Today’s my Birthday & I’m now 38 yrs old

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Today’s my Birthday & I’m now 38 yrs old

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  • #37131

    Hi Fellow Lexxians,
    Today’s my birthday & I’m now 38 yrs old; I probably turned 38 yrs old when I was asleep, about 2am, PDT. Later on, after dinner, I’ll be having cake & probably some ice cream & open presents; I’ll be listening to the 1st Sharks Exhibition Game at Staples Center & be watching Lexx. This yr, I’ll be spending my birthday with my parents [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] ; in the last couple yrs, I’ve been spending my birthday in Las Vegas.
    I’d like to give you a poem; then like to know if, those of you that went to this yr’s Dragon*Con, think I’m 38 yrs old; &, those of you who didn’t go to this yr’s Dragon*Con, & would like to see a picture of me, go to: [url=/lexxcons/US-Uncon_files/LexxUScon2002Atlanta099.jpg]Me at Dragon Con[/url]

    38 yrs old are very wise
    in their yrs;
    They see things that no
    one else sees;
    They grow Spiritially,
    emotionally & physically;
    They have fun, enjoy life
    & are more predictable than
    in any other age, except
    They are intellectual, grand,
    & know a lot about life;
    38 yr olds seem to have more
    of the good life than at any
    other time.
    If today is also your birthday,
    celebrate it with happiness,
    joy, greatness & make the most
    of your day as special as

    Tonight when I’m listening to the Sharks dethrone the LA Kings & watch Lexx (10pm, PDT), I’ll be thinking of you very nice people & the fun we’re all going to have at next yr’s Dragon*Con; tonight’s episode of the Lexx is, `Prime Ridge’.
    Take care & have a great Fall.

    Lexxians Unite,
    Jhevz [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    I fixed your pic link – theFrey

    [ 20-09-2002: Message edited by: thefrey ]


    Happy birthday!


    Happy Birthday!!!!! Congradulations on becoming 38! I like your poem, it’s really good! Lexx comes on at 10 there? or are you just going to watch a tape? I wish it still came on here at 10, maybe I wouldn’t miss it so much…. I am hoping to make it to next year’s Dragon Con, but it all depends on my mom… Hey!! I just remembered! My birthday is coming up soon! I feel like i’ve been 13 for a millena!! Anyway, Happy Birthday again, i hope you enjoy it and gets lots of good stuff!!!


    Happy Birthday, Jhevz! Nice to see another hockey fan on the board! I like The Sharks, but of course my loyalties are with the Blackhawks,and my hubby’s, of course, are with The Mapleleafs and the Montreal “Pretty Boys” (check out their back up goalie…THUD!) Hope you get good presents! TRINI_T


    Happy Birthday, Jhevz! =) big 38


    Happy Birthday! I hope you have many more and that each one is happy. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Thank you all for the birthday wishes; I’m having a grand birthday & got wonderful presents.
    Trini_T, I’m a Shark fan, but also a Maple Leaf fan; my dad’s from Toronto, Canada.
    Right now, I’m going to have some cake; & thanks again for the lovely birthday wishes.
    Take care & have a great Fall.

    Lexxians Unite,
    Jhevz [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


    Very happy Birthday, hope the Sharks won! Yaay, more hockey fans. I have the misfortune of following the Rangers [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]
    but my backup is usually Toronto or Montreal, depending on who’s more exciting that year [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


    mandara k

    Happy Birthday: it sounds like you had a lot of fun. Mine is December 27; you know the kind that you always got one saved Christmas present instead of a birthday present! [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img]

    Good to know there are hockey fans out there; I’ll be going to the Midwest in 3 weeks and back to supporting the Chicago Blackhawks though i have not had a chance to watch a lot of the sport in recent years (working on other things). Ah, Chicago; the Art Institute and Navy Pier. It does a heart good to think about it.


    Thanks again for the lovely birthday messages; I had a rich, but good & delicious chocolate cake on my birthday; next Saturday, we celebrate my daddy’s 65th birthday. I really enjoyed my day Thursday, got some good gift, had a rich, but delcious chocolate cake & watched `Prime Ridge’
    mandara k, the Sharks didn’t win that day, but may be tonight or tomorrow. Go Blackhawks, after all, they’re the underdogs in the NHL world.
    Trini_T & mandara k, we should get-together & talk hockey; of course, the others might not know what we’re talking about, but they can learn.
    Thanks again for the lovely birthday messages, take care & have a great Fall.

    Lexxians Unite,
    Jhevz [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

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