When the LEXXverse meets another universe…

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx When the LEXXverse meets another universe…

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    I spent plenty of time (probably when I should be studying) thinking what would happen if somehow the crew of the LEXX and some of its other characters got mixed up with another Sci-Fi show’s universe!

    They say that LEXX is the anti-Start Trek, so think about the fun that would ensue if Kai, Xev, Stan and 790 got transported to say Star Trek: Enterprise.
    Kai and T’Pol would probably spend hours sitting down and looking serious…
    Stan would be trying to impress all the female crew with his ‘Iam the captain of the LEXX’ talk…
    Xev would wreak havoc with all the male leads’ libido (i think it would be funny to see straight-laced Archer being seduced!)
    And 790 would blow his circuits in paranoia! All those women…he’d tell kai to kill them all

    Does anyone else have any fun LEXX cross over scenario’s. The possibilities are endless ❓ ❗


    i just saw the ‘LEXX meets’ post on the other page. Oops! 😳
    I hadn’t read that before i wrote this post.
    Oh well it’s the same concept but if anyone has anything to add… feel free!


    Red Dwarf – Classic. I would love to see….

    Kryton trying to reason with 790 about this whole injury to everyone but Kai problem of his. Wouldn’t work, but Kryton might pop a circuit over 790’s illogical logic.

    Cat would be ripping his hair out (except for that would muss it) over the sheer waste of Kai looking so fine but wearing that ratty rug outfit of his. On the plus side they could exchange hair tips. After all, 4000 years without a split end is nothing to sneeze at. Also, if you think about it, Cat wears a slightly more refined Brunen-g ‘do. 😀

    Xev and Lister would be busy for a good while. but then eventually Lister would be hiding while Xev stalked him for just one more go round.

    Rimmer and Stanley sneering at each other. Perhaps Ace would show up and then Stan would have someone to buddy around with. Would be a change for Stanley to hang with someone who thinks he is a ‘jolly good chap.’


    How’s about the Angel-verse in S5? Look closely, I’ll bet that Kai and Illyria would have an odd respect for each other since they’re sort of alike, while Prince would feel right at home at Wolfram and Hart. Xev would flirt endlessly with Spike, Wes, and Angel, while Stan would either be terrifed of the demons, while trying to score with Harmony and/or Illyria.

    Illy would smack Stan down, of course. Lorne would hafta read Kai on accident, and see that maybe he does care for Xev. Weird, I know.


    I tried Lexx meets Mario, which sounded fun, but sucked so I had Lexx blow up Mario’s planet. Another bad idea would be Lexx and X-Men. Maybe make things get messy with Wolverine in a berzerker rage and Kai killing people and 790 could be hooked up to Cerebro and wreak some havoc. Throw in some wierd telepathic sex between the Proffessor and Xev and we’ve got a rediculous crossover.


    Kai and Wolverine huh? Very interesting. Both dudes with serious hair care issues 😆

    The thing I keep thinking of lately, in addition to Lexx of course, are Harry Potter cross overs. I loved the HP/Sabrina cross over and wish the author had finished it.

    But…. try as I might.. I cannot figure out a way to get the Lexx Crew to Hogwarts, or the some of the students/and or Staff up to the Lexx. 😀


    I was having a few thoughts on your Lexx/Harry Potter idea.
    It is fanfic so of course you don’t HAVE to explain yourself – you can just have the Lexx crew arrive at Hogwarts (I think that works better than have the HP crew come to the Lexx)….

    However personally I hate these random fics so some ideas I had on how you can link them:

    1) Hagrid has an affinity with all creatures. So why not a leviathan like the Lexx? Perhaps he was practicing insect calls and the lexx heard him? (this might work set in lexx s4 where Lexx is in close proximity to the Earth)…

    2) Or he (or someone else) could have summoned the Lexx by some magical means (totally be accident would be fun)

    3) In order to board the train to hogwarts they go through some sort of spacial rift at platform 9 1/2. you could make that a temporal rift or…. a wormhole or something and the lexx could just be sucked in.

    4) The kids could be learning about space and Hermione wants to see the universe first hand so she does a spell to take them into space….

    the possibilities here are endless 🙄


    [quote=”leila”]I was having a few thoughts on your Lexx/Harry Potter idea. It is fanfic so of course you don’t HAVE to explain yourself – you can just have the Lexx crew arrive at Hogwarts (I think that works better than have the HP crew come to the Lexx)….

    However personally I hate these random fics so some ideas I had on how you can link them:[/quote]

    True enough, but like your self, I hate when they just pop them together without even trying to come up with even a plausible tie in. ;D

    [quote=”leila”] 2) Or he (or someone else) could have summoned the Lexx by some magical means (totally be accident would be fun)

    Hummm, you mean like Neville? Perhaps in Summoning class? He was trying to summon a DragonFly but kept getting something small, like a teatsy fly. So he juice up the spell to get something bigger and then thinks it didn’t work, not realizing that instead of a dragonfly hovering over his desk, he got the Lexx hovering high over the school?

    [quote=”leila”]1) Hagrid has an affinity with all creatures. So why not a leviathan like the Lexx? [/quote]

    Or a moth that the crew use to investigate why they were drawn here after they move the Lexx up a bit so not one can see it? 😆 😆

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