What are they all doing now?

Forums British Sci Fi Series Dr Who What are they all doing now?

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    Lots of the Dr. WHo’s went on to do stuff, so did the lovely Lady Assistants (lik ethe one below 🙂 )

    Does anyone know what happened to them?

    Like erm… Kate Manning 🙂



    Peter Davison is a new grandfather & is still doing Pantos & plays from time to time.
    Colin’s raising his girls & teaching the eldest how to drive.
    Sylvester McCoy’s in a play & will be a guest at next yr’s Gally.
    I don’t know about Tom Baker, or even if he’s still alive.
    The 1st 3, William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton & Jon Pertwee have all passed on.
    I hope this helps some & if I know anything else, I’ll definitely post it.
    Take care & Happy Memorial Day.

    Whovian to Whovian,
    Jhevz 😉

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