
Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Farscape Toonscape

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  • #37730

    Carried over from the “Lets Talk” thread.


    Originally posted by Monkey:
    Looking forward to next week and the cartoon. I tryed to get on the spoiler page and it wouldnt come up so it must be busy.

    What ‘spoiler page’?

    I thought the ‘cartoon’ episode was pretty good. While I did find some of the toon bits a bit too much, I do find it very amusing that it angers so many people. [img]/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
    What I found most bothersome was the pace of the conversations between crew members, especially between Jool and Chiana I had to rewind several times just to get what they were saying. It just really seems like everyone on that ship is really angry, even pilot. It is kind of interesting that of the two crews, the angry frustrated Moya crew gets the nonsensical comedic episodes.

    It was cool to see a possible relationship between Jool and D’Argo developing. I was also pleased that D’Argo found a link to his culture. I hope we learn more about Luxan(?) civilization in future episodes.




    Lets talk was getting too long, I was going to starte a new page off of it too.
    I LOVED the toons on the show. That one is now my no.1 Fav. I grew up watching Chuck Jones toons and Horse’s favs are the Cyote/Roadrunner so we were in sci-fi heaven laughing our ass’s off! I love how the show dosent take itself serious and plays with different styles.The people grow and change, that is rare on tv shows.
    As for everyone on board being angry, my thinking is no one is getting any nookie so the tension is building up and has no where to go. Men dont deal well with frustation and it comes out in anger, with the shouting and hitting things. (Dargo/John) As for Jool/Chiana, C. bedded D. but no more, J. seams to be heading towards bedding D. and that is probaly ****ing off C. J. is waiting for A. to come back and knowing the other J. probaly bedded her is p.o. at that. Moya must feel all that tension and passes it on to Pilot. Moya probaly worries about Talyon too. So they all need to boink each other and get it out of their system!
    For the spoiler page, go to the links under the FS logo to the left and scroll down to the bottom. It is the 2nd to the last link. I just tryed again and on luck. Cool site, hope it comes back.
    Oh one more thing,Dargo ship. When and how did he get it? I dont remember seeing it before. Any one out there know?




    Originally posted by Monkey:
    [b]. I grew up watching Chuck Jones toons and Horse’s favs are the Cyote/Roadrunner so we were in sci-fi heaven laughing our ass’s off! I love how the show dosent take itself serious and plays with different styles.The people grow and change, that is rare on tv shows.

    Oh, I am all for FS not taking itself too seriously and I did (for the most part) enjoy the toons, it was just …I dunno some of the segments were too long, if they would have been more interspersed I think it would have worked better.


    As for everyone on board being angry, my thinking is no one is getting any nookie so the tension is building up and has no where to go. So they all need to boink each other and get it out of their system!

    Yeah I guess that all makes sense. Chiana has competition now, whereas before I do not think she saw Zhann as competition.


    For the spoiler page, go to the links under the FS logo to the left and scroll down to the bottom. It is the 2nd to the last link. I just tryed again and on luck. Cool site, hope it comes back.

    you talking about [url=] this page?[/url]


    Oh one more thing,Dargo ship. When and how did he get it? I dont remember seeing it before. Any one out there know?

    I have been curious about that as well. On the scifi site, under the journey log for Revenging Angel, all it says is that they recovered it from a commerce station. I think the first time I saw it was the first Moya episode (Losing Time?) after the ‘split’.





    THANK YOU!!!! (for the spoiler page) Thats the one I have been trying to go to. Just checking in now, more later.



    It’s funny that the critique of last Friday’s episode is apparently so varied. Antizero said much the same, in that it angered many people. My question is, where did you get this information? I would like to view some of the responses, myself.

    In my opinion, the episode was quality, albeit somewhat lacking after the previous two stellar (in more ways than one) episodes. While it was great to see Jool’s character coming along (much to Chiana’s dismay), and some insight into Luxan culture, the Looney Toon chase scenes became a bit much. I will admit though, I was laughing (I loved Looney Toons–heck, still do). The “painted wormhole,” though repetative, did serve its purpose.

    Since the episode was a very Jool-oriented one, what do you think of her character anyway? I first saw her in “Eat Me” after I had returned to television (and Farscape) after a year away at school. I had assumed she was some secondary character picked up in a previous episode, and I really thought she would be killed off. Much to my dismay at first, she wasn’t. I say “at first” because she seemed to me someone that was brought on the show to attract men, in her rather…provocative (though not nearly as much as some other shows *coughLEXXcough*) attire. So could someone fill me in on her origins? All I know is that she has a bloody annoying scream and she acts like a princess lost in the wilderness (a la the woman in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom). I suppose I should read the journey logs I missed…

    Alpha c. 5000 BC
    Omega 12/23/2012 AD



    Originally posted by Alpha2012Omega:
    [b]It’s funny that the critique of last Friday’s episode is apparently so varied. Antizero said much the same, in that it angered many people. My question is, where did you get this information? I would like to view some of the responses, myself.

    Go over to the site and check the message board there. You will have to go back a couple of days to get the initial reactions. [url=] Start here, [/url] this will take you back to last fridays postings, and work your way forward. Warning the board gets about 100 times the amount of traffic in one hour that this board has total. For instance the link above is for page 240 (dated 10 Aug), there are approx 40 something thread topics on each page, the page with the newest posting is number 252, so there have been over 400 threads started in 5 days.


    In my opinion, the episode was quality, albeit somewhat lacking after the previous two stellar (in more ways than one) episodes. , the Looney Toon chase scenes became a bit much. I will admit though, I was laughing (I loved Looney Toons–heck, still do). The “painted wormhole,” though repetative, did serve its purpose.

    Agreed. Although sometimes too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.


    Since the episode was a very Jool-oriented one, what do you think of her character anyway? So could someone fill me in on her origins? All I know is that she has a bloody annoying scream and she acts like a princess lost in the wilderness (a la the woman in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom). I suppose I should read the journey logs I missed…

    Yeah the journey logs and/or character bios from either the site or site would probably lend much more insight than I can offer, but I will try.
    She was found in a stasis pod on the planet that the crew went to to get Moya healed (from the burns inflicted at the end of season 2) and to get the Scorpy clone out of Johns head. She was one of two compatible doners for John. She was accidentely thawed out and has been with us since. Not much is know about her origins, except that she is of a noble species and well educated but not very experienced.
    As with any new character introduction it will take a while for her character to fully develop. I do not think she will ever ‘replace’ Zhann, but I like her ok.





    Hi everybody! Reality, wow! Had to deal with life for awhile.
    I too wondered what was the purpose of Jool at first but with Zhan gone she seams to be the medical person.With everyone dieing off every other show , well….. they need someone to play docter with.
    With Stark now looking for Zhan she may show up again anyway!
    The latest show here,USA 9pm aug. 17, just went to show how much the people on FS grow. Or in this case go back to ground zero. Looked like Aryn hit emotional(?) rock bottom. The John on Moya has a lot of work cut out for him to get Aryn loosened up again. He may have to look elsewhere for “friendship”.
    The local paper here had an article about summer tv reruns and that Sci-Fi has new shows and new episodes of older shows. They said that FS was the one show that help to bring new people to the cable network. I know I couldnt live w/o my Sci-Fi ch.



    Originally posted by Monkey:
    [b]Hi everybody! Reality, wow! Had to deal with life for awhile.

    Don’t you just hate when that happens.


    The latest show here,USA 9pm aug. 17, just went to show how much the people on FS grow. Or in this case go back to ground zero. Looked like Aryn hit emotional(?) rock bottom.

    I really liked that last episode. I think it had a very Bladrunnerish feel and look to it.


    The John on Moya has a lot of work cut out for him to get Aryn loosened up again. He may have to look elsewhere for “friendship”.

    Yup, you are probably correct. I have been wondering how the reunion will be handled, whether or not Aryn will accept John and just be glad that she still has him, or will she still mourn the dead John. I mean they are exactly the same person, except for the couple of weeks or so that they were seperated, so why would she not just fall right into his arms. It is not like she ‘picked’ one John over the other, it was just by chance that the crew was ‘split’ and she ended up being alone with one of the Johns. I wonder what the dynamics of the relationship between her and John would have been had the two Johns not been seperated.





    I’m going to miss a show I like to watch to write about a show I LOVE to watch!
    Aryn has just had two people she loved (we all love our mommys) DIE in her arms! I think even I would not want to give out of myself if people I wanted more time with died when I was trying to help them. (Can you follow that?)
    And if all of you who live in the states dont know it yet FS will starte on Sci-fi on monday at episode 1. My youngest Sis is looking forward to it as she came into FS 2nd season.
    Will be looking forward to the new ST show too! Look for me there!




    Originally posted by Monkey:
    Aryn has just had two people she loved (we all love our mommys) DIE in her arms! I think even I would not want to give out of myself if people I wanted more time with died when I was trying to help them. (Can you follow that?)

    Yes, but the point I was/am trying to make is still valid. John is still alive, so I would think that she would atleast be grateful that she still has him.


    And if all of you who live in the states dont know it yet FS will starte on Sci-fi on monday at episode 1.[/b]

    Oh, thanks for that info, I did not know that …time for me to catch up on all those episodes I missed.


    Will be looking forward to the new ST show too! Look for me there!

    I have mixed feeling about the upcoming Enterprise series. I just think that Scott Bakula is a terrible choice for a captain, he always seems so reserved and mellow. I would think that a 22nd century captain of the first Enterprise should be more …I dunno gruff and haggered. I think Michael Ironside would have been a better choice. I will of course reserve final judgement until AFTER the first couple of shows.




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