Set 400 years in the future in the wake of a universal civil war, FIREFLY tells the tale of Serenity, a small transport spaceship without a homeport. Captain Malcolm (“Mal”) Reynolds commands Serenity for legitimate transport and salvage runs, as well as, more “entrepreneurial” endeavors.
On Serenity, crew and passengers live together in close quarters as they shuttle between the Alliance governed galaxy and the border planets that delineate the new frontier. The crew undertakes almost any job — legal or not — to stay afloat and put bread on the table. Each of the passengers has his or her own motivation for being on board – some honorable, some more questionable. All have unique pasts and different reasons for wanting to get to their destination.
Serenity and its crew flies to the border planets, many of which are barely inhabited, because they want to stay away from the Alliance and below its big radar. Thrust together by necessity, the disparate men and women of Serenity face constant challenges, which test and reveal their true identities. FIREFLY is about their unpredictable lives and relationships, as well as their search for meaning in a very uncertain time.
Wizzed from the [url=http://www.fox.com/firefly/]Fox Website[/url].
[ 04-06-2002: Message edited by: SadGeezer ]