Wadda COOL Guide!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Dune Wadda COOL Guide!

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  • #39334

    Fantastic job guys! I thoroughly enjoyed reading all about the saga. I think you did it better justice than the series 🙂 (an the books for that matter).

    This guide is an excellent addition to the site and I’m heartily grateful for you efforts!


    [quote=”SadGeezer”]Fantastic job guys! I thoroughly enjoyed reading all about the saga. I think you did it better justice than the series 🙂 (an the books for that matter).

    This guide is an excellent addition to the site and I’m heartily grateful for you efforts![/quote]

    Thanks Saddy! 🙂 And thanks Headgehog for doing the vast majority of the work! The menus and such look great.


    You both did an amazing job, good stuff! 😀

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