Transcript of the Paul Donovan and Lex Gigeroff ch

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Transcript of the Paul Donovan and Lex Gigeroff ch

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    This was kindly formatted for this site by Newkate:

    [20:16] {Moderator} Hi everyone, thanks for joining us here. I’m Ben Trumble for SCIFI. Tonight were pleased to welcome Paul Donovan Executive Producer of SCIFI’s hi series LEXX. Maybe we’ll discover what inspired him to bring the naughty, bawdy crew of the most destructive space craft in two universes to our own helpless little blue planet this season.

    [20:16] {Moderator} Brief word about the drill This is a moderated chat — please send your questions for our guest to me, Moderator, as private messages.

    [20:16] {Moderator} Let me add that Lex is typing for Paul, or so we understand

    [20:17] {PaulandLex} We’re each using one hand…

    [20:17] {Moderator} That leaves an empty hand as a cup holder — good idea

    [20:17] {Moderator} {Tyrannosaur} to {Moderator}: I’d like to know how the mechanism in Kai’s Weapon works.

    [20:17] {PaulandLex} The other hand is also quite busy at the moment, actually….

    [20:18] {PaulandLex} Tyrannosaur… it’s a wind-up spring kinda thing, only better. Check out Wal-Mart

    [20:19] {Moderator} {Rustam1} to {Moderator}: I’d heard that the Brunnen-G were sort of an aftethought in the first movie.. what made you want to expand on their story?

    [20:19] {PaulandLex} We fell in love with the colorful Brunnen-G costumes, and we’re simply NUTS about


    [20:19] -} *moderator* Have you started filming yet or are you still on hiatus?

    [20:20] {Moderator} {wolfclan} to {Moderator}: It seems that most media think that your fan base is mostly teenage boys. I noticed at UnCon this year the majoirty seemed to be older women. Why do you think there is this misconseption about your fanbase and why do you think it appeals to them.

    [20:21] {PaulandLex} We suspect Michael McManus is desperate to get laid, and vulnerable women everywhere sense it… as for teenage boys, decorum forbids us from going there….

    [20:21] {Moderator} {trillian} to {Moderator}: Hello guys: How’s the response for the new season from fans so far?

    [20:22] {PaulandLex} you tell us…

    [20:22] {Moderator} {angelmay} to {Moderator}: If Sci Fi is there monetarily for a 5th season of Lexx will there be one? Or are you planning on doing anything more after season 4 ends? Movies perhaps?

    [20:22] {PaulandLex} We plan to end the show this season….

    [20:23] {Moderator} Any hints as to what kind of projects you might do post-LEXX?

    [20:23] {PaulandLex} We have to complete a prison sentence and mandatory drug-counselling….

    [20:24] {Moderator} Ah…a White House series!

    [20:24] {Moderator} {SYFYKarl} to {Moderator}: Paul, you have such an impressive body of work spanning TV, film and print. Which is you favorite media to to create?

    [20:24] -} *moderator,* If we write the papers, who is the contact person that we direct the newspaper people to now?

    [20:25] {PaulandLex} I’ve always considered my greatest triumphs to be in Play-Doh…

    [20:25] {Moderator} {StormBorn} to {Moderator}: What about merchandising? Will you license some nifty LEXX stuff for us to buy?

    [20:25] {PaulandLex} absolutely… what do you want?….

    [20:29] {Moderator} {minecritter} to {Moderator}: so far, the most satisfying moment of L4 has been the senseless destruction of Pluto. How long are you going to make us wait before you turn that little blue planet into granite??

    [20:29] {PaulandLex} there’s much senseless destruction on the way…

    [20:29] {Moderator} {Hypatia} to {Moderator}: What are your favorite episodes?

    [20:30] {PaulandLex} Bridoom, 791, Prime Ridge, and Gillin’s Island episode # 317, and all of Space Precinct….

    [20:30] {Moderator} Several people have asked if Season Four will end with the story having gone full circle?

    [20:31] {PaulandLex} Fun? It’s like a vacation in the West Bank….

    [20:31] {PaulandLex} We’re big into full circle…

    [20:36] {Moderator} {trillian} to {Moderator}: What censoring gets under your skin more: for the sex or the violence?

    [20:37] {Paul} we can’t separate the difference between the two… is there one? …

    [20:37] {Moderator} {milk-boy} to {Moderator}: how on earth (or any other planet for that matter) did you come up with the idea of milk fed boys (supernova) from?

    [20:37] {Paul} It’s based on a small town in Newfoundland…

    [20:38] {Moderator} {Rintaun} to {Moderator}: why do you keep the annoying robot-head around and not just have stan like step on him or something?

    [20:38] {Paul} his day will come, don’t worry…

    [20:40] {Moderator} {Parasite159} to {Moderator}: are you supirsed that most lexxians are goths or fetishist? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    [20:40] {Paul} what’s a "Goth"?…

    [20:41] {Moderator} {MissJean} to {Moderator}: US and CAnadian fans are begging – can we please have less violence and more sex (especially naked Tweedle)?

    [20:41] {Paul} Naked Tweedle falls in the category of violence, not sex…

    [20:41] {Moderator} {mapfumo} to {Moderator}: Paul, so has the value of the comic tension between Stanley and the Robot head in thier quest for unrequited love has lost its appeal?

    [20:43] {Paul} In response to this issue, Stanley pays a visit to Las Ves in "Viva Lexx Ves" …

    [20:43] {Moderator} STATION IDENTIFICATION:

    [20:43] {Moderator} Just a reminder. We’re chatting with Paul Donovan Executive Producer of SCIFI’s hit series LEXX. If you have a question for our guest, please send it to me, Moderator, as a private message. . (To send a private message, either double-click on my name or type "/msg Moderator" on the command line – only without the quotes.)

    [20:43] {Moderator} {StormBorn} to {Moderator}: There’s a debate on some lists as to whether the story of LEXX is really Kai’s story? Comment?

    [20:44] {Paul} Hey what about me, Lex Gigeroff? Here I am, chained to a keyboard, sitting in my own filth?

    [20:44] {Moderator} Yeah guys…ask Lex a questions!

    [20:44] {Moderator} {trillian} to {Moderator}: Tell Lex to go take a shower and demand a raise ;p

    [20:45] {Moderator} {Parasite159} to {Moderator}: {lex} did you enjoy having all the girls hugging you and sitting on you lap at this years uncon? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    [20:46] {Paul} no

    [20:46] {Moderator} {Squishy} to {Moderator}: will we see the time prophet ain?

    [20:47] {Paul} btw, re whether Lex is Kai’s story, you could say that, but we consider it more of a post modern deconstruction of a thomist take on the post council of Trent world that we must all live in…

    [20:47] {Moderator} dgrequeen} to {Moderator}: Lex: what souvenirs do you plan to steal from Salter when Lexx is over?

    [20:48] {Paul} We are both wearing eva haberman’s underwear right now…

    [20:52] {Moderator} Guys, people want to knpw how much did alcohol and/or drugs effect the script writing process fr lexx..?

    [20:52] {Pauland} only methadone….

    [20:53] {Moderator} LexxBJJ} to {Moderator}: Will Salter and/or the Lexx cast and crew be a big part of Uncon next year as they were this year, or will it return to being more of a fan event as in previous years?

    [20:53] {Pauland} you tell us…

    [20:53] {Moderator} {Squishy} to {Moderator}: who is the funniest person on set?

    [20:54] {Pauland} The Time Prophet, especially when she does her naked ‘coin trick’…

    [20:54] {Moderator} {less} to {Moderator}: knowing what a big fan of baseball you are lex, will kai be playing baseball in a future ep of season 4 since hes here on earth? btw hope you liked the baseball kai drawing [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    [20:55] {Pauland} The dead do not hit the fastball… but the drawing’s lovely…

    [20:55] {Moderator} {ia} to {Moderator}: would you guys consider coming overseas for ornised con’s ?

    [20:56] {Pauland} We’re afraid to ride the bus to the airport, not that we have a phobia or anything…

    [20:56] {Moderator} {MissJean} to {Moderator}: Paul, what are you going to do after LEXX? Any plans for a movie (e.g. Paint Cans II: The Return of Dad?)

    [20:57] {Pauland} I’ve been working on PC II for years… and also a little renaissance thing…

    [20:58] {Moderator} Lots of people want to know about a possible DVD of LEXX outtakes?

    [20:58] {Pauland} I’m still working on my Zsa Zsa bor miniseries…

    [20:59] {Moderator} Zsa Zsa deserves an HBO biopic

    [20:59] {Pauland} Yes on the DVD outtakes… including heavyweight scenes with Michael McManus doing serious theatre….

    [20:59] {Moderator} {Herdarkzone} to {Moderator}: Paul & Lex, with such a imaginative show like LEXX that has touched so many people, why end it?

    [20:59] {Pauland} Rust never sleeps….

    [21:00] {Moderator} Will you work in the sci fiu genre ain after Lexx?

    [21:01] {Pauland} Who knows… but this L. Ron Hubbard thing sounds kinda cool….

    [21:01] {Moderator} And what a Box Office success John Travolta had with L Ron!

    [21:01] {Moderator} trillian} to {Moderator}: Is there a pet name for the boufante Kai do?

    [21:02] {Pauland} It’s a bun, a beehive, a Roccoco melon…

    [21:02] {Moderator} {MissJean} to {Moderator}: "Xevivor" was a really well-received episode – funny and a GREAT poke at the "survivor"/"Big Brother" type of shows! Is Jeffrey Hirschfield going to be writing many more

    [21:03] {Pauland} We’ve been trying to get rid of Jeff for a long time, but every time we come close the robot head refuses to act…

    [21:03] {Moderator} {milk-boy} to {Moderator}: any chances of a l33t lexx computer me..?

    [21:04] {Pauland} it’s beyond our control…

    [21:04] {Moderator} {amarEssay} to {Moderator}: Are you serious about the DVD outtakes, or just trying to send as many women into possible heart failer as you can?

    [21:06] {Pauland} we’re serious about the DVDs, really really serious… "Fluff Daddy" came in at 59 minutes, fifteen minutes of which had to be cut and will only appear on the DVD….

    [21:06] {Moderator} Moderator } Okay, we ino the last couple minutes… After four seasons… Best and worst memories?

    [21:07] {Pauland} The horror, the horror…

    [21:07] {Moderator} Our hour is about up. Thanks Paul and Lex for an entertaining chat. We’re gonna miss youse guys after this season. Thanks to our audience too for your questions. We’ll open the floor now. Good night.

    [21:08] {Pauland} Good night, danke!

    [ 24-09-2001: Message edited by: SadGeezer ]


    [i]Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-tellykelly![/i] [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]

    That’s some juicy info! Cycle of time? Series end? 790 smash? Las Vegas? Whoa.

    I’m surprised and saddened by the statement that the show will be ended after the fifth season regardless. [i]Lexx[/i] has so much more potential!

    And I object to the remark that most [i]Lexx[/i] fans are Goths or fetishists. I think that guy got [i]Lexx[/i] mixed up with [i]Buffy the Vampire Slayer[/i]. Lexxians are just like Trekkies and Whovians-[i]nerds[/i]. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    [QBLexxians are just like Trekkies and Whovians-[i]nerds[/i]. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img][/QB]

    Speak for yourself, nerd-boy.

    I, for one, am one suave mofo.




    Originally posted by Aleck:

    Speak for yourself, nerd-boy.

    I, for one, am one suave mofo.



    yea verily, he is a suave mofo [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by FX:


    yea verily, he is a suave mofo [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    What’s a suave mofo???



    Originally posted by Squishy:
    What’s a suave mofo???

    Quick answer, a mofo that is suave.

    “Mofo” is an abbreviated slang form of “motherf*cker,” and can be used in mixed company with less chances of offending someone. Samuel L. Jackson’s character in [i]Pulp Fiction[/i] can be said to be a “bad mofo” (as per his wallet).

    Suave is, well, you know what suave means. Cool, swank, smooth. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] Pretty much the opposite of the impression you’d get from DT’s description.

    And anyway, I *have* to be a suave mofo. I’ve got my own Tiki bar, so I’ve got to live up to it. There are things that just require one to significantly increase the suave quotient, and serving up frosty and potent tropical concoctions to the cats and kittens is one of those things. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]




    Originally posted by Aleck:

    Quick answer, a mofo that is suave.

    “Mofo” is an abbreviated slang form of “motherf*cker,” and can be used in mixed company with less chances of offending someone. Samuel L. Jackson’s character in [i]Pulp Fiction[/i] can be said to be a “bad mofo” (as per his wallet).

    Suave is, well, you know what suave means. Cool, swank, smooth. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] Pretty much the opposite of the impression you’d get from DT’s description.

    And anyway, I *have* to be a suave mofo. I’ve got my own Tiki bar, so I’ve got to live up to it. There are things that just require one to significantly increase the suave quotient, and serving up frosty and potent tropical concoctions to the cats and kittens is one of those things. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Thanx for the explanation, and I think that now I know, I would agree that your are a suave mofo, smooth operator, Austin Powers, James Bond…etc,etc.
    I now have this image that will change the way I respond to your posts forever, as you sit there with your tuxedo and dastardly killer good looks, quietly sipping your shaken not stirred Martini, and noticing the admiring glances you are receiving from the many sophisticated ladies at the private wine bar you frequent, all who are thinking of murdering their husbands to have a chance of running off with this debonair man in his Aston Martin DB7.
    But you are too busy in thwarting the evil plans of your latest arch-enemy…Dr.Dalektek, whose genius is shared with his mad desire to rule the world.
    Only one man can thwart his evil agenda, and that man is Aleck…one suave mofo!!!
    [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by Squishy:
    I now have this image that will change the way I respond to your posts forever, as you sit there with your tuxedo and dastardly killer good looks, quietly sipping your shaken not stirred Martini, and noticing the admiring glances you are receiving from the many sophisticated ladies at the private wine bar you frequent, all who are thinking of murdering their husbands to have a chance of running off with this debonair man in his Aston Martin DB7.
    But you are too busy in thwarting the evil plans of your latest arch-enemy…Dr.Dalektek, whose genius is shared with his mad desire to rule the world.
    Only one man can thwart his evil agenda, and that man is Aleck…one suave mofo!!!
    [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

    You are absolutely correct in almost all aspects except this: *I’m* evil and bent on world domination. I’m not saying that I’m not thwarting DT’s agenda, but it’s more like if Ernst Stavros Blofeld went up against Auric Goldfinger. That is, if Blofeld was a suave mofo. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    –Aleck (can we use the word mofo once more? thanks.)


    Nerds Dt?

    I am a sexy geek ™.


    Ah, but I never said you were good, I think you are the corrupted former spy (like Sean Bean in Goldeneye) that is hell bent on world destruction, but you look good whilst trying to acheive it.
    And you are only thwarting Dr.Dalektek’s evil plans…so you can impose your own.
    So I’ll end this post with the traditional maniacal laugh of….BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
    Squishy…a scaly version of the white cat that the evil bloke always has!!!


    Evil my ass. Aleck is one of the hardest working biggest sweeties in the biz. Evil masterminds would not slave away for countless on LEXX DVDs, they would have someone else do it. And I don’t know about the “suave” part but Aleck is definately a mofo [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] but if FX says so… whereas I am a BAD mutha f*cka and the only things I serve up are swift ass kickings [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    well, you are all bad whatevers, and cute too, [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] except for dt who is frequently an annoying mofo…fx, geek geezerette

    ps so how would we classify beans? i say paul d is a suave mofo, lex is a bad mf, and jeff is a nerd boy… [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    [ 25-09-2001: Message edited by: FX ]



    Originally posted by X:
    Evil my ass. Aleck is one of the hardest working biggest sweeties in the biz.

    X, you’re *ruining my reputation!* Cut it *out*!!!

    quote[quote]Evil masterminds would not slave away for countless on LEXX DVDs, they would have someone else do it. [/quote]

    Okay, rub it in, why don’t you…So I don’t have an army of henchmen yet. Emphasis on *yet*. I don’t want to recruit the army of henchmen until I get the [i]Diabolik[/i]-esque hollowed-out-mountain retreat. I mean, they can’t stay in my apartment. I just don’t have the room. And to get the mountain retreat requires a huge downpayment, and then there are the contractors and the unions you have to deal with…Oh, it’s a mess. Takes a bunch of dough, so one has to have a day job in the early stages of World Domination. I just lucked out and got a *good* day job.
    And who’s to say that the DVDs aren’t all part of my grand design?


    [ 25-09-2001: Message edited by: Aleck ]



    Originally posted by Aleck:

    Okay, rub it in, why don’t you…So I don’t have an army of henchmen yet. Emphasis on *yet
    And who’s to say that the DVDs aren’t all part of my grand design?


    [ 25-09-2001: Message edited by: Aleck ]

    yeah yeah yeah [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] face it you’re just a sharp tongued softie aleck…but i would have kept your secret [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by Squishy:
    And you are only thwarting Dr.Dalektek’s evil plans…so you can impose your own.

    Why do you cast me as the villain? [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] I’m the nice guy here. (Of course 2 out of 3 of my eponyms are evil characters [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] ).



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    Why do you cast me as the villain? [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] I’m the nice guy here. (Of course 2 out of 3 of my eponyms are evil characters [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] ).

    Although you do have some finer qualities, DT, I figured you for the villain the first time I saw your name. DalekTek790 always makes me hear voices in my head, shrieking “Destroy, Destroy!” Uh, btw, these are not the *usual* voices in my head.

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