What planet pounder is most potent?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx What planet pounder is most potent?

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    Recently, while watching such quality entertainment as Lexx, the star wars movies, and Babylon 5, a thought occured to me: every sci-fi series my inexperienced self has read/viewed seems to have a planet killing superweapon. Unable to decide this myself, I turn to you knowledgable folk. Which of the Planet Killers Listed below is the best there is at what it does?

    A. The Lexx

    B. The Death Star

    C. The Vorlon Planet Killer

    D. The Shadow Death Cloud

    G. Other (please specify)


    The Behemoth in Wing Commander 3 ;p


    Nitpicky, i know.

    If tehy all destroy entire planets, then isn’t that the best you can do?


    I deeestroyed a uuuuuuniiiverse! hahahahaha a uuuuniiiverrrsssee!


    Well, they all can take out planets. But I have to give it to the LEXX.

    1) The LEXX has destroyed more planets than the others combined.

    2) Mobility, LEXX destroys planets in *two* Universes, and can travel from one end of a Universe to the other, from the furthest reaches of the Divine Order to the Center of the Universe.

    3) Range, the LEXX toasted Pluto, six light hours away, at the furthest reaches of the solar system.

    4) Accuracy, the LEXX can toast really tiny objects, the hubble, a space shuttle, the international space station, Orlando, Ottawa.

    5) Versatility. If the LEXX doesn’t blow up a life bearing planet, it can eat it. Or it can blow it up and then eat it.

    6) Stamina. The Death Star has to recharge.
    The LEXX blew up Mars and Venus one after the other, as well as Fire and Water.

    7) Good looks. Come on, that is one sexy bug.


    You forgot about Marvin the Martian’s Eludium P38 explosive space modulator’s Earth-shattering [b]KA-BOOM![/b]


    Warsaw wrote:

    quote[quote] If tehy all destroy entire planets, then isn’t that the best you can do? [/quote]

    In the Star Wars novels there’s a small ship called the Sun Crusher, which fires a special torpedo that makes stars go supernova, thus destroying entire planetary systems.


    Well, there you go then, the Sun Crusher. For pure efficiency I would say the Lexx or its Star Wars equivalent that eats worlds and turns the raw material into other Star Destroyers and useful, destructive stuff. Can’t remember its name.


    Don’t forget that planet eating robot planet from Transformers The Movie!


    Also, the Beast planet from that CGI series
    by the people who did Reboot.

    But heck, why are we even arguing. Mantrid
    destroyed a universe. Beat that…



    …but there has to be something out there that destroys the space-time continuum. Wouldn’t that be more impressive? If you destroyed that then the Universe would never have existed(brain hurt). A Delorian would be the most powerful machince then, right?

    Okay…we are way off base here.


    A computer in “The Nine Billion Names of God,” by Arthur C. Clarke, set in motion the uncreation just by finding the right name. But I am still impressed with Mantrid’s dis”mant”lement that “rid” the light universe of all but our Lexxians and the space weather guy. (Hey, who was he?) Hmmm…mant…rid…am I on the track to the Name? [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]


    The most powerful planet destroyer is without a doubt the Hand of Omega. At the Doctor’s command, it destroyed a planet many light years away and millennia in the future, destroying the alien warships surrounding Earth on its way back to its resting place in time-space, and returned in less than a minute.

    It’s never been said where Mantrid’s name comes from, but I always assumed it was a play on mantid (a type of insect). It is also possible that it derives from the Sanskrit word “mantrin,” meaning “wise man.” Or perhaps the writer arrived at the mad scientist’s name through a deliberate blending of the two words (wise insect?). Actually, I recently discovered that the Greek word “mantis,” now given to insects of the mantid order, originally meant “a half-incomprehensible prophet,” and comes from the same root as the Sanskrit “mantrin.”


    I’m convinced DalekTek790 has proven for us who Mantrid is now
    Who is the Doctor

    The Doomsday Machine in the original Star Trek was a planet eater and because it defeated a Starship captain without even being commanded it was at least a minor contender, imagine what it might have done under intelligent control? Neutronium hull! Beat that. How powerful would Lexx be without a Captain. I think I’ve only seen it blast something without orders once (series 1).


    What about the Genesis Torpedo from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan?

    That would have to be the coolest way to destroy a planet. Both the LEXX and Death Star pretty much expload the planet within seconds, but the Genesis Torpedo breaks the entire planet down into decay on the molecular level.

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