Universal’s Classic Monster Collection

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  • #39561

    Ive got the boxed set. It is awesome! Fantastic.

    I strongly recommend this to anyone who has or is building up a DVD collection.

    It has all the classics : Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, The Invisible Man, The Bride of Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Phantom of the Opera, and my favourite movie of all time – The Creature from the Black Lagoon!

    It’s the ultimate black and white trip. They have all been made between 1931 and 1954. Damn fine classics!


    “The Black Lagoon” is also a favourite of mine. I mean, what’s not to like? Innocence lost — it’s got fresh young lovers cavorting on the sand in a tropical paradise; experiencing love for the very first time. But not all is fun under the sun, danger lurks too… I had such a crush on Brooke Shields as a kid. Erm, hang on, I’m thinking (if you hadn’t guessed already) of The Blue Lagoon. 😉 😛

    Good choice, losts of great monster classics there. Hey, you should consider adding the collection to Sci-Fi Choice. And FYI, Creature from the Black Lagoon is also a personal favourite.


    Turner Classic Movies has run quite a few of the titles you mentioned this month. They’ve been running entire Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi marathons, as well as many of the Hammer Studio horror flicks from the 30’s through the 50’s. Now if I can just find a station running some of the Edgar Allen Poe adaptations with Vincent Price, I’ll really be in the Halloween spirit. 😀

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