Tunnel at the End of the Light (Series2 Finale) Synopsis SPO

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Andromeda Tunnel at the End of the Light (Series2 Finale) Synopsis SPO

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  • #36170

    Spoilers. Just the highlights for all you outside the USA that have to wait 6 more months to see it [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]

    The story begins with a delegation of ambassadors meeting aboard the Andromeda to ratify their new alliance with the Commonwealth. Rommy the Andromeda Avatar informs Dylan that she has been sabotaged.

    The Saboteur is a Nietzchian that had its boneclaws removed to appear Human. At this point Trance approaches Dylan with the news that today is the reason she came back. That today was the day they screwed up and all died.

    Meanwhile an invisible predator is stalking the Ambassadors around the ship. Think of the movie “Predator”. Dylan asks Harper to stay with the Ambassadors and entertain them. He tries to do so with some of the lamest magic tricks in existance in a fairly funny scene. The final trick is to make the Ambassador disapear which is facilitated by “The Predator” when he reaches down and swoops the Ambassador through the wall in the blink of an eye.

    Concurrently the light in the room has gotten brighter and a slow buzz has grown louder and faster it appears that the saboteur has tricked the Andromeda into Microwaving the room. They are saved in the last second by Tyr who leads them up to the Slipstream Core where they should be safe.

    Tyr has a run-in with the Admiral of the Drago-Katsov to give the audience another possible antagonist. Meanwhile Trance informs them that this all happened in their previous time-line and nothing seemed to be changing.

    She describes and details an attack that is about to take place in which “Inter-Dimensional” beings from another Universe invade this Universe and destroy the Andromeda.

    Meanwhile Harper has returned to his workroom where a “Super-Weapon” named Rosanne? or Rosey? meant to destroy the World-Ship of the Magog. From the description it seems to be the most powerful weapon created capable of destroying entire solar systems.

    Dylan and Rommy are escorting another Ambassador down when once again our invisible friend strikes. This time however Dylan tags it on the back with his Forcelance but it ignores the blow and takes the Ambassador. After which it re-appears to attack Dylan knocking him unconcious. Rommy then engages the alien in hand to hand combat which features some Matrix like moves and some nifty martial arts. Dylan reawakens and together him and Rommy dispose of the alien and another alien friend that showed up half-way through the fight.

    Back on the bridge an alien ship described by Trance has appeared firing on the Andromeda then disapearing into interdimensional space then reappearing in another space to reattack. This makes attacking the ships impossible and Trance once again informs us this has already happened, and now we are past the point in which anyone can be saved.

    Dylan asks Trance that since she already went through this then she should be able to predict the Aliens movements through interdimensional space. Harper informs them that what they are seeing cant possibly be possible since it would require the power of an entire Galaxy for over 10,000 years just to create a generator that can pierce interdimensionally. Trance says that Harper said that last time too and that didnt stop millions of these ships from appearing and destroying them.

    Dylan tells Trance to focus and direct the weapons against this Alien ship. She misses the first few times before she begins to guess right and quickly the Alien ship is destroyed.

    But just as Trance predicted a gigantic portal opened and millions of the same ships began spewing forth into this Universe. Trance tells them last time they could not find the portal which the Aliens came through, and this time they did. Dylan asks Harper if his Super-Weapon is ready to be used now on the Rift and if it will work. Harper informs him that it will and they begin prepping it for the Maru, Bekka’s ship.

    Trance tells Bekka that Dylan must fly the mission, because last time this exact same thing happened. While they didnt find the Rift last time they still used the Super-Weapon to destroy the solar system and the millions of aliens ships. But last time Bekka screwed up and got scared and dropped the Bomb prematurely killing Dylan and everyone aboard the Andromeda. This was the reason Trance came back and replaced old Trance so that this time it would be different.

    With the Maru equipped Bekka now believes she should fly the mission and this time she will not make any mistakes even if it costs her life. Tyr for some strange reason comes along telling Bekka that together they have survived worst and together they have become stronger. There’s always been hints of a Tyr-Bekka relationship but it was a bit odd him coming along.

    Screaming like a Banshee Bekka and Try fight through wave after wave of alien ships until the Rift is in view. Meanwhile behind Tyr in the corridor one of our Alien Predators shimmers and heads towards the cockpit. It attacks Tyr from behind seemingly mortally wounding him, he screams in agony as Bekka counts down 5……..4…….3………2………1……Release!

    And Rosey was away into the Rift. The Super-Weapon exploded destroying the Rift and the Powersource behind the Aliens causing them all to be destroyed. The Maru is critically hit and in a very graphic scene we hear Tyr and Bekka scream out in terrible pain and then silence while flames ungulf the Maru.

    Back on the Bridge Dylan is demanding that they find the Maru. Rommy locates it on its way back to Andromeda and the crew is relieved until Andromeda informs them it is on Autopilot.

    Rushing to the shuttlebay, Dylan boards the damaged Maru only to reach the Bridge and with wide shocked sad eyes the credits roll.

    Are Tyr and Bekka dead, or just missing? Lots of unanswered questions. Curious that they would introduce a brand new major threat out of the blue like this. But it was a good fast paced episode and I enjoyed it.

    [i](Lexxlurker i just wanted to make it clear that this was a spoiler post. so there is no confusion. i did not edit any of the content of your post only the spoiler space.)[/i] mary beth [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    [ 20-05-2002: Message edited by: mary beth ]


    quote[quote]Are Tyr and Bekka dead, or just missing? Lots of unanswered questions. Curious that they would introduce a brand new major threat out of the blue like this. But it was a good fast paced episode and I enjoyed it. [/quote]

    yes i enjoyed it too. in the last ten minutes i was sitting there saying “this had better not be a two-parter like the first season finale!!!” and while technically it is when it cames to Beka and Tyr, at least EVERYONE is not either dead or close to it like the season one finale. and i feel certain that they are alive! i think that TPTB are just teasing us! [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


    quote[quote]Are Tyr and Bekka dead, or just missing? Lots of unanswered questions. Curious that they would introduce a brand new major threat out of the blue like this. But it was a good fast paced episode and I enjoyed it. [/quote]

    yes i enjoyed it too. in the last ten minutes i was sitting there saying “this had better not be a two-parter like the first season finale!!!” and while technically it is when it cames to Beka and Tyr, at least EVERYONE is not either dead or close to it like the season one finale. and i feel certain that they are alive! i think that TPTB are just teasing us! [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


    Its np [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] I figured the
    instead of

    but your way was much clearer and I sure didnt want anyone have any surprises ruined that they didnt want ruined [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    I have to admit that the PTB behind the show really did a 180 changing plots or rather stacking major plots.

    We were led to believe in the first season that the entire Series Arc, or at the very least the most important long term arc was the Magog World ship and how it was on its way to destroy everyone and the unitd Commonwealth would be the only way to stop em.

    This season started with the same purpose. To unite as many races as possible against the Magog and their Deity. Then in the very last episode without warning we are introduced to a threat much much greater than the Magog, or at least they appear to be. They also closed the portal(the only one?) making them a one-time enemy. If they arent a one-time enemy then now the Magog world-ship seems like a minor problem and still hasent been resolved.

    Just a bit confusing that after 2 seasons we still dont have a clear view on any long term goals other than recreating the Commonwealth which has already happened albeit with less races.

    I was really bored this season with the series, partly my mood was ruined by Earth Final Conflicts final season which I watch on the same tape. (I get my Andromeda and EFC eps together) So I could have been biased. The final ep however was much much better. I dont really like how little screentime Harper has been getting but what can you do? It seems they only throw him on screen when they need to show off a handy new gadget or like in this episode a superweapon. So having him do the Magic-Tricks was pretty funny.

    Hopefully next season we wont lose Bekka and Tyr, both of them are crucial to the show. Losing Rev Ben last/early this season was a big loss but it wasent earth shattering, especialy considering the Magog are all ultimatly evil to the Human PoV.

    Now I know I’ve been bitching a lot but we were *promised* that this series would have very clear cohesive long term and short term plots. That just hasent happened. But Andromeda still is a quality Sci-Fi show in the midst of utter crap like these Beastmaster/MutantX/Strange World fantasy/sci-fi shows. Now that Andromeda has had two seasons under its belt this season should be something special, I hope so anyway [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    Its np [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] I figured the
    instead of

    but your way was much clearer and I sure didnt want anyone have any surprises ruined that they didnt want ruined [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    I have to admit that the PTB behind the show really did a 180 changing plots or rather stacking major plots.

    We were led to believe in the first season that the entire Series Arc, or at the very least the most important long term arc was the Magog World ship and how it was on its way to destroy everyone and the unitd Commonwealth would be the only way to stop em.

    This season started with the same purpose. To unite as many races as possible against the Magog and their Deity. Then in the very last episode without warning we are introduced to a threat much much greater than the Magog, or at least they appear to be. They also closed the portal(the only one?) making them a one-time enemy. If they arent a one-time enemy then now the Magog world-ship seems like a minor problem and still hasent been resolved.

    Just a bit confusing that after 2 seasons we still dont have a clear view on any long term goals other than recreating the Commonwealth which has already happened albeit with less races.

    I was really bored this season with the series, partly my mood was ruined by Earth Final Conflicts final season which I watch on the same tape. (I get my Andromeda and EFC eps together) So I could have been biased. The final ep however was much much better. I dont really like how little screentime Harper has been getting but what can you do? It seems they only throw him on screen when they need to show off a handy new gadget or like in this episode a superweapon. So having him do the Magic-Tricks was pretty funny.

    Hopefully next season we wont lose Bekka and Tyr, both of them are crucial to the show. Losing Rev Ben last/early this season was a big loss but it wasent earth shattering, especialy considering the Magog are all ultimatly evil to the Human PoV.

    Now I know I’ve been bitching a lot but we were *promised* that this series would have very clear cohesive long term and short term plots. That just hasent happened. But Andromeda still is a quality Sci-Fi show in the midst of utter crap like these Beastmaster/MutantX/Strange World fantasy/sci-fi shows. Now that Andromeda has had two seasons under its belt this season should be something special, I hope so anyway [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    hey im sure you mean beka (one from andromeda) not me just thought you should know the difference.

    mary beth offered to edit it for me so people arnt confused.

    just thought i should point it out so if you get pi$$ed of with the chr you dont get in trouble for flaming me


    hey im sure you mean beka (one from andromeda) not me just thought you should know the difference.

    mary beth offered to edit it for me so people arnt confused.

    just thought i should point it out so if you get pi$$ed of with the chr you dont get in trouble for flaming me


    [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] thanks Bekka!!! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] i just wanted to make sure that there was no confusion with [i]Beka[/i] from Andromeda and you [i]Bekka[/i]! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] thanks Bekka!!! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] i just wanted to make sure that there was no confusion with [i]Beka[/i] from Andromeda and you [i]Bekka[/i]! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    This season has been very boring. I have actually enjoyed watching StarGate, which appears before it, more than Andromeda…which means I’m desperate.

    Okay, when is the universe going to stop spinning around Dylan? When are the other characters going to get more screen time? When is Harper going to get some action?
    For crying out loud!
    let’s have a little more in-fighting.
    let’s see those damn huge bots again kicking ass…(oh yeah, Tweedle Dee & Tweedle dum)
    and when are these crappy cliff hangers going to produce some character deaths?
    not that I want anyone in particular to go, but why get excited about a teaser?


    This season has been very boring. I have actually enjoyed watching StarGate, which appears before it, more than Andromeda…which means I’m desperate.

    Okay, when is the universe going to stop spinning around Dylan? When are the other characters going to get more screen time? When is Harper going to get some action?
    For crying out loud!
    let’s have a little more in-fighting.
    let’s see those damn huge bots again kicking ass…(oh yeah, Tweedle Dee & Tweedle dum)
    and when are these crappy cliff hangers going to produce some character deaths?
    not that I want anyone in particular to go, but why get excited about a teaser?

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