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    Does anyone have any views about LEXX fanfic?

    [i]{sorry, couldn’t resist}[/i]

    This is an experimental forum. I’ll turn it off it things get too heated. But since there are many argumentative lady and gentlemen SadGeezers out there I thought it might be useful if you had a forum that you could feel relaxed about sounding off.

    I’m sure you realise that this forum can be used to stop threads in other forums degenerating into off-topic arguments and moderators from those forums now have a place to transfer angry topics.

    [ 17-11-2001: Message edited by: SadGeezer ]


    What is “clone fiction?” I’ve never heard that term outside of this board, and I have never seen it defined. I typed it into a search engine, but couldn’t find a definition. Apparently it is something controversial, but what is it? [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    What is “clone fiction?” I’ve never heard that term outside of this board, and I have never seen it defined. I typed it into a search engine, but couldn’t find a definition. Apparently it is something controversial, but what is it? [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img]

    sorry dt, but i am going to answer it as saddy is in england and probably doesn’t visit us scifi.bb/lexx…clone fiction is one of the (three i think) types of fan fiction that make up the bulk of that bb’s postings…there are very defined rules as to who can write what type of fiction, and when…apparently, there is chocolate tradition, which is fan fiction that involves chocolate and lexx characters (yes, i just typed that [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] ) …then there is clone fiction; several of the posters have gotten kai clones, like cowboykai, hawaiikai, and so forth…they are sort of alter-egos or pseudonyms for the respective clone-mistresses…so the fanfiction that revolves around a particular clone is called clone fiction…one must have an officiallly sanctioned clone, and the proper permissions, to write clonefiction, especially if any other clones are involved…then there is the standard fanfiction…again, if you are going to use any named characters from the board, you must have permission…the fiction can involve any lexx character…
    if you went to some of the other groups, like keb (kai estrogen brigade) you would run into a whole new subset of kai fiction…some of the fiction being heterosexual, some homosexual, some violent, some not…at any rate, not my cup of tea, so i usually don’t read it…but usually, the fanfictions, whatever flavor, are well marked, so that you can read it or not, as you choose…some of the animosity here over the last few weeks has involved members of the other boards, and long time posters here…and that is why saddy was making a joke…in any case, if you are interested, go to scif.com/lexx, and visit the bb; there are usually a few fanfix up if you wish to look at them…on scifi, they tend to be a bit tamer than in some of the other groups [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    That is the most bizarre thing I have ever read on this message board.



    I’d ask who makes the rules, but I’m not sure I want to know more….

    So it’s basically a role-playing game?

    Umm, DaleckTek, it’s sub-pornographic (or what I read last night after our gracious Aleck directed me to it was.


    well dt, i guess like hypatia says, it’s sort of a role playing game…i am not a gamer, so obviously it doesn’t appeal to me, but i will say that many of the fan fix i have read are very well written, and many are quite…inventive [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] but as i said, i usually don’t bother, as i am trying to find snippets of news to follow up on here, and i read enough books at home anyway

    hypatia, i think micromary originated the kaiclones, but then she left scifibb…the rules i have seen are posted by some of the people who are in apec…but i do not know that the two groups are one and the same…as to the chocolate tradition, i don’t know who started that, but it is fairly common to mix food with sex (see ‘the thief, the cook,the wife, and her lover’, oh and how about ‘like water for chocolate’ [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img])…this is just on a smaller scale i guess…


    FX: Oooh, great movie ‘The cook, the thief, etc’!



    Originally posted by Hypatia:
    FX: Oooh, great movie ‘The cook, the thief, etc’!

    [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] “Cannibal!” *bang* [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by Hypatia:
    Umm, DaleckTek, it’s sub-pornographic (or what I read last night after our gracious Aleck directed me to it was.

    That doesn’t make it normal. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    Geez…we ended up with a thread just for this? I can’t believe it! [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

    I am a member of the hated, all-powerful, evil APEC, and CowboyKai is my clone (HawaiiKai is actually NOT a clone, but a poster who lives in the 50th state).

    Yes, We have a role playing game, and yes, we have a few rules…including asking permission to use other people’s characters. This is mere politeness, and alot of it is because there have been some incidents of unauthorized use of characters that led to some bad feelings.

    I don’t know why some peeps get so up in arms because a few of us decided to be creative and play with our clones. This has been a long-standing tradition on the scifi BB…I didn’t start it, it was there long before I came on board, but I sure find it fun. Many of the people complaining about the CF don’t even post at SciFi, so I have no idea what their malfunction is. We do try to mark the fics, so that if people don’t want to read them, they can skip over them. Surely there is enough room in Lexxdom for everyone! I come to Sad’s for discussion and news, and to SciFi to play. For god’s sake, if you don’t like the CF’s, don’t go there! It’s simple! [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]

    I’m tired of the trolling and the bad mouthing! Oh, and BTW…our ‘friend’ vyX’s posts have been deleted and she has been barred from the BB. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

    All I can say is, Lexx, and yes, the clone game, has awakened new levels of creativity within me. I never wrote any fics before, and I have really enjoyed the outlet. I don’t think this is a bad thing. I am so tired of the CFs and APEC being badmouthed as some kind of Nazi orgaization. *sigh* We are only trying to have fun, fer crissakes!

    For a really bad, overused quote…can’t we all get along?!? [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img] Fer god’s sakes…we all love Lexx!


    we can always count on Doffy to rationally explain things! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    i don’t write clone or chocolate stories, but i like to read them, just the same. don’t like it- don’t read it. purty simple.

    take care ppl


    For anyone that’s ever been to a fan site of any kind..Buffy, Farscape, these fan sites have a level of appreciation that sometimes manifests itself in fan fiction. I’m also a member of the chanfans mailing list for Jackie Chan fan club members, and a couple of other lists, and fan fiction is not something totally relegated to Lexx and it’s characters.It usually appears with personalities or shows that involve highly original premises to them, and inspires it’s fans to be very creative. Some of the people that write the clone fiction at the sci-fi board are professional writers, and some are amateurs, but all are welcome, and if someone wants to write fan fic there, there’s no wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth because it’s taking up ‘valuable’ space on the board.

    The board set up there is less than ideal, but it’s easily navigated so that you can read the individual posts and avoid fan fic, or clone fic, or whatever, if you don’t care to read it. If you’re interested in writing a fic yourself, it’s the best place to try it out. I had never written a fic for the public before I posted there, and was well-recieved with enthusiasm and courtesy for my efforts, no one admonished me for anything.

    As for the rules, there are rules like in any game, to avoid stepping on each other’s toes, and courtesy among members is paramount.

    And just for the info, the sci-fi board is not alone in it’s fan and clone fic for Lexx, there are several other sites that specialize in this type of writing, but they are private sites or lists, and not as public as the sci-fi board. BTW, posts for Lexx info between seasons is generally very light, that’s why it appears there’s alot of fics around these days…happens between seasons.
    [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Okay, for one thing, the SciFi Lexx BB has got to be the dumbest, most exclusive, cliqueish waste of bandwidth I have ever seen in my life. In fact, the only thing fun about that board was the so called “trolls” who to me looked more like people who stated their own opinion which this APEC did not particularly share. I myself found the fictions trite and the rules a bit to constrictive. I mean really, you would think for all the sexual inuendo that supposedly goes on in these things that they might be racy sex stories. But alas no, the rules clearly state that there can be no “slash” and no anything really that might be even the least bit naughty or fun. The no slash thing really offends me only because I do NOT like people who would tell others what their sexual preference should be.
    I get the impression that most of these “APEC” women are in pretty dead relationships and that rather than taking the initiative to do something about that (open the lines of communication, stop bitching and start being nice, maybe hit the gym and lose a few(hundred) pounds, oh yes, I have seen you women!) rather than trying to live out some kind of a fantasy world with a fake man, not only a fake man, a fake CLONE of a FAKE DEAD man!
    I apologize if I am going to offend anyone here, but that board touches a nerve with me. I was ran off long ago by the fictions and phobic behavior and I stand behind anyone who would stand up for themselves against the posters on SciFi. That place is a time bomb waiting to go off.



    Originally posted by Doffy:

    I’m tired of the trolling and the bad mouthing! Oh, and BTW…our ‘friend’ vyX’s posts have been deleted and she has been barred from the BB. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

    No, Doffy. I don’t think it’s the CFs or FFs people have problems with. It’s the things that lead to stuff like this.

    APEC has created many enemies through personal interaction with people that really has nothing to do with the CFs. But it definately taints the whole. And I keep hearing how APEC doesn’t run SciFi.. well.. however.. if enough people support the same [i]story[/i].. who is an impartial party to believe?

    My name is continually brought up and I am still attacked and mocked. What was my crime? Trying to stop a misunderstanding between Slopmaster and APEC from blowing up out of proportion.

    I also see that the posts where some people who registered nicknames mocking me were not taken down. Wonder what would happen I if asked SciFi to block the IP addresses that posted those. Wonder who wouldn’t be able to post anymore..

    Vyxen tried to settle this with SciFi when she was flamed. Instead, SciFi ignored her like apparently it does most everyone except APEC.

    This is not a flame, btw. It is a mere statement of fact of events that have transpired and yes anyone can go to SciFi and check out the archives and go back and see for themselves what actually occured and form their own oppinions.

    There was a time when I supported the CFs being there, however.. since that time I have gotten a better understanding of the actual people involved and the ugliness that goes on around these things and it sickens me. This lastest bit about getting vyX banned does not surprise me in the least although arguably, now APEC has stepped over the line.

    But other people will be their own judge of these events and what goes around comes around.

    I am tired of the bad-mouthing as well. But it continues to be done to me on SciFi although I no longer post there or even visit.


    Originally posted by Doffy:

    Surely there is enough room in Lexxdom for everyone!

    I guess not for Vyx huh?

    [ 18-11-2001: Message edited by: Xev of R2D2 ]


    oh and by the way… the episode summaries here at SG’s kick the episode reviews at scifi’s butt hands down. ;o) and i’ve never said/ thought otherwise — heeheeheehee!!!

    (_!_) ::elfie moons the board and runs off to moderate an even *more* tense than scifi or sads BB at delphi::

    ::deep breath::

    and good morning to you all, too. ;o)~ lol


    hmmm, okay let’s remember the caveat at the beginning of the forum: no flaming

    dt had a question, i answered it to the best of my knowledge; i tried not to say anything mean, and i qualified by ‘i am not sure…’ or ‘i think’…i understand the hurt feelings, and the wish to clear the record, but some are going over the line again

    gelfling, there is no reason to make remarks about people’s weight

    elfie, i don’t think g was referring to bug bomb [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    i have singled out two names, but these are not the only two who were brandishing hurt feelings and anger

    and to everyone; saying whatever you like, in very harsh terms, and then throwing out a casual ‘i apologize’ does [b]not mitigate[/b]the hurt feelings and anger you know your post is going to cause

    beyond that, i hope everyone feels better about getting to state their side of the issue; but remember, this forum is not carte blanche to be ugly [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img], it is for information and to follow divergences on threads in other forums


    I don’t read fanfics. When I first visited scifi.com I read a few and didn’t care for them very much. IMHO they went completely against the show. Stuff like Kai coming back to life, Xev and Stan gtetting together, that kind of stuff. For months I just ignored anythign with ff,cf,ct in front of it and read only the stuff that seemed relevant to the discussion of the show. What annoyed me was all the flaming, trolling, namecalling and general 2nd grader behavior that erupted in scifi.com everytime Lexx wasn’t shown on a Friday. To me all the arguing seemed petty and arbitrary. As a non-comfrontationalist such behavior annoys me. So I turned my attention away from scifi.com and devoted mostof my time to the sadboard. Whose discusses seemed much more intelligent and thought provoking. The arguments that go on here, to me, seem more resonable and mature.
    I still visit scifi.com, about once a week; but I rarely post anything there. I’m more of a lurker. Another thing that turned me fromthat board was the lack of discussion posts. When I visit there, it seems as if it’s 90% fiction, and the rest are birthday annoucements and personal mesasges. Only 1 or 2 posts seem lexx relevent.


    As for the CF and CT (I just learned what CT is from this post, how f***ing bizarre!) and can’t understand how something can be so regulated in a lexx universe. IMHO things with lexx seem much more spontaneous than structured. Having strict rules just seems to go against the spirit of lexx. Does this make any sense or am I just rambling?


    Finally, at uncon, everybody was so friendly to each other. To my knowledge there ws no arguments or name calling or anything negative amongst lexxians up there. What the hell happened?


    Well, it was nice enough of Sad to give us a chance to defend ourselves (defending ourselves on the other forums just seems to lead to ranting and namecalling).

    FX, APEC is not a closed organization designed to keep people out, and the rules are very simple: don’t use other people’s nicks or characters without permission, and if you want to write slash/graphic sexual stories, please take it to a private list where there are no ten year olds lurking, as there are on the Scifi bboard. However, we don’t try to ENFORCE that particular rule, as if we had the power to do it anyway.

    We invite anyone in who wants to play. All they have to do is tell us they want to play. We ask that if we give them a clone (again, it’s just part of the game) they don’t do something awful like murder him or torture him, or turn him into some kind of rapist or other awful thing (he is a Kai, after all). And no, nobody in the game is so far gone that they think the Kai clones are real. We talk about them as if they were real because that is part of the game.

    Hmm. Dead relationships? I’ll have to ask my husband, children, and grandchildren about that. Yes, they do think grandma is in her second childhood, especially when she threw a shoe and went to Halifax for a — *gasp* — Lexx fan convention. When you get here, where I am, ask yourselves if you wouldn’t like to have one. Old ain’t dead, folks.

    I know there are a lot of fictions on the Scifi bboard. It happens during every hiatus, because people have chewed the episode discussions to death. Sorry, if we could keep the eps airing nonstop, we would. But believe it or not, we don’t have that kind of influence with Scifi, despite what some people say. When the show starts airing again in January, there will be more discussion posts, but in all likelihood, the fics won’t cease. They are just too much fun. And if the game annoys you, I’m sorry, but we have as much right to post there as you do.

    We don’t insist that everyone join in. We don’t hold it against you if you think it’s silly and don’t WANT to join in. It’s not for everybody, we get that. But we have not told you that you’re “not normal” or that there’s something wrong with you simply because you don’t want to play. Please accord us the same courtesy.

    As for Vyx being banned from Scifi, I’m afraid she has nobody to blame but herself for that. If Scifi actually listened to APEC, Season2 would have been aired in order, there would be no four month hiatuses (hiatusi?), Season5 would be in pre-production, the Scifi bboard would have actual moderators to keep down the crap, and nobody would be allowed to flood the chatrooms.

    Lastly, let me say this: I think it is extremely insulting to Brian Downey to think that he would listen to one fan badmouthing another fan. When I met him in Halifax, I got the impression of an extremely kind, courteous gentleman who would never knowingly hurt anyone’s feelings. But he is an actor, and a celebrity, and necessarily must distance himself from the crush of fans who want his attention. If he doesn’t answer private messages, that is either the reason, or as doffy and elfie said, he is using java and (shudder) a MAC, and doesn’t have the capability without losing his window.

    Thanks, Sad. It’s nice to get that off my chest.



    Originally posted by elfie:
    originally posted by fx:
    elfie, i don’t think g was referring to bug bomb
    I know that he wasn’t referring to bugbomb, FX… I was pointing out that not all *trolls* *came* from scifi. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    And I DIDN’T apologize to X arbitrarily,

    [i]actually, that was directed to gelf’s final line about ‘i apologize…’ but you are right, many people have done the same here [/i]

    where were you then to edit posts? Or tell people to not attack ME? I didn’t flame anyone personally — THEY flamed *ME*.

    [i]sorry if i missed a flame, i cannot be every where at once, overall we all try to chill things out here, but none of us has the time to step in every event…also, there has to be a bit of slack so that people can ,hopefully, resolve issues on their own [/i]

    And who did I flame and how did I cross over the line? WHO did I say bad things about? Admitting I didn’t like someone?
    PARTING QUESTION: *IS* there anyway for this to end? Not the WHOLE debate… just the part that makes ppl HATE each other for their different views?

    i don’t know elfie, you tell me [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] you may not start things here, but you are one of the more vehement respondents, with a real slash and burn approach to posting…no i am not saying you are the only one, but look over the threads in question and tell me honestly you didn’t come out swinging…

    finally, i am trying to be fair here, and thickskinned; that’s what the moderators are all supposed to do, but there is a limit to my patience too…and at the end of the day, i am an administrator whether you like it or not…saddy trusts me, and will abide by my decisions, as you and others have already found out …now, sit back and count to ten instead of just slamming out another ‘i will have the last word post’…i will discuss things openly here with all of you,i do not go behind your backs and you all know exactly how you stand with me… but i will no longer be insulted and called names (that is a general statement, not just for elfie)


    Again, I’m gonna state my case for the SadBoard.
    When I first started lurking about the LEXX boards on the net, the SciFi board was the first one I visited, along with the lexx.com bored. I was put off by the clique-ish nature of the SciFi board almost immediately. It’s not because people there have RL ties with each other (I don’t really see the same thing *here*, and many people have RL ties on this board). I don’t know *what* it springs from, but it’s there. And it’s not because I don’t “work well with others,” because I seem to work well here, even with people I don’t always get along with (otherwise, why would I be giving DT advice on posting images?). But getting along with others shouldn’t entail trying to get along with people who seem to make it a *chore*. It’s never felt that way here, and I think we’re pretty open to everyone who joins up.
    The SciFi board just seems to invite trolls and hostility as well. I know that people are going to say, “like this place never has fights? Puh-leeze…” The difference is that here, even though there have been a fair share of arguments, at least they have some intellectual substance (I mean, the last real argument we’ve have has concerned the psychological and physiological bases of human instinct, for crying out loud), and none of them have ended up polarizing groups of people into rival groups or caused people to pledge to never speak to another person again. As many arguments as DT and I have had, I can’t say that I hate the guy, nor can I say that I will never have a good word for him.
    Also, the annoying thing about the SF board in general is that all of the FF and CF floods any attempt at real discussion off the main board and onto an “old” board that hardly no one goes back to revisit. That’s the main reason why I don’t even bother to post DVD info there any more. By the time I’d post a topic about it or try and answer someone’s question, it would disappear. It’s just too frustrating to even try and update anyone. This is partly because of the completely lousy design of the board (which is the worst I’ve encountered on LEXX boards), and partly because people just post…
    …which just eats up space. It’s annoying and frustrating. And, as someone who has posted there and has been the subject of the infantile bad-mouthing that the place has been criticized for, it isn’t worth the trouble to even attempt any discussion.





    HOW [b]DARE[/b] YOU SHARE WITH US THE STORY OF SENDING A PICTURE OF YOUR CLEAVAGE TO YOUR BOYFRIENDS MOM AND [b]NOT[/b] HAVING THE DECENCY AND GRACE (Like wot I know you have [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] ) TO POST IT HERE! (the picture I mean, erm… not the cleavage (coz that would be painful and we don’t like pain…. well… we like a bit of pain but only in certain ….erm))


    GELFIN: Your opinion is valued, but if you persist in personal attacks/comments about people you will be unstuck. Please be aware that I am VERY serious about banning people for personal/insulting attacks on other posters. It’s ok to dissagree with someone and its ok to call someone silly or stupid for believing/doing what they do – BUT THAT’S AS STRONG AS IT GETS!

    ELFIE: You DO come out swinging!

    FX: (and everyone else please note) You certainly DO have my absolute trust (I personally can’t understand where you get your patience from) – If you edit a post (ANY post), if you ban a poster or if you attack someone for saying something that you don’t agree with – YOU HAVE MY FULL SUPPORT! [b]Note that FX is not just a moderator, she’s an Administrator of SadBOARD[/b]


    I appreciate Saddy’s opportunity to explain the clone fic and fan fic to the ppl here that want more information..but..

    I can’t honestly believe, FX, that you are so surprised this thread has taken such an ugly turn. After all, every single time (yes every time) the word APEC is mentioned, X has something nasty to say about it, even when no one has flamed him or said anything against him ON THIS BOARD!! You called Buggy a troll for saying much less than X or “Gelfling” or whomever….and the remarks about people’s weight should tell you something about the person posting. You have NOT seen these women, you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Most of these members are younger than 35, married, with kids, so get over that silly idea.

    I thought this thread was for explaining fic, NOT FOR RANTING OVER AND OVER AGAIN ABOUT APEC.

    The fact that you continuosly allow him to vent his searing hatred on this board is beyond me, he has been kicked off many other boards for this same behaviour. As for Gelfling, I’ve never seen you post at the sci-fi board, so I have no idea what the hell you could be thinking, ****ed off because they won’t let you post SLASH fic there. If that’s what you want to write, great, go to KEB where they have tons of rape/slash/M-M fics to delight your little heart.

    The problem X has is not with APEC, which has over 60 members, most of which he doesn’t even know. It’s with ONE person in particular that he has focused his hatred on, and seems to want to include everyone that ever even TALKED to this person a member of his little hatred club.

    It’s this simple…If you don’t like the way things go at one place…go someplace else. No one is obligated to make you happy. Here or any other place.

    As for Yvx, I never even knew her, never met her, never talked to her..all this stuff was before my time, but yet X seems to think I’m persecuting her as well.

    And FX, the fact that you continuously let X do this mystifies me, I thought there was a rule about not flaming anyone about the sci-fi board, but I guess that doesn’t go for everyone, just the people the flame is against.

    I for one, am sick of it, it’s juvenile, adolescent, rude and I now have serious doubts about the sanity of someone who would continuously rant over and over again about the same thing…get over it or get professional help, you know, it’s not All About X in this universe.

    And as far as “Trolls” go…
    If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck….it’s a troll…

    (One of the “huge” people at Apec) LOL [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by elfie:
    I feel that a good half of the discussion here is about DalekTek’s psyche/ motivations… and *that* bores me, so if that’s not un- Lexx related I dunno what is. Nobody accepts him for who he is here, everybody thinks he’s lying all of the time… how’s that about Lexx? It’s not.

    People just have different tastes as to what they want in a BB, I don’t have a problem with Headgehog or anyone who likes
    Sads/ dislikes Scifi…

    While Aleck and DalekTek790 have hourly arguments, I find them funny, entertaining and thought prokovoking. From what I can tell they usually start as a result of discussing a scifi topic. Someone then brings up a RL or philosophical point that isn’t quite scifi and then they passionatly discuss the hell out of it.

    I wouldn’t say that I dislike DT or anything like that. And I don’t think that he lies all the time. He just says what he believes. He has potential, but he just thinks too fast and the words don’t always come out right. I used to do that a lot when I was younger, and I still sometimes say things too quickly, but I’m young and still learning. We’re both young and I think it’s just a matter of not enough experince.

    I do have some ill feelings toward scifi.com, but they’re not that strong. Another problem I have with that board, which Aleck just pointed out, is how posts disappear too fast. Its not worth replying to something noone’s going to read. I never really got attached to anyone there, so I don’t have any loyalties to that board. But I do keep in touch with some people who post there, but it’s more of a result of uncon friendships. And [gasp] some of them are in APEC.

    Finally, is it just me or have we left the fanfic topic already? What a way to sart the angst thread; spinning attention from one complaint about a topic with yet another rant about a different topic [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    I appreciate Saddy’s opportunity to explain the clone fic and fan fic to the ppl here that want more information..but..

    I can’t honestly believe, FX, that you are so surprised this thread has taken such an ugly turn.

    [i]sigh…i am not surprised…i merely pointed out that dt asked a question, and i tried to the best of my abilities to answer it…i did laugh about the ‘chocolate tradition’ the same way i laugh about many people equating food with sex, including myself….some came in to clarify, and some, including x, came in to carp…now if you will notice, i did not edit any of these posts…we all believe that having a separate forum might be a constructive way to defuse the tensions of the last few weeks…[/i]

    You called Buggy a troll for saying much less than X or “Gelfling”

    [i]no i called buggy a troll for only showing up to fight…and continue fighting…the woman has a fabulous sense of humor, and i love her reviews on del’s site; why not share some of that with us here, instead of just coming to fight and then leaving again…why do we all only have to see her ugly side? don’t you guys try to write something interesting and nonconfrontational when you come here? why can’t she? that is my definition of a troll; i don’t hang out enough in other chat rooms and boards to know if that is the ‘preferred definition’, but i think it might have some validity…[/i]

    You have NOT seen these women, you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

    [i]excuse me, are you talking to me? hello, i told gelf not to make such remarks, so why am i getting told i don’t have a clue? [/i]

    The fact that you continuosly allow him to vent his searing hatred on this board is beyond me,

    [i]again, look at the thread here; no one has been edited…now look at the threads i closed; all posts got edited, including x and aleck…[/i]

    It’s this simple…If you don’t like the way things go at one place…go someplace else. No one is obligated to make you happy. Here or any other place.

    I for one, am sick of it, it’s juvenile, adolescent, rude and I now have serious doubts about the sanity of someone who would continuously rant over and over again about the same thing…

    [i]okay, you have vented, but you are not ranting, are you? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] there is fault enough to go around here, and i am hoping everyone who needed to has gotten in on it…so now let’s see if we can indeed let it drop [/i]

    (One of the “huge” people at Apec) LOL [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Amen, FX!

    I, for one, appreciate that you guys even put up a forum like this, but I can see where it’s going to go if we don’t all just shut up. I come online to have fun. Lately, it seems, all I do is try to find ways to respond in a civil manner to (or ignore, which is not always easy) uncalled-for insults and put-downs from people I don’t know, let alone the out and out attacks from certain people who could do with a visit to a good mental health counselor.

    Aleck and Headge, I understand your complaint about the speed of the Scifi bboard. But it’s always been that way, and no one complained about it before fics became such an issue. Actually, Aleck, I never saw you post anything there except plugs for Acorn Media, so I can kind of understand your frustration. I’m also sorry we’re not up to your intellectual standards, but, hey, there it is.

    So once again, thanks FX and Sad, and now I’m taking my own advice and shutting up.


    I have decided to delete my earlier posts in thisd thread since I said in a letter TO this BB that I wanted to stop adding to all this mess. I’ve already tried to locate old posts the other day and purge them from the BB to keep from inciting people.

    I did NOT flame anyone, I continuously STILL feel bad for the people involved -even the ones I don’t like- because I understand that they are upset, too.

    If I came out swinging as you put it… look at the posts that came before mine and give_ me_ a_ break. The Admins posts here, baiting people then sitting back and chiding them for biting is just really bizzarre.

    And all this talk about the so called *intelligent arguments* here in other threads… ;oo All I can say is most people *think* their arguments are intelligent so that is just a biased opinion I don’t really agree with here, LoL ;o)

    I mean… DT thinks sexual urges aren’t natural?!?!?!? YAHH- Very realistic. ::nods wisely:: With everybody pointing out how stupid those arguments are I don’t even have to bother doing it myself here, LoL

    originally posted by FX:
    but i will no longer be insulted and called names (that is a general statement, not just for elfie)
    FX… I DID NOT CALL YOU ANY NAMES! *YOU* called people miscreants, so WHAT do you mean it doesn’t just go for *me* to not call you any names? Sadgeezer read my posts before I deleted them, I suspect if I had called you names he would have booted me out on the spot. I didn’t even call vyX or X any names! I am FOR a logical, flameless end coming to this whole mess, if posting my disagreements are flames then everyone here is flaming on fire and burnin to a crisp. ;oP

    I RESPECT the ppl who like it here at Sad’s… I am trying to convince my publisher to post an ad for Sadgeezers and for another site I like in the filler pages where the artists didn’t turn in their pin ups. ;oP I’m NOT SAYING THAT I *HATE* ANY OF YOU… I just don’t agree with all of you, and there is a difference and I know what it is.



    Originally posted by SadGeezer:
    Does anyone have any views about LEXX fanfic?

    Are you ready for one of the longest posts I’ve ever written? So many posts have been made in this thread in the last 24 hours. I haven’t had time to respond to each one. Therefore, I’ve divided my post into two sections: a question section and an opinion section.


    Since this is a volatile topic, please bear in mind that I’m not really favoring one side or another. Think of me as Joe Friday, a detective trying to figure out “just the facts, ma’am.” The questions that I ask are usually not specifically directed at the person who wrote the quoted post. Anyone may reply to my questions. And for the record, I have read few fan fiction posts anywhere on any bulletin board.


    Originally posted by FX:
    …so the fanfiction that revolves around a particular clone is called clone fiction…one must have an officiallly sanctioned clone, and the proper permissions, to write clonefiction, especially if any other clones are involved…then there is the standard fanfiction…again, if you are going to use any named characters from the board, you must have permission…

    Specifically, who dispenses proper permission?


    Originally posted by FX:
    …but usually, the fanfictions, whatever flavor, are well marked, so that you can read it or not, as you choose…

    Exactly how are the bulletin board posts marked in order to indicate that they are fan fiction posts? (FF and CF are examples. Any others?)


    Originally posted by FX:
    …it’s sort of a role playing game…

    If these fan fications are games, how are they started, who starts them, how long do they run, are there points involved, what is the goal, etc. If they are like role-playing games, is there a “game master” or “referee” that conducts each game? Are points awarded in some fasion?


    Originally posted by FX:
    …the rules i have seen are posted by some of the people who are in apec…

    Where are the rules posted? Who established and who maintains the rules? Who enforces them and how? (Actually, I think dgrequeen answered these questions. She posted a message as I was composing this post. Thanxx, dgre.)


    Originally posted by Doffy:
    I am a member of the hated, all-powerful, evil APEC…

    I take it that APEC is an organization that holds executive authority over “clone” fan fiction that is posted on SciFi.Com/Lexx. What do the initials A.P.E.C. stand for? Does APEC have any other presence on the Internet other than at SciFi.Com/Lexx? Does APEC maintain their own webpage? How does one join APEC? What are their rules of behavior?
    “Just the facts, ma’am.”


    Originally posted by Doffy:
    …and CowboyKai is my clone…

    Did you invent CowboyKai yourself? Or was the name assigned to you as part of the parameters of the role-playing game? How does one aquire “possession” of a Kai clone?


    Originally posted by Doffy:
    …there have been some incidents of unauthorized use of characters…

    Can you give specific examples? (Aside from vyX who, people have already testified, was abusive.) How were the offenders punished?


    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    If you’re interested in writing a fic yourself, it’s the best place to try it out.

    Are there other places on the Internet that are popular places to post fan fiction? Specifically, are there places dedicated to Lexx fan fiction?


    Originally posted by Xev of R2D2:
    I also see that the posts where some people who registered nicknames mocking me were not taken down.

    These are very serious accusations indeed. Have you made inquiries with the people at SciFi.Com?


    Originally posted by elfie:
    scifi has tens of THOUSANDS of registered users, and only a handful (roughly… FOUR!!!) are being accused of anything at all.

    Who are these accused people? So far, I think there’s Doffy, micromary, dgrequeen. Did I get those names right? Any others?


    Originally posted by elfie:
    golly, i was an outsider who broke ‘the rules’ and got my own clone without asking… and THEN what did these horrible cliquish people do????????? they freaking asked my to join their chat room and email club… wow, they so totally ostrasized me. ::sob:: NOT! i don’t post clone fics, i just jumped in and got one, lol ;o)

    Sarcasm aside, does APEC use the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board to audition potential players in their clone fan fiction? Or are there other bulletin boards that the general public can visit, experiment with fan fiction, and win the approval of other APEC members?


    Originally posted by elfie:
    X is mad… other people are mad — WHAT WOULD IT TAKE TO END IT, X? what? i mean really… what are you trying to accomplish? everytime this starts people say the same things over and over and we get no where… what are you trying to get out of this?

    Good question.

    Would a bulletin board forum that is exclusively dedicated to Lexx fan fiction present a solution to this arguement? What would be the downside of this solution?


    Originally posted by elfie:
    i’m a moderator at KT

    What is KT? Is it a bulletin board? A website?


    And now I have some personal comments that I would like to make. These are just opinions and observations.


    Originally posted by Doffy:
    Many of the people complaining about the CF don’t even post at SciFi, so I have no idea what their malfunction is. We do try to mark the fics, so that if people don’t want to read them, they can skip over them. Surely there is enough room in Lexxdom for everyone! I come to Sad’s for discussion and news, and to SciFi to play. For god’s sake, if you don’t like the CF’s, don’t go there! It’s simple!

    My major malfunction with the fan fictions at SciFi.Com/Lexx is pretty easy to explain.

    I think fiction based on established characters and stories is just fine. It seems to me that it would be a great way for novice authors to get some practice with writing. But it can’t be ignored that fan fiction stories are fundamentally banal and derivative (meaning that they lack originality and freshness). Furthermore, [i]erotic[/i] fan fictions are fundamentally masturbatory (meaning that they serving the purpose of self-satisfaction). These are not bad things, I am just not in the least bit interested in reading such fiction. But this is not the primary reason why I do not enjoy the presence of fan fictions at SciFi.Com/Lexx.

    The bulletin board system at SciFi.Com, in general, is utter cr@p. The bulletin board program itself is a user-unfriendly, ugly nightmare. It looks old and outdated. The single most annoying feature of it is that threads scroll up and disappear from the page containing the most recent posts. All modern bulletin boards keep threads with recent posts in them at the top of the list. This makes it easier to keep track of current discussions. Also, it seems that the bulletin board cannot handle posts that are too long. As a result, extra-long posts have to be broken up into several posts.

    All of this results in my opinion that fan fiction is a nuisance on the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board. I just checked that board now and there were 15 out 40 posts on the “front page” that were dedicated to fan fiction. This is a great deal less than there usually are, I have to admit. But each fan fiction post bumps other posts off the “front page” of the bulletin board and into obscurity. Sure, anyone can search and find threads that address an issue of interest. But who is going to take the time to overcome this unexcuseable flaw of the SciFi.Com bulletin board system? The answer is no one.

    The controversey with Lexx fan fiction at the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board is only the [i]manifestation[/i] of the poor quality of that bulletin board’s system. The fan fiction is not really a problem in itself. I beleive that this the root of the arguements that have been raging for some time now.


    Originally posted by Doffy:
    All I can say is, Lexx, and yes, the clone game, has awakened new levels of creativity within me. I never wrote any fics before, and I have really enjoyed the outlet. I don’t think this is a bad thing.

    I think that’s wonderful! I really do! Please do not mistake my opinion of fan fiction as dire criticism and do not let me discourage you. Despite my tastes, I beleive that fan fiction serves a useful function for aspiring writers. I hope it inspires you to take your writing skills in new and original directions. The best of luck to you.


    Originally posted by elfie:
    i don’t write clone or chocolate stories, but i like to read them, just the same. don’t like it- don’t read it. purty simple.

    Yes, that’s a simple answer.

    But I would like to make an analogy. Bulletin boards such as the ones at SciFi.Com/Lexx are open to the public. There are many basketball courts that are similarly open to the public. Here in the USA, people can go to a civic center, a boys or girls club, YMCA, YWCA, church, or school. Some of them are closely monitored and controlled. Others are not closely watched and are open to anyone. Anybody can come in and play basketball. There are some people who like to play volleyball, but most people usually play basketball because it is the primary function of the basketball courts. Consider the fact that there are a few people who like to practice kendo, judo, karate, etc., but do not have a place of their own specifically built for the purpose of practicing martial arts. What if kendoists are there, practicing all the time? It would make it difficult for people to play basketball or volleyball. I know this is a very loose analogy, but it’s the best I could think of at the time.

    The SciFi.Com bulletin board is open to anyone. No one regularly moderates that forum. The only action on the part of the SciFi Channel that is ever taken is against anyone who posts offensive comments. Aside from that, anything goes. This is another failing on the part of the SciFi.Com bulletin boards.

    The presence of fan fiction on the SciFi.Com bulletin boards is akin to pop-up ads in the eyes of people who are not at all interested in such writing. Because of the frequency of fan fiction posts, it makes it difficult for people who are always having to take them into acount when searching for threads that they really want to follow. Ergo, they are a nuisance for many people.


    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    …there’s no wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth because it’s taking up ‘valuable’ space on the board.

    I disagree. There have been plenty of complaints about this issue. As of late, most of these complaints have been discussed here at SadGeezer bulletin boards. The thing about complaints made at the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board is that all posts addressing this issue scroll up and away as new posts are created. All such threads are quickly forgotten because of the flawed nature of that bulletin board system, as I discussed above.


    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    And just for the info, the sci-fi board is not alone in it’s fan and clone fic for Lexx, there are several other sites that specialize in this type of writing, but they are private sites or lists, and not as public as the sci-fi board.

    Then people who are interested in writing and/or reading Lexx fan fiction should go to those sites and not use the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board as a workshop to practice their art. I beleive that regular announcements about those Lexx fan fiction sites posted on the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board would be welcomed by many and [i]tolerated by everyone.[/i]


    Originally posted by Gelfling:
    I apologize if I am going to offend anyone here, but that board touches a nerve with me. I was ran off long ago by the fictions and phobic behavior and I stand behind anyone who would stand up for themselves against the posters on SciFi.

    Even though Gelfling made some insulting comments about the nature of fan fiction authors, these are serious accusations that should not be taken lightly.


    Originally posted by elfie:
    if the fics EXISTANCE bothers you *so* *much* that it ruins your fun at scifi… then don’t go – who cares.

    This is the very heart of the issue. Fan fictions posted on the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board is the most talked-about complaint. It is the usual reason why people ditch that bulletin board in favor of SadBoard. These fan fictions are driving people away from the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board.

    The reason why people are fussing over this is that the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board is the [i]de facto[/i] official Lexx bulletin board. There used to be one at Lexx.Com, but it no longer seems to exist. And at issue is the domineering presence of fan fiction at this [i]de facto[/i] official Lexx bulletin board. Furthermore, a newbie Lexx fan will visit the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulleting board first. And what does the newbie see? Tons of fan fiction on an outdated bulletin board that makes it difficult to follow interesting threads.


    Originally posted by elfie:

    This I do. But the only way to ignore Lexx clone fan fictions and APEC is to not visit the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board. Their presence cannot be ignored.


    Originally posted by Hedgehog & Aleck:

    I essentially agree with everything that Hedgehog and Aleck said in the above posts.

    One final thing. I think that the members of APEC should no longer be concerned with the antics of X. I think that story is over. The real issue, I believe, is the presence of fan fiction at SciFi.Com/Lexx in general that is regarded as a nuisance. And I must yet again strongly advocate the activation of a bulletin board forum (here at SadBoard or elsewhere) that is entirely dedicated to Lexx fan fiction without any worries of dire criticism.


    FX, the remark I made about the weight issue was not directed at you, but at Gelfling..

    I would have been happy to answer any questions about clone fic that DT may have had.

    I don’t see how opening up yet another thread about this subject so that former disgruntled posters can spew hatred on this board, is going to help settle things down here. In fact, I believe it’s perpetuating the problem. The workings of another completely different site shouldn’t even be a subject for discussion. I’m sure if someone were ranting in such terms about Saddy’s site at another board, you would understand if someone defended the board and it’s posters, hopefully. I don’t know why anyone is surprised there’s a defense to inflammatory posts about Apec “enemies” or some such nonsense. I only know of three people out of thousands that had a serious problem with the board there, not a bad average, actually.

    As for how the board loads, all you have to do is click on the button that says “view all posts” to see an entire page at a time of many different threads. I know it’s difficult to understand, but actually quite simple.
    After all, no one posting here gripes about how slow Saddy’s site loads, and has to be refreshed time and again to get the entire page to load..it’s something we ‘deal’ with to enjoy the topics..and we don’t take it to other lists to complain either…how the board loads there is totally out of our hands, and we adjust accordingly..

    So if anyone wants info on the clone fic, from now on I recommend going to the Lexx hospitality page, and read at your leisure..

    All are welcome… [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    I don’t see how opening up yet another thread about this subject so that former disgruntled posters can spew hatred on this board, is going to help settle things down here. In fact, I believe it’s perpetuating the problem. The workings of another completely different site shouldn’t even be a subject for discussion.

    Well, the fact that this debate is occuring here at SadBoard and not at SciFi.Com/Lexx is merely another manifestation of the technical flaws of the SciFi.Com bulletin board system in general. As Hedgehog, Aleck, and others have pointed out, it is not possible to have an ongoing debate at the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board.


    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    As for how the board loads, all you have to do is click on the button that says “view all posts” to see an entire page at a time of many different threads. I know it’s difficult to understand, but actually quite simple.

    Yes, it’s very simple. But if one wants to continue a debate on a particular thread, one must search through old posts that are no longer on the “front page” of that bulletin board’s list of threads. Newcomers should not be expected to sift through dozens of posts to find the relavent topic of interest. Chances are they won’t bother. Threads are forgotten.

    In fact, now that I think about it, this fundamental flaw with the SciFi.Com bulletin boards could be used as a weapon. Don’t want an issue to be debated? Simply post a bunch of new threads in a covert manner and *poof*, the thread subject scrolls away into [i]Forgotten Thread Land.[/i]


    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    After all, no one posting here gripes about how slow Saddy’s site loads, and has to be refreshed time and again to get the entire page to load..it’s something we ‘deal’ with to enjoy the topics..and we don’t take it to other lists to complain either…how the board loads there is totally out of our hands, and we adjust accordingly..

    You’re right. It’s rare that anyone complains about the structure of SadBoard.


    All quotes in [[ ]] are by Flamegrape.

    [[Specifically, who dispenses proper permission?]] In reguards to APEC fics.

    Ask Dishroom_Princess to give you a clone. That’s the short of it, but you could ask any number of ppl and they’d get her to give you one.

    [[Exactly how are the bulletin board posts marked in order to indicate that they are fan fiction posts? (FF and CF are examples. Any others?)]]

    FF: Fan Fiction (Regular)
    CT: Chocolate Tradition
    CF: Clone Fiction

    [[If these fan fications are games, how are they started, who starts them, how long do they run, are there points involved, what is the goal, etc. If they are like role-playing games, is there a “game master” or “referee” that conducts each game? Are points awarded in some fasion?]]

    Sometimes they are played like a round robin, other times people just write their stories about their characters like any other kind of story and post them.

    [[I take it that APEC is an organization that holds executive authority over “clone” fan fiction that is posted on SciFi.Com/Lexx. What do the initials A.P.E.C. stand for? Does APEC have any other presence on the Internet other than at SciFi.Com/Lexx? Does APEC maintain their own webpage? How does one join APEC? What are their rules of behavior?
    “Just the facts, ma’am.”]]

    APEC: All Powerful Estrogen Cloud
    Apec has a website… and there is a lot of info at the Lexx Hospitality Page. [url=http://www.geocities.com/lexxhospitality/]http://www.geocities.com/lexxhospitality/[/url]

    [[Did you invent CowboyKai yourself? Or was the name assigned to you as part of the parameters of the role-playing game? How does one aquire “possession” of a Kai clone?]]

    She got a clone, named him and came up with the character persona.

    [[Are there other places on the Internet that are popular places to post fan fiction? Specifically, are there places dedicated to Lexx fan fiction?]]

    I post all my stories on my own page, many people archive theirs on their site… try a search engine. But Splarka’s Links is a good starting ground to look — so is Saddy’s links.

    [[Sarcasm aside, does APEC use the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board to audition potential players in their clone fan fiction? Or are there other bulletin boards that the general public can visit, experiment with fan fiction, and win the approval of other APEC members?]]

    Why should I set it aside… you never do. ;o)

    Nobody auditions anybody, people ask to join in the fics.

    [[Good question. Would a bulletin board forum that is exclusively dedicated to Lexx fan fiction present a solution to this arguement? What would be the downside of this solution?]]

    I don’t think anything will satisfy everyone considering it’s NOT all about the fics, they are just part of it.

    Originally posted by Xev of R2D2:
    I also see that the posts where some people who registered nicknames mocking me were not taken down.

    These are very serious accusations indeed. Have you made inquiries with the people at SciFi.Com?]]

    I don’t know if they have been or not. I didn’t post in those threads so I have no idea if those names have been blocked.

    Originally posted by elfie:
    scifi has tens of THOUSANDS of registered users, and only a handful (roughly… FOUR!!!) are being accused of anything at all.

    Who are these accused people? So far, I think there’s Doffy, micromary, dgrequeen. Did I get those names right? Any others?]]

    Yup… that’s about it.

    [[What is KT? Is it a bulletin board? A website?]]

    It is the email group at Yahoo that the APEC members and others post at. It has a website, files section, chat room… just a basic forum.

    [[I think fiction based on established characters and stories is just fine.]]

    That’s cool that you think that… it’s my fave kind, too. But it IS just what you like, you have to accept that other people like other types of non “cannon” things, too. If you don’t think it should EXIST, that is also your view. YOUR view… other people don’t want it to ever stop — such is the way of things.

    [[The bulletin board system at SciFi.Com, in general, is utter cr@p.]]

    The only thing I don’t like are the ads… but I get a headache from the eye straining colors here so go figure. Sorry you don’t like it there, I guess this bud, err, boards for you. ;o)

    [[All of this results in my opinion that fan fiction is a nuisance on the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board.]]

    Well you’re entitled to that opinion, but there are at least 50 people who don’t share it… just to be noted. And that’s just the people *writing* it, not including who knows how many people are *reading* it.

    [[Originally posted by elfie:
    i don’t write clone or chocolate stories, but i like to read them, just the same. don’t like it- don’t read it. purty simple.

    Yes, that’s a simple answer.

    But I would like to make an analogy. Bulletin boards such as the ones at SciFi.Com/Lexx are open to the public.]]

    Well, Scifi is like the OPEN basketball courts. If I didn’t like the way you and your group were playing basket ball on it your turn on the court — that would be tough luck for me because it’s not my game. And when it’s my turn to play, you also have no say in it. So what someone chooses to post there… in a free country on a free BB… as long as they aren’t there just to cause trouble, you have to live with it.

    But you don’t like it at Scifi, so this is not your problem.

    [[The SciFi.Com bulletin board is open to anyone. No one regularly moderates that forum. The only action on the part of the SciFi Channel that is ever taken is against anyone who posts offensive comments. Aside from that, anything goes. This is another failing on the part of the SciFi.Com bulletin boards.]]

    Perhaps, but moderating thousands of people is a much more difficult task than the few hundred here at Sad’s. People post what they want, and only the stuff SciFi deems offensive gets pulled — that’s not entirely unmoderated.

    [[I disagree. There have been plenty of complaints about this issue.]]
    About the fics at scifi.

    Mainly by the same handful of people, and the couple people who feel slighted somehow by apec/ kt/ scifi bb.

    [[Then people who are interested in writing and/or reading Lexx fan fiction should go to those sites and not use the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board as a workshop to practice their art. I beleive that regular announcements about those Lexx fan fiction sites posted on the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board would be welcomed by many and tolerated by everyone.]]

    The only problem with that is there would no longer be a well known site for new fans to discover the fiction at. If it hadn’t been at scifi, I’m not sure I would have found it. And for me at least, that wouldn’t have been a preferable scenario. If it had been in private lists, there would have been no visible way for me or anyone else who’s interested to discover it.

    I DO just announce new fics rather than post them there… what is the difference? It is still a “post about someone’s fic”, since no one forces anyone to open the story posts and read them.

    [[This is the very heart of the issue. Fan fictions posted on the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board is the most talked-about complaint. It is the usual reason why people ditch that bulletin board in favor of SadBoard. These fan fictions are driving people away from the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board.]]

    …And it is also the reason some people visit Scifi instead of the Sadboard.

    Originally posted by elfie:

    This I do. But the only way to ignore Lexx clone fan fictions and APEC is to not visit the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board. Their presence cannot be ignored.]]

    It can be if you do not open the fics.

    [[One final thing. I think that the members of APEC should no longer be concerned with the antics of X. I think that story is over. The real issue, I believe, is the presence of fan fiction at SciFi.Com/Lexx in general that is regarded as a nuisance. And I must yet again strongly advocate the activation of a bulletin board forum (here at SadBoard or elsewhere) that is entirely dedicated to Lexx fan fiction without any worries of dire criticism.]]

    What you think should happen at a BB you do not like or go to doesn’t carry much weight. The people who are regulars at Scifi’s opinion’s matter to me on the subject (just speaking for me) and the only people who complain are people who don’t like Scifi enough to begin with and do not *hang out* there.

    Without the fictions, there would still be the layout of the board… APEC would still be announcing it’s fictions somewhere and what you don’t understand is they’d be upset that they exist ANYWHERE.

    Posts in [[ ]] are by Aleck:

    [[I was put off by the clique-ish nature of the SciFi board almost immediately. It’s not because people there have RL ties with each other]]

    Yes it is. People didn’t just meet at uncon, they spend every night talking to one another and spending their money to travel across country to visit one another. They really ARE close, don’t say that they’re not because there’s no way for you to know.

    [[But getting along with others shouldn’t entail trying to get along with people who seem to make it a *chore*.]]

    No, it shouldn’t be. I’ve disagreed with Valdron then the next day agreed with him on other things… with the exception of X and vyX, that IS how most interactions at Scifi go, too.

    [[“like this place never has fights? Puh-leeze…” The difference is that here, even though there have been a fair share of arguments, at least they have some intellectual substance]]

    Well that is your opinion. Not saying that none have ever been here, but there are some amazing posters at Scifi, too. It’s all a matter of opinion so I’ll give you that one.

    [[(I mean, the last real argument we’ve have has concerned the psychological and physiological bases of human instinct, for crying out loud), and none of them have ended up polarizing groups of people into rival groups or caused people to pledge to never speak to another person again.]]

    If DalekTek posted an image of himself at the conclusion of the thread pointing a gun and threatening to shoot you… you might never want to speak to him again.

    [[As many arguments as DT and I have had, I can’t say that I hate the guy, nor can I say that I will never have a good word for him.]]

    That’s cool… I like DalekTek, and I think your posts aren’t bad. How MANY times do I have to state that I don’t hate any of you, I just don’t agree with you all on everything.

    [[because people just post…
    …which just eats up space.]]

    I wish there were some 96 part epics out there. ;o) Actually, they average about 5-7 chapters or so. Sadgeezer’s actually loads slower for me than scifi, so it’s not much of a bother to click the “prev” link at scifi aaaand… look at more posts.


    Okay, reality check here (I don’t go to the scifi site often but I think I know what’s going on.)

    Christ, I’ve been involved in political and religious debates that were less vehement! If people can argue about whether Islam is inherently violent, or whether suffering disproves God, or the wisdom of affirmative action without insulting each other…..

    Y’all are getting very offensive and very touchy over things that have no significance! This is smeggin’ ridiculous!

    There is no Kai, McManus probably dosen’t even read any of your fiction, if he does it probably dosen’t affect him, I doubt any of you will ever meet each other in person, yet you’re fighting over somthing that you DON’T HAVE TO READ OR WRITE.

    We’re all Lexxians here. Can’t we just be friendly?



    Originally posted by dgrequeen:
    Actually, Aleck, I never saw you post anything there except plugs for Acorn Media, so I can kind of understand your frustration. I’m also sorry we’re not up to your intellectual standards, but, hey, there it is.

    Hey, I never said that the board or the majority of the people on it weren’t up to any intellectual standards…I was talking about the arguments over there. The SF board is just much more subject to trolls and juvenile name-calling than this one. We don’t regularly have visits from [i]Farscape[/i] fans who take it upon themselves to insult the members of the board or things of that nature. That’s all I was saying.

    It’s true that the majority of the things I’ve posted over there have been updates about the LEXX videos (I wouldn’t call them plugs, as I’ve never said anything like “rush out now and get your DVDs!”, I prefer to think of them as news about what’s going on with the videos, or answering questions that get brought up). I think I made a couple of replies to someone else’s posts there, but infrequently, and the reasons why I haven’t posted more frequently have been listed above.

    I know that the problem with the design of the board has bothered me ever since I first looked at it, but I never brought it up because I figured, “what good is it gonna do me?” I mean, if SciFi cares enough about the fans to treat some of the shows in the way that it does [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img], they’re certainly not going to get a new bb setup because some people don’t like it, but continue to use it. But if there’s discussion about the board, I’m more than willing to say that the design of it is horrendous and is one of the main reasons I don’t use it.



    Couldn’t this entire debacle be settled by “APEC” acquiring their own domain name and webhosting and continuing their RPG there? If they are indeed as serious about their RPG as they seem, wouldn’t that be the most logical solution, to establish their own web presence?



    Originally posted by MelodikSyn:
    Couldn’t this entire debacle be settled by “APEC” acquiring their own domain name and webhosting and continuing their RPG there? If they are indeed as serious about their RPG as they seem, wouldn’t that be the most logical solution, to establish their own web presence?

    Yes, if they weren’t women with children to feed and bills to pay. ;o) It’s not a *serious* thing… it’s just a fun thing, do not be alarmed!!! LoL!!!


    Wow this topic moves fast!


    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    As for how the board loads, all you have to do is click on the button that says “view all posts” to see an entire page at a time of many different threads. I know it’s difficult to understand, but actually quite simple.
    After all, no one posting here gripes about how slow Saddy’s site loads, and has to be refreshed time and again to get the entire page to load..

    I do find the sadboard slow to load, but only in the middle of the night. I can live with it being slow between 1am-3am. I’ve never had to reload though, it may be your browser or isp.


    Originally posted by elfie:
    The only thing I don’t like are the ads…

    How could I forget those g-dforsaken ads! they pop up everytime you load a new page. Witht he 13 ghosts ad they made ghost images appear randomly on the screen. There was a sound ad which crash my machine once, and all the other times it just screwed up winamp.
    Please sadgeezer, promise you’ll never sell-out and make those abominations appear!

    Flamegrape: I’m not going to crash the board and quote your doctral thesis, I mean long post; but I agree with everything you said there and how you wrote it. My first impression of lexx on the web was from scifi.com and lexx.com. I was not impressed and almost gave up hope on Lexx. I was still new to the show and was trying to get backround on it. I accidently found sadgeezer.com thourgh a link from a page that was linked from lexx.com, and from here I found out all the backround I needed. From then on, I’ve always loved the show. If my story is a typical representation of newbies, then others may not have been so lucky as to have found a [i]real lexx website[/i].

    [ 18-11-2001: Message edited by: Headgehog ]



    Originally posted by elfie:
    APEC: All Powerful Estrogen Cloud
    Apec has a website… and there is a lot of info at the Lexx Hospitality Page. [URL=http://www.geocities.com/lexxhospitality/


    The Lexx Hospitality webpage is the APEC homepage?


    Originally posted by elfie:
    Nobody auditions anybody, people ask to join in the fics.

    Let me rephrase my question. Are all of the people who ask to join APEC people who view APEC fan fiction on the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board or do they usually encounter APEC through other channels. What I want to know is how important the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board is for the continuation of the club? In other words, is that bulletin board an indespensible organ of the club?


    Originally posted by elfie:
    [[Good question. Would a bulletin board forum that is exclusively dedicated to Lexx fan fiction present a solution to this arguement? What would be the downside of this solution?]]

    I don’t think anything will satisfy everyone considering it’s NOT all about the fics, they are just part of it.

    I don’t understand what you mean. It seems to me that if there were a bulletin board that is dedicated exclusively to Lexx fan fiction, everything would be great.


    Originally posted by elfie:
    [[What is KT? Is it a bulletin board? A website?]]

    It is the email group at Yahoo that the APEC members and others post at. It has a website, files section, chat room… just a basic forum.

    So….. what’s the URL? I’d like to visit it.


    Originally posted by elfie:
    Mainly by the same handful of people, and the couple people who feel slighted somehow by apec/ kt/ scifi bb.

    With all due respect, I don’t think they are the only ones who are bugged by the fan fiction postings. There’s no way of measuring how many newbies go to that bulletin board and then never return without comment.


    Originally posted by elfie:
    The only problem with that is there would no longer be a well known site for new fans to discover the fiction at. If it hadn’t been at scifi, I’m not sure I would have found it. And for me at least, that wouldn’t have been a preferable scenario. If it had been in private lists, there would have been no visible way for me or anyone else who’s interested to discover it.

    I thought so. If the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board didn’t exist, APEC would have no venue– no visibility, no public exposure. I just wanted to make that point clear.


    Originally posted by elfie:
    I DO just announce new fics rather than post them there… what is the difference? It is still a “post about someone’s fic”, since no one forces anyone to open the story posts and read them.

    I see nothing wrong with that at all. It’s those people who post chapter after chapter and eat up thread title slots in the “front page” that are particularly annoying.


    Originally posted by elfie:
    [[This is the very heart of the issue. Fan fictions posted on the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board is the most talked-about complaint. It is the usual reason why people ditch that bulletin board in favor of SadBoard. These fan fictions are driving people away from the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board.]]

    …And it is also the reason some people visit Scifi instead of the Sadboard.

    …and therefore newbies mostly encounters fan fic at the [i]defacto[/i] official Lexx bulletin board. If they’re lucky, they might find their way to SadBoard and have real discussions that are maintained for long periods of time. Not everyone who gets into Lexx wants to read fan fiction.


    Originally posted by elfie:
    [But the only way to ignore Lexx clone fan fictions and APEC is to not visit the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board. Their presence cannot be ignored.]]

    It can be if you do not open the fics.

    *SIGH* I think you’re side-stepping the issue. I never open the fics. But the subject headings are there. Each day, fic threads appear and any other discussion threads gets shuffled away.


    Originally posted by elfie:
    What you think should happen at a BB you do not like or go to doesn’t carry much weight. The people who are regulars at Scifi’s opinion’s matter to me on the subject (just speaking for me) and the only people who complain are people who don’t like Scifi enough to begin with and do not *hang out* there.

    Ah, I understand now. The Lexx fan fic writers dominate the SciFi.Com bulletin board and you like it that way. You’re right, my opinions carry little weight.

    I’m trying to say that more people would frequent the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board if they knew that subjects could be discussed for a longer period of time without fan fic filling up subject heading space.

    There’s another point that people seldom mention. Fan fiction is not the intended purpose of bulletin boards. It could be regarded as abuse, but there is no one there at SciFi.Com/Lexx moderating anything.


    Originally posted by elfie:
    Without the fictions, there would still be the layout of the board… APEC would still be announcing it’s fictions somewhere and what you don’t understand is they’d be upset that they exist ANYWHERE.

    Are you saying that there are people out there who are actively trying to squash the existence of any kind of Lexx fan fiction anywhere? That’s news to me. Again, I say that no one would mind annoncements of new fan fiction literature.


    Originally posted by elfie:
    If DalekTek posted an image of himself at the conclusion of the thread pointing a gun and threatening to shoot you… you might never want to speak to him again.

    That’s really a shame that that sort of thing happens at the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board. I’m not sure that sort of thing has happened here before. If it did, I’m sure such offensive messages are deleted. Sad? FX?


    Originally posted by elfie:
    I wish there were some 96 part epics out there. ;o) Actually, they average about 5-7 chapters or so. Sadgeezer’s actually loads slower for me than scifi, so it’s not much of a bother to click the “prev” link at scifi aaaand… look at more posts.

    Again, I try to point out that it is not easy to find new posts in old threads at the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board. And when you do find an old thread and post a new message, it goes unnoticed.

    The ease of operation of the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board has never been in question. (You keep bringing it up.) In fact, it’s generic simplicity is it’s greatest flaw.


    Originally posted by MelodikSyn:
    Couldn’t this entire debacle be settled by “APEC” acquiring their own domain name and webhosting and continuing their RPG there? If they are indeed as serious about their RPG as they seem, wouldn’t that be the most logical solution, to establish their own web presence?

    Er, um… I’ve been trying to lobby for this, but– uh– it seems that the fan fiction folk are happy where they are at the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board. They are concerned that if they did not regularly post fan fiction there they would drastically lose membership involvement.


    Originally posted by Headgehog:
    My first impression of lexx on the web was from scifi.com and lexx.com. I was not impressed and almost gave up hope on Lexx. I was still new to the show and was trying to get backround on it. I accidently found sadgeezer.com thourgh a link from a page that was linked from lexx.com, and from here I found out all the backround I needed. From then on, I’ve always loved the show. If my story is a typical representation of newbies, then others may not have been so lucky as to have found a real lexx website.

    Ditto. Verbatim.

    [ 18-11-2001: Message edited by: Flamegrape ]


    EXCELLENT start to the Angst Forum.

    Unfortunately, the thread is too long and will start to collapse the board (ie, take too long to load for too many people and crash other threads).

    I therfore have to close this thread (no more posting and no editing of existing posts). I’ve opened a new one ‘Welcome Part Ducks’ and heartily encourage you to continue there.

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