Forums General Sci Fi Sci Fi Angst Where is LORD OF THE RINGS?

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  • #38481

    How come there isnt a LORD OF THE RINGS section here? I know its not exactly science fiction but I doubt most forms of Sci-Fi wouldnt be about today if it wasnt for that book. COME ON SADGEEZER! Give us a LOTR section!


    Nice idea, but I believe that this website is dedicated to cult science-fiction television. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    But if anyone needs phrases written in elf script, I’m your huckleberry.

    NEW EDIT, 13 DECEMBER 2001 (2010?)


    I’m stuck in 2010! I’ve been unable to post any messages or send any private emails here at SadBoard! I’ve been looking for any of my messages with “2010” timestamped on them but to no avail. Please help!


    [ 13-12-2001: Message edited by: Flamegrape ]


    Yep, I’m a bit LOTR fan myself, but unfortunately, FlameGrape is right. This site is dedicated to cult TV sci Fi series (which usually involves space travel and aliens).

    LOTR is way off [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]


    LOTR could be on TV in a couple of years. Does that count? [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]


    quote[quote]LOTR could be on TV in a couple of years. Does that count? [/quote]
    Uh.. I think he means T.V. shows not movies. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]


    I think JumpingJedi is right…..

    LOTR could be just what SAD needs….

    No offense, but SADG has become kinda dead lately….

    And tolkien fanatics roam the net searching for sad places to hang….



    Originally posted by Dragula:
    I think JumpingJedi is right…..

    LOTR could be just what SAD needs….

    No offense, but SADG has become kinda dead lately….

    And tolkien fanatics roam the net searching for sad places to hang….

    Never fear, this thing called the “holidays” should be winding down. As everyone begins to nash their teeth about over spending or over eating, things will pick up.




    I’m on the geezers side on this one and really don’t think we should have a LOTR board. However I do think it would be nice to have a board just for films, if only so we can s*** off Star Wars. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    I’m with the voices of descent on this one. While I would love nothing more than to natter (or type) for hours about the film/book/world, it’s not Sci-Fi. It does bug me when people lump fantasy in with Sci-Fi. It has a perfectly good genre of it’s own. There is nothing even vaguely sciency about it. Granted it is fiction, but that is where the similarities end.

    That’s why I didn’t vote for it (or spider-man) in the polls.



    Originally posted by Rag:
    I’m with the voices of descent on this one. While I would love nothing more than to natter (or type) for hours about the film/book/world, it’s not Sci-Fi. It does bug me when people lump fantasy in with Sci-Fi. It has a perfectly good genre of it’s own. There is nothing even vaguely sciency about it. Granted it is fiction, but that is where the similarities end.

    That’s why I didn’t vote for it (or spider-man) in the polls.

    Having said that, why is there a Buffy and Angel section on this board…hardly Sci-Fi is it!!!



    Originally posted by ADM:

    Having said that, why is there a Buffy and Angel section on this board…hardly Sci-Fi is it!!!

    Cult TV. Pretty obvious, isn’t it?.


    Spider-man not sci-fi?
    Ok I know he’s a super hero comic book character but he’s still sci-fi.
    He’s a mutation and before anyone jumps on this I know he is not a classic mutant in the marvel sense of the word, but like all early characters he had an accident, which leaded to a mutation. As for the green goblin, he’s all science. He’s a scientist using technology he created to take revenge on the world that was threatened him; he’s a classic mad scientists.
    Both characters are accidents of science and there are not real (after years of therapy I can finally say that) so it’s science fiction.




    Originally posted by CBrate:

    Cult TV. Pretty obvious, isn’t it?.

    No in fact it isn’t, cult t.v traditionally applies too non-mainstream programmes such as Lexx, even though Buffy and Angel may have a cult following they also have a mainstream audience, you can’t call it a cult because there is a huge following, otherwise by that logic The Lord of the Rings deserves the same status.
    And I think the more obvious reasoning for Buffy and Angel being here is for three reasons, 1:Saddy loves it, 2:It was requested by some of the board members, and 3:It’s likely to introduce more members too the board.


    Sorry ADM but I think buffy and angel are cult too. It’s just that they have made the cross-over into the mainstream because they are such good show.
    Now the same can be said for LOTR but I think it would have a limited live span as the last one is out this. I do understand your point as I would love to talk Tolkien as well.

    [ 07-01-2003: Message edited by: Grim ]



    Originally posted by Grim:
    Sorry ADM but I think buffy and angel are cult too. It’s just that they have made the cross-over into the mainstream because they are such good show.
    Now the same can be said for LOTR but I think it would have a limited live span as the last one is out this. I do understand your point as I would love to talk Tolkien as well.

    [ 07-01-2003: Message edited by: Grim ]

    I don’t think the request was just for LOTR, but for fantasy/Sci-fi films in general, so talking points would be longer than just the life of LOTR.
    And yes, like I said Buffy and Angel has it’s cult audience, but that is offset by a large mainstream audience, and when you look at it like that then the word ‘cult’ is not as applicable as say Lexx, where the fans weren#t just casual viewers.
    But it’s for the gaffer too decide what goes on, but there is a strong srgument for it, as you can compare Buffy an Angel with LOTR in them both having a cult following as well as a casual one.
    I think Joss Whedon may have expected just a cult following for Buffy given that the movie of the same name didn’t perform so well, however, after Buffy’s success it must’ve been obvious that Angel would have more than a cult following.


    Ok I see what you are saying but for me the cult tag has nothing to do with size of the audience. If a show or film or what ever has a big audience it doesn’t mean that it is not a cult or that it is any less of a cult than something with a small audience.
    Look at Star War, it’s big, it’s very big and has been for years but it is still a cult because some of its’ audience see it that way.
    This is my way of saying that I don’t believe Buffy is less culty than Lexx just because more people watch Buffy.
    Apart from that general film board would be nice but I think the big sad has already made his mind up on this one.


    Ok I see what you are saying but for me the cult tag has nothing to do with size of the audience. If a show or film or what ever has a big audience it doesn’t mean that it is not a cult or that it is any less of a cult than something with a small audience.
    Look at Star War, it’s big, it’s very big and has been for years but it is still a cult because some of its’ audience see it that way.

    Sorry Grim, but you’ve just contradicted yourself in two sentences, you said that you don’t think cult status has anything to do with the size of the audience, then in the next sentence you say about Star Wars being a cult because some of the audience see it that way!?!, so some of the audience doesn’t indicate a size then?
    Anyhoo, a cult for me depends on the fervour that people feel for a programme, a cult in normal terms usually means a small following of devoted individuals, but I think that could be said for many programmes, a lot more than appear on this board.



    even though Buffy and Angel may have a cult following they also have a mainstream audience, you can’t call it a cult because there is a huge following, otherwise by that logic The Lord of the Rings deserves the same status.

    and no some of the of the audience doesn’t indicate a size then, it just means some of the audience.



    Originally posted by Grim:

    and no some of the of the audience doesn’t indicate a size then, it just means some of the audience.

    No matter how you phrase it, i.e a quota, a portion, whatever, it still relates to size, so let’s say 100,000 people is some, that look’s like a size too me.




    Originally posted by ADM:
    Sorry Grim, but you’ve just contradicted yourself in two sentences, you said that you don’t think cult status has anything to do with the size of the audience, then in the next sentence you say about Star Wars being a cult because some of the audience see it that way!?!, so some of the audience doesn’t indicate a size then?
    Anyhoo, a cult for me depends on the fervour that people feel for a programme, a cult in normal terms usually means a small following of devoted individuals, but I think that could be said for many programmes, a lot more than appear on this board.

    The size of the [b]entire[/b] audience doesn’t matter when it comes to defining “cult.” The actions of a subset *of* that audience is what defines “cult.” The [i]Star Wars[/i] films may have an audience of millions upon millions of people, yet it still has a “cult” following among a *subset* of that audience. The cult following consists of people who are obsessed with the films (rather than your average Joe saying “oh, it’s a good series, let’s go see the new one when it comes out”). Same with [i]Buffy the Vampire Slayer[/i]. It’s got a large audience, but it also attracts a very strong devotion from a smaller group of fans.



    Thanks guys I’m glad I was making sense but ADM seams to have misunderstood what I was saying and wanted to argue it out.
    Now I’m fine with that and I like a good argument but I’m sorry ADM I really don’t want to argue about what “some” means, it’s just not my thing.


    true true……..LOTR may not fit here…i was mistaken, and after havin filosophied over this under many moons, i take back my argument!

    but i do feel like SAD needs something new…….

    And i dont think Buffy fits here…..its MTV entertainment….
    SUX! [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by Aleck:

    The size of the [b]entire[/b] audience doesn’t matter when it comes to defining “cult.” The actions of a subset *of* that audience is what defines “cult.” The [i]Star Wars[/i] films may have an audience of millions upon millions of people, yet it still has a “cult” following among a *subset* of that audience. The cult following consists of people who are obsessed with the films (rather than your average Joe saying “oh, it’s a good series, let’s go see the new one when it comes out”). Same with [i]Buffy the Vampire Slayer[/i]. It’s got a large audience, but it also attracts a very strong devotion from a smaller group of fans.


    Ummm, Aleck I’ve already said this.



    Originally posted by Aleck:

    The size of the [b]entire[/b] audience doesn’t matter when it comes to defining “cult.” The actions of a subset *of* that audience is what defines “cult.” The [i]Star Wars[/i] films may have an audience of millions upon millions of people, yet it still has a “cult” following among a *subset* of that audience. The cult following consists of people who are obsessed with the films (rather than your average Joe saying “oh, it’s a good series, let’s go see the new one when it comes out”). Same with [i]Buffy the Vampire Slayer[/i]. It’s got a large audience, but it also attracts a very strong devotion from a smaller group of fans.


    Ummm, Aleck I’ve already said this, and please get lost Cbrate, I’m sick of you chipping in with a stupid remark.



    He has not contradicted himself. Some of them say its cult, it is cult. The size of this ‘some’ doesn’t matter.


    Ok ADM quote the bits where you have said this, no re-writing and no explaining what you meant, because I’m getting the feeling that what you are saying isn’t what you are saying.


    Thanks ADM. You’re a real charmer too.



    Originally posted by Dragula:

    but i do feel like SAD needs something new…….
    SUX! [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]

    What about a Blakes 7 section?

    Does anyone other then me even know what Blakes 7 is?


    Blake 7 was good and there was a thread on it somewhere, but for the real uk cult tv classic it has to be Sapphire & Steel.
    Maybe the weirdest show ever made.


    I`ve never seen that , keep meaning to , sounds good. I heard its hit DVD.

    How about anime? I`ve recently got very into the new bubblegum crises series (Toyko 2040)


    Can someone PLEASE tell me what the hells a Blake’s 7 is?!



    Originally posted by The Invisible Lunatic:
    Can someone PLEASE tell me what the hells a Blake’s 7 is?!

    Blakes 7 is a 70’s programme that was made by the BBC, it followed the adventures of a group of outlaws on the run from Servalan.
    Their ship was called the Liberator and was the fastest ship in the galaxy, it is remembered for such characters as Avon.
    Has a cult following to do this day, and was more of an adult type sci-fi than other’s like Dr Who, many people have likened it to a 70’s version of Lexx.

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