes off the bored any ole time.”
Does anyone have some of those recipes, including RIII’s oyster dip? I know I should’ve printed it out. I know I should’ve, I know I should’ve.
8th June 2004 at 2:42 am #71641Dee
Participant[quote=”El_Coul”]Dear Lexx.comers,
I wasnt gonna post about this (in an un-smartypants kind of way) but…
I appreciate how y’all feel but lets remember weve just crashed this dinner party en masse so lets try not to complain about the food before the hosts and hostesses have even finished setting the table to accomodate their new ‘guests’ huh? :wink:[/quote]
That is true my pal, but what if you was judged on ya past at the dinner table, and nerve given a chance to prove you are a polite & worthy dinner guest now? 😈
8th June 2004 at 5:00 pm #71724Flamegrape
ParticipantMeh. 🙄
9th June 2004 at 1:53 am #71787Anonymous
Guest[quote=”Flamegrape”]Meh. :roll:[/quote]
9th June 2004 at 2:05 am #71788RIII
Participant[quote=”KarubaLuna”]Dinner? Did someone say dinner? Hey, I never saved any of our recipes from the great recipe thread we had going over at the old place and am now kicking myself. “Why clutter up the desk?”, I thought. “I can pull the recipes off the bored any ole time.”
Does anyone have some of those recipes, including RIII’s oyster dip? I know I should’ve printed it out. I know I should’ve, I know I should’ve.[/quote]
I’ve got some, but not all as I had hoped to get the rest later, but I’ve been having computer problems for the past while. I’ll PM you the ones I have copied, along with my oyster dip one. 😉
9th June 2004 at 3:04 am #71797KarubaLuna
ParticipantThank you! And may I just say, you have no idea how richly satisfying it is to see your name on the forum list. So glad you made it. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the computer to keep on tickin’. 😀
9th June 2004 at 3:24 am #71799Anonymous
InactiveHidey-ho RIII!
11th June 2004 at 3:52 am #71884RIII
Participant😀 Logan! 😉
Sorry for the delay Karuba [hugs] – I’ll copy those recipes and send them to you. I’d make the oyster dip for you, but you’re too far away. 😉
11th June 2004 at 4:50 am #71886KarubaLuna
ParticipantNo rush doll. When it is convenient for you and not before. 😀
12th June 2004 at 1:41 pm #71958Anonymous
GuestSorry for the late reply, there was a lot of stuff to wade through on this and other boards.
[b][u]I’ve decided to keep the ban in place[/u][/b]. A permanent ban is a permanent ban and it’s enforced on SadBOARD then it’s for very good reasons.
Unfortunately an error was made when transferring to another server earlier in the year, the IP ban list became corrupted and scrubbed some of the old banned IP’s (I’ve looked into this as much as can and it’s the only explanation I can see). This allowed Maya to believe that the ban had been lifted and she posted as normal until the IP error was spotted and corrected. I understand that this may have been upsetting to Maya who was able to post one day and not the next (and who possibly had hoped that the animosity of a couple of years ago had been forgotten). It was unfortunate and I can only offer my sincere apologies for the ban list error.
I’ve also noted the considerable support that Maya has in the LEXX community, Mods on this board, Mods from other boards, regular SadBOARD posters and new members of this site visiting while was down – many of whom have expressed concern regarding this situation.
But after reading many of the posts in this forum (old and new), checking the ban details with the moderators and reading the posts on I came to the conclusion that the ban should stay in place. I’m not going to go into the reasons why because it would be unfair to discuss details of someone who couldn’t respond on this board.
However, although the decision was regrettable, it was not a difficult one to make and I believe Maya herself has stated on another board that she is happy not to return.
12th June 2004 at 5:36 pm #71967RIII
ParticipantYour time, honesty, and clarity are much appreciated – at least by me. I like Maya and was saddened to read the fiasco, but rules must be enforced to safeguard fairness. I’m a great believer in not holding grudges, but to lift a permanent ban opens up the potential for all sorts of future difficulties. I honour your decision.
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