Transcript for Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Episodes?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Battlestar Galactica (Reimagined) Transcript for Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Episodes?

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    Hi, my friend loves Battlestar Galactica episodes but he isn’t very fluent in English. Does anyone have English Transcripts for Battlestar Galactica episodes 1 and 2 from season 3?

    Normally he relies on Closed Captions from TV but he missed the show. I recorded onto DVD but they don’t have closed caption information from the TV like I thought.


    [quote=”gkumar”]Hi, my friend loves Battlestar Galactica episodes but he isn’t very fluent in English. Does anyone have English Transcripts for Battlestar Galactica episodes 1 and 2 from season 3?[/quote]

    I have the same problem, [b]gkumar[/b]. I’m looking forward for theses trasncripts. Could someone help us? Where’s Hedgehog? He made the transcripts for season 2.

    []´s. 😯 🙁 8) 😛 🙄


    Headgehog has a very busy day job. Also lots of people rip off his transcripts as their own and I guess when that happens to you a lot it’s a bit of a downer.

    Hopefully he’ll be up for doing some this season. I hope so. What do you think Headge?

    [i]I’ll mention it to him when we do the next SadCAST on Friday[/i] 🙂

    mandara k

    To be honest, I totally support him NOT doing the transcripts. Let someone else do it for a change and we’ll just go steal his off GS.

    I mean I’ve been there, you put time and energy into something and someone passes it off like their own, and you not only get no thank you, you get crapped on.

    The beauty of it though is with creativity, it comes back time and time again, and you get oodles of it if you don’t limit yourself and let others limit you. Unlike those that steal, they steal your credit for a reason, they can’t do it themselves.

    And Headge, doing good for people always comes back to help you, believe me. You have some pleasantness points saved up for you, I know it. I couldn’t happen to a better guy.

    So I say congratulations; now when it happens come and tell me what it is, because i don’t judge what makes people happy, I just chant they become that way.

    This is how we help each other, you pray for me, I chant for you, I listen, you talk, I talk, you listen; we all agree we are in this life together, and we will help each other through whatever happens.

    I have been treated roughly on boards, yes, but there is no point in getting angry or even. That’s what faith is, strong faith in knowing that somehow someway i will emerge the victor in all of it, and stronger and more tolerant than ever before and yes, a lot more happier then even those who treated me horribly.

    In fact, I’m happier now than when I was on skiffy, and it saved me from all of that mess they see now! You know how it is, I’d see a post, respond to it, get personal insults and attacks. And I’m not one of those types that changes screen names to get back on. That’s a waste of time for those that don’t appreciate me anyway.

    So 😆 in a way, skiffy ran interference for me and kicked me off way before it. Thanks!

    I came back here and I feel better, lots better. It has restored my faith in sci-fi fans.

    Thanks to you knuckleheads.

    Now can we have a group grope, 😯 😈 and get back to talking sci-fi?


    [quote=”SadGeezer”]Headgehog has a very busy day job. Also lots of people rip off his transcripts as their own and I guess when that happens to you a lot it’s a bit of a downer.

    Hopefully he’ll be up for doing some this season. I hope so. What do you think Headge? [/quote]

    Sadgeezer summed it up pretty well.

    I can pretty much guarantee that I won’t be doing the first 3 episodes. Beyond the fact that I already need more than 24 hours in a day just to get my RL stuff done, I’m way too ill this week to spend hours hunched over a computer for a hobby. And if I can get well in time, I’ll be out of town this weekend on a very well needed vacation.

    I haven’t decided if I’ll be doing transcripts for the rest of the season yet. As SadGeezer and Mandara k pointed out, having another site pirate the transcripts is a major buzzkill. And it’s hard to motivate myself to do something that (now) feels like work on Friday nights.

    Some motivation does come knowing that the transcripts help those who are hard of hearing, or aren’t fluent in English. I provide very modest assistance to the excellent and hard working fans at . That site has teams of fans working to create subtitles of many TV shows in English and French. Hopefully the subs for the first couple episodes will be online shortly.

    If there are any sadgeezers out there who would be willing to give me a much needed hand on the transcripts, please send me a PM. If I get 5+ people interested, I can pretty much assure everyone that they individually won’t need to put in more than 10-15 minutes of work a week. I show, those interested, a few time saving tricks 8)

    mandara k

    Okay, Head’s up for Headge!

    Let us lift our glasses in salute of a great sadgeezer, and show him we appreciate his work last season for bringing us BSG transcripts FIRST!

    I went over to GS and of course they don’t have theirs up yet because they couldn’t steal Headge’s.


    I’d help you do it but I couldn’t avoid slipping in a nasty line or two about thieves and how useless they are.

    And I’d probably do this readily…

    Tigh “The Cylons are blah blah blah….

    *me, “but they sure can whip up some great toast in a pinch, or those eggo waffle thingies.”* 😆

    And then I’d wax poetic about toast. 😯 🙄

    Nope, you need true translators!

    I couldn’t avoid throwing in obscure lines in to spice it up and keep me entertained; to the ire of those trying to read the transcript as it is.

    I is what I is! 😉


    That is sad that people would steal hard work that other people did. ‘Tis a shame and a loss for all those who read those transcripts like my friend who has trouble with English.

    I would love to help but this is my final semester at college and things are already so busy….-(

    Maybe someone can still do the transcript and post their names and credits within the transcript itself so the work’s author is known. I don’t know, but it’s an idea.

    mandara k

    No, I’m sorry we can’t help you sweetie but well it will give you a chance to explore what is out there (and I know what’s out there)

    Then you can post here after your wandering.

    Good luck in your quest.

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