unifying field theory of red dwarf

Forums British Sci Fi Series Red Dwarf unifying field theory of red dwarf

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    i have a silly theory that i developed as was about to fall asleep. Even though it is a bit silly i thought i would post it anyway since its not too busy here.

    it seems to have worked out that each red dwarf character represents a corresponding character from the wizard of oz. I’m not a big fan of wizard of oz (god knows why i was thinking of it before sleeping), but the characters seem to match up.

    Kryten fits nicely as the tinman. Both are made of inorganic material, and both have no heart. Kryten tries to be more human, and so does the tinman in his search for a heart.

    Cat seems to be the scarecrow. Both are a bit dim. The big difference i guess is the cat is not trying to improve his intellect but scarecrow is. That said, they do share their major character trait.

    Rimmer is the lion. Their shared major character trait is cowardice. Again i guess, the lion cares much more about finding his courage than rimmer does, but there are some major rimmer courage issues dealt with in the ace rimmer episode when arnold temporarily leaves the series.

    finally there is Lister. He would be dorothy. The ‘normal’ person in the group. Both dorothy and lister are displaced characters. Dorothy is displaced from her home and Lister is displaced from his home planet and time.

    anyways, pointless but i thought it was interesting.

    “In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”



    What about Holly/Hilly? The wizard? Is supose to be the smart one but gets things wrong all the time.
    In the W/of/O they were all trying to improve themselfs but in RD they all think they are the best they can be!
    Hope the movie will get more people into RD.



    What about Cachansky(?)? Good witch/bad witch?
    Lister/Dorthey would say good, Kryten/Tinman would say bad.
    What about Toto?




    Originally posted by Monkey:
    [b]What about Cachansky(?)? Good witch/bad witch?
    Lister/Dorthey would say good, Kryten/Tinman would say bad.
    What about Toto?

    hmm… toto = talkie toaster ?

    “In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”



    Hey! You just stole my [i]Lexx[/i]-[i]Wizard of Oz[/i] theory and applied it to [i]Dwarf[/i]. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    [b]Hey! You just stole my [i]Lexx[/i]-[i]Wizard of Oz[/i] theory and applied it to [i]Dwarf[/i]. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

    oops sorry, i never saw that post.

    “In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”



    I would have thought Rimmer would be Dorothy (holovirus episode, gingham dress) Mr. Flibble could be Toto!


    The Horse is with me tonite and wants to make an observation.
    Hello, Horse here. The Wizzard of Oz has been the basis of countless stories, movies, and series.
    bugblatterbeast is indeed correct in his or her assumptions. I would like to submit that the scutters represent the loyal little Toto in this parrallel.
    This is the Monkey and that was the Horse. The Horse has spoken!


    Just looked at Bugblatterbeast’s profile and they had 42 posts. 42, eh? Somehow that number seams most “improbable”
    I am the Monkey



    Originally posted by :
    Just looked at Bugblatterbeast’s profile and they had 42 posts. 42, eh? Somehow that number seams most “improbable”
    I am the Monkey

    darn, if i had noticed i would have stopped posting!


    LOL . Kochanski could be the good witch, and toto is the Skutters. What about Warden Ackerman? He could be a flying Monkey! LOL

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