Who is your favourite doctor?

Forums British Sci Fi Series Dr Who Who is your favourite doctor?

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    Were you brought into the fold by Christopher Eccleston, or can you remember the days of William Hartnell?


    Oh and in my humble opinion it [b]HAS[/b] to be Tom Baker


    It’s between Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker. Pertwee edges Baker out because I started with that Doctor. The Pertwee episodes have the strongest nostalgia factor going for them — some great Who stories from Pertwee’s time.


    I’m the same but the other way round, my childhood was spent cowering behind the sofa with Tom Baker and then I progressed to Jon Pertwee and the others. Every saturday after Basil brush i think it was


    Well, I was a John Pertwee baby and spent many a happy Saturday night behind the sofa (Tell me, I was literally behind the sofa. No other programme ever did that to me, has any it ever happened to anybody else to something different?)
    I took some time to take to Tom Baker as he was so different, but later grew to love him.
    However, I have cast my vote for Christopher Ecclestone because I took to him immediately and because he is a great actor. Helped along most definitely by superb stories and wonderful, though often understated special effects.
    He was the best Doctor because the series he was in was so very good. It took Dr Who out of kids’ TV and into seriously good drama.

    And yes, it was after Basil Brush. The Generation game was in there somewhere too. Oh boy, I loved Saturday nights!


    yeah, it’s a shame he left so soon, he was a good doctor 😥


    Tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom!

    erm…I think Tom Baker was the best!!!

    I would pick Chrissy boy there but he abandoned us so quickly…I was just getting used to his ears and starting to think he was cute (not to mention a very good actor)….

    Tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom tom

    Perhaps we should pick our best Dr based on their, erm, scarf lenth?


    Even though Jon Pertwee was my first Doctor (and they say you never forget your first) I’d have to vote for Tom Baker (and I DID). It is a close tie though, because Pertwee was such a cool dresser and had that nice car Bessie. But Tom Baker had that ever increasing ….. scarf length! 😆 Plus, I got to meet Tom Baker at a scifi con here in the states…. and I”ve got the pics to prove it.

    By the time Dr Who came to America I was too old to cower behind the sofa while watching. I had already been doing that for Star Trek, but not because it was too scary for me. My parents thought it was too scary for me and I had to hide behind the sofa and PEEK in order to watch. 😈



    I remember Jon Pertwee a little bit, but Tom Baker the most from my experience. I wish PBS or some other American station would air the older episodes of Dr. Who…I’ve only seen a small portion of the series.


    Tom Baker was my first Doctor, and that run had some good memories for me. It was a bonding show between me and my father (well that and the Dukes of Hazard).

    P.S. Be gentle this is my first post. I hope I did it right.


    I actually remeber William Hartnel , though I never saw any episodes (hiding behind couch).

    The first and only doc for me was Pertwee.


    Sylvestor Mc Coy…he brought a certain gravitas to the show. 🙂


    I thought the Doctor could only regenerate 9 times? What’s up with that?


    [quote=”Flamegrape”]I thought the Doctor could only regenerate 9 times? What’s up with that?[/quote]

    Hi Flamegrape,
    Actually the Dr can only regenerate 12 times & has used up 9 of his; he’s the last of his kind, so regeneration is now something new, again. I think you just made a slight boo boo & there’s nothing up with that; I just thought I’d give you the correct info, since I think you were a bit confuzzled.

    Whovians Unite,
    Jhevz 😉


    Hi Fellow Whovians,
    I chose Colin Baker as my favourite Dr, in memory of my Grandmamma Vaughn who would’ve made me a coat similiar to his, since she wore bright colours herself; my other favourite Dr is Peter Davison, since he’s right after Tom & was in some other shows, including `All Creatures Great & Small’. They’re both cute & are very active Drs, each 1 unique & used a lot of the 1st 3 Drs personalities for their portrayal of the Dr.

    Whovians Unite,
    Jhevz 😉


    Despite two new and excellent Doctors,it still has to be Tom Baker top and Pertwee second for me,but that can still change….its obviously to do with whoever we grew up with as kids as to who is favourite…..many happy memories of Tom and John

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