What’s Your Number?

Forums British Sci Fi Series The Prisoner What’s Your Number?

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  • #39281

    Just wondering if any of the Numbers stand out to you as someone like you, or people you know. As a kind of game we’ve been numbering people at work lately based on their personalities. Or are you a new Number?

    For the record, I have at last found myself and I am most definitely [b]Number 83[/b], though not the one from the novel. No question about it. Even Mr. Pet agrees.

    Someday I may even explain why… 8) 😉 😀



    I am not a number…..



    Me, 99. Note I said ” 99 ” 😛 My internal editor is working hard today. 😛

    My husband is a bit of a klutz like Maxwell Smart, so some days I feel like 99 to his Max.

    😳 Wrong number oriented 60’s Spy Show.


    99’s a number, and they have those automatic doors….

    I would say that’s acceptable. Numbers are so limiting, and since the Village is so cosmopolitan there’s no reason Maxwell Smart wouldn’t have been sent there eventually…. 😀 Ah! The horror! 😀

    If I could only get that song out of my head now that you brought it up…. 😛








    Finally! I expected someone to lay claim to that much sooner…. 😈



    I just love walking under ladders.

    (unless there’s somebody precarioulsy balanced at the top with a bucket of paint)


    [quote]Finally! I expected someone to lay claim to that much sooner….

    I would’ve, but like I said, I’ve got the internal editor back on line after a long strike. 😉

    Edit; This makes my 69th post at Sad’s. Hee hee! Didn’t notice that when I posted, I swear!


    Dylsexxic 69 — reverse sexology:
    No. 96. Sexually speaking I’ve always been rather backward.


    Number 9
    Number 9
    Number 9
    Number 9
    Number 9

    (Sorry! I got stuck in a rut again!)




    Well, this wasn’t my original intention, but I just received “The Village Files”,

    (which I ordered from the UK the same day I ordered another book from Amazon in the US, and it arrived before my US order… which isn’t due to arrive until Friday, and since it’s UPS there will likely be an exception and it will arrive Monday… but that’s beside the point…)

    and although some of the details are speculative at best… ([b]R[/b]eactive [b]O[/b]range-alert [b]V[/b]igilant [b]E[/b]nforce[b]R[/b]? 🙄 )

    according to the list,

    Beatles Fan Micromary is a “Special Case Prisoner”, so she gets her own cottage with all the comforts of home.
    Moderator Logan is in the class of General Observers. That is telling….
    And the rest of us (with Numbers) are general level prisoners, warders and support personnel (which according to another book means we get a basic-living arrangement apartment.)

    Party at MM’s! Waddyou say! I’ll bring the potatoes and the aspirins! 😀

    83 😀


    Ne ne ne 19, 19 Ne ne ne 19

    (somebody please put me out of my misery, what song did that come from? 😕 )


    Hehe, I remember that!

    That dates us 🙂

    Following is the song it was a damming protest about war – the average age of a US soldier during the Vietnam War. Pretty hard-hittting really.

    A spoof of the song was later released in Brittain also called 19, but this time it was a damming protest song about the average number of runs scored by England when we were beaten by Australia at cricket. 😀

    [color=orange][quote]Song Title [b][size=18]19[/size][/b]
    Lyrics 19 by Paul Hardcastle[/color]

    In 1965 Vietnam seemed like just another foreign war,
    but it wasn’t.
    It was different in many ways, as so were tose that did the fighting.
    In World War II the average age of the combat soldier was 26…
    In Vietnam he was 19.
    In inininininin Vietnam he was 19.

    (TV announcer’s voice)
    The shooting and fighting of the past two weeks continued today
    25 miles west of Saigon
    I really wasn’t sure what was going on (Vet’s Voice)

    Nininini Nineteen, 19, Ni-nineteen 19

    In Vietnam the combat soldier typicaly served a twelve month tour of duty but was exposed to hostile fire almost everyday
    Ninininininininininin 19 nininininninin 19

    Hundreds of Thousands of men who saw heavy combat in Vietnam were arrested snce discharge
    Their arrest rate is almost twice that of non-veterans of the same age.
    There are no accurate figures of how many of these men have been incarcerated.
    But, a Veterans Administration study concludes that the greater of Vets
    exposure to combat could more likely affect his chances of being arrested or convicted.

    This is one legacy of the Vietnam War

    (Singing Girls)
    All those who remember the war
    They won’t forget what they’ve seen..
    Destruction of men in their prime
    whose average was 19
    War, War
    Dededede-Destruction, wa-wa-War, wa-War, War
    War, War

    After World War II the Men came home together on troop ships, but the Vietnam
    Vet often arrived home within 48 hours of jungle combat
    Perhaps the most dramatic difference between World War II and VietNam was
    coming home.. .none of them received a hero’s welcome
    None of them received a heroes welcome, none of them, none of them
    Nenene Nenene None of them, none of them, none of them (etc…)
    None of them received a hero’s welcome
    None of them received a hero’s welcome

    According to a Veteran’s Administration study
    Half of the Vietnam combat veterans suffered from what Psychiatrists call
    Many vets complain of alienation, rage, or guilt
    Some succumb to suicidal thoughts
    Eight to Ten years after coming home almost eight-hundred-thousand men are
    still fighting the VietNam War

    (Singing Girls)

    Nininininininininin Nineteen, 19, Ni-nineteen 19
    Nininininininininin Nineteen, 19, Ni-nineteen 19

    (Soldiers Voice)
    When we came back it was different.. Everybody wants to know “How’d it
    happenned to those guys over there
    There’s gotta be something wrong somewhere
    We did what we had to do
    There’s gotta be something wrong somewhere
    People wanted us to be ashamed of what it made us
    Dad had no idea what he went to fight and he is now
    All we want to do is come home
    All we want to do is come home
    What did we do it for
    All we want to do is come home
    Was it worth it



    Hey, thanks for that! 😀

    (So it was called 19 was it? *cough* should’ve guessed really 😳 )

    I never heard the cricket version. I’ll have to look out for it.
    (Edit – Rory Bremner – the commentators, ’19 not out’ can’t find the lyrics though.)

    OMG 😯 19 was a hit 18 years ago! 😯

    *nursewhen is carried off on a stretcher*


    [quote=”pet”]according to the list,

    Beatles Fan Micromary is a “Special Case Prisoner”, so she gets her own cottage with all the comforts of home.
    Moderator Logan is in the class of General Observers. That is telling….
    And the rest of us (with Numbers) are general level prisoners, warders and support personnel (which according to another book means we get a basic-living arrangement apartment.)

    Party at MM’s! Waddyou say! I’ll bring the potatoes and the aspirins! :D[/quote]

    I’ll come along, but I won’t participate, I’ll just be a fly on the wall and report the proceedings to my superiors — it’s no fun being just an Observer. 🙁

    Anyway, since no one has taken it, I really want to be No. 6! Can I, can I please?! 😀 I mean the similarities are remarkable! We both drive KARs (well I drive an SUV but close enough), No. 6 is a number and I have a Social Insurance Number and ahh… Well isn’t that enough? 🙄 The only major difference, and it’s a biggie, is that No. 6 does not want to be any number, and I do. So if the real No. 6 doesn’t want it… 😉


    Beatles Fan Micromary is a “Special Case Prisoner”, so she gets her own cottage with all the comforts of home.
    Moderator Logan is in the class of General Observers. That is telling….
    And the rest of us (with Numbers) are general level prisoners, warders and support personnel (which according to another book means we get a basic-living arrangement apartment.)

    Party at MM’s! Waddyou say! I’ll bring the potatoes and the aspirins! 😀

    83 :D[/quote]

    WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!! I’m a SPECIAL CASE! Ummm, that’s a good thing, right??? 😕

    But what the heck, I’ve got my OWN cottage.

    Wait a minute!!!! There’s a problem here……

    (I’m fixing a hole where the rain gets in……..)



    56 😉


    Anyway, since no one has taken it, I really want to be No. 6! Can I, can I please?! 😀 I mean the similarities are remarkable! We both drive KARs (well I drive an SUV but close enough), No. 6 is a number and I have a Social Insurance Number and ahh… Well isn’t that enough? 🙄 The only major difference, and it’s a biggie, is that No. 6 does not want to be any number, and I do. So if the real No. 6 doesn’t want it… ;)[/quote]

    Except that the reason I chose 83 (drum roll, please) was because she is assigned the insurmountable task of pleasing Number 6 in order to graduate as a Pleasure Hostess in the unused script “The Outsider”.

    (One guess as to why this juicy script might have been rejected by McGoohan…. 😈 )

    If Number 96 becomes Number 6,, who does Number 6 become? 😳 Will I still get to iron the former Number 6’s shirts?! 😕

    83 ;D


    [i]Six of one No. 6, half a dozen of the other No. 6…[/i]

    So that’s why you chose that number, Pet. Ah… 💡

    LexxLurker, No. 56, 56 has personal significance to me because two of my “entertainment” heroes are No. 6 and Logan 5 — what am I talking about, that’s 65, or 6,5.

    Hmm, MM, shame about the hole. Sorry to rain on everyone’s parade, but that really puts a damper on the whole party idea. 😉

    I’ve had a Change of Mind — there is a serious conflict of interest with me becoming Number 6. The conflict being that many individuals are interested in drooling over The Prisoner, and they aren’t over me. How very, very sad. 🙁 Oh well, I may not be particularly droolworthy, but I have acted as communal spittoon on many occasions. 😉 However, I could be the Schizoid Man alter-ego, ah but most conflicted. No, to avoid said confusion, I would now like to be known as Number 5 — it’s too perfect for Logan 5! 😀


    [quote=”Logan”][i]Six of one No. 6, half a dozen of the other No. 6…[/i]

    So that’s why you chose that number, Pet. Ah… 💡

    LexxLurker, No. 56, 56 has personal significance to me because two of my “entertainment” heroes are No. 6 and Logan 5 — what am I talking about, that’s 65, or 6,5.

    Hmm, MM, shame about the hole. Sorry to rain on everyone’s parade, but that really puts a damper on the whole party idea. 😉

    I’ve had a Change of Mind — there is a serious conflict of interest with me becoming Number 6. The conflict being that many individuals are interested in drooling over The Prisoner, and they aren’t over me. How very, very sad. 🙁 Oh well, I may not be particularly droolworthy, but I have acted as communal spittoon on many occasions. 😉 However, I could be the Schizoid Man alter-ego, ah but most conflicted. No, to avoid said confusion, I would now like to be known as Number 5 — it’s too perfect for Logan 5! :D[/quote]

    Wellll, you could also be know at 5of6, or 6of5, or 5 of one/half a dozen of the other, or 6into5, or the square root of….

    *Micro’s calculator explodes*


    72… dont ask, I just stuck with me…



    I’ve had a Change of Mind — there is a serious conflict of interest with me becoming Number 6. The conflict being that many individuals are interested in drooling over The Prisoner, [i]and they aren’t over me. [/i] How very, very sad. 🙁 [/quote]

    Whaaaa?! Shirley, you must be joking… [i]just look![/i] !!


    No, to avoid said confusion, I would now like to be known as Number 5 — it’s too perfect for Logan 5! :D[/quote]

    That is a good one! Wouldn’t have thought of that….

    Now both Logan and MM have their own cottages, whilst I have to live in the apartments by the Palace of Fun 🙁 . But at least [b]I[/b] only have one camera in my bathroom! Enjoy those showers…. 😈

    83 ;D





    I’ll take No. 241.

    It happens to be one of the few shots of a private residence in the village (241, private), for which we never see the actual villager himself. It also happens to be the first three digits of my REAL number as a unit of society.


    I’ll take the number 1999…

    since thats the year a giant alien spacecraft bursts through hyperspace entering Earth’s atmosphere, and crashing into Macross Island in the South Pacific.


    if not that… then 1.

    Im number 1.


    I’ll be [size=18]א[/size][size=9]o[/size]. 😈 (Let me know if you get it.) 8)

    If I can’t do that, then I’ll take my sadgeezer id number: 175.

    Or maybe I can be em both: [size=18]א[/size][size=9]l75[/size] !!!

    😛 8) 😀


    Hmm, well it’s computer code, or language, used in Linux I know (useful for someone who knows about database management). But I don’t know what the symbol represents.

    By the way, I’m surprised no one has chosen 007.

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