Where are you guys coming from?

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  • #39455

    The [url=/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Stats&file=index]average page hits[/url] have doubled today! Where are you new Sci Fi SadGeezers coming from?

    By the way, we respect and appreciate the lurkers that visit this site and commiserate that guests can’t post messages on this board. It’s a great shame, we’d love to here from you!


    😯 (it’s not all me, promise)


    Most of the recent non-bookmark referal hits are coming from search engines. One in paticular stands out, http://www.mirago.co.uk . A new search engine that specializes in British websites and resources.


    [quote=”Headgehog”]Most of the recent non-bookmark referal hits are coming from search engines. One in paticular stands out, http://www.mirago.co.uk . A new search engine that specializes in British websites and resources.[/quote]

    Thanks for that headge, I was wondering why we went over the 10,000 page hits today yet not the record number of online visitors (current record is 56 unregistered and 11 registered concurrent users)

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