Newkate has completed two more Buffy Episode reviews and posted them to the Buffy EPisodes section:
Same Time,
Same Place
Written By:
[b]Jane Espenson[/b]
Directed By:
[b]James A. Contner[/b]
[url=/buffy/episodes/episode7-03.htm”>[img]/buffy/episodes/episode7-03-images/11.jpg[/img]Willow causes a quantum anomaly, demon gets some skin and Dawn becomes poseable. |
Written By:
[b]Rebecca Rand Kirshner[/b]
Directed By:
[b]Rick Rosenthal[/b]
[img]/buffy/episodes/episode7-04-images/ep.jpg[/img]Buffy starts her new job as a guidance counsellor, puts the end to the inappropriate use of the school library and is forced to ingest a lot of poetry. |