Who’s faster, Sadgeezer or Acorn Media?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Who’s faster, Sadgeezer or Acorn Media?

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    Well, with the latest Lexx DVD out, Sadgeezer and Acorn are now TIED!

    I am speaking, of course, of Saddy’s Lexx Episode Guide, which has still only come as far as “Moss.” Now the DVDs have advanced to that same episode.

    Only eight episodes remaining! Who will win the race?

    Come on, Saddy, your guide is the best ever! You’ve already made it over the hump of really bad episodes, and you’re only one episode away from one of the best of the season, “The Game.”

    Let’s get Sadgeezer motivated. Who wants to see some more rockin’ episode reviews?

    I do! 🙂


    I’ll have to vote for Acorn. Saddy has lost his will to LEXX


    Yep, Acorn may beat me to it. I’ve not my will to do LEXX write-ups, it’s just that sadgeezer.com (dispite the help from venerable peeps such as Headgehog, thefrey, FX, Logan and many others, the site administration and development has taken up too much time.

    Once the site is running properly, I’ll get back to writing – that’s what I set it up for after all.

    Besides, I’ve GOT to finish the writups – after all the hard work theFrey did in sending me the episodes, it would be very bad of me not to.


    [quote=”SadGeezer”]Yep, Acorn may beat me to it. I’ve not my will to do LEXX write-ups, it’s just that sadgeezer.com (dispite the help from venerable peeps such as Headgehog, thefrey, FX, Logan and many others, the site administration and development has taken up too much time.

    Once the site is running properly, I’ll get back to writing – that’s what I set it up for after all.

    Besides, I’ve GOT to finish the writups – after all the hard work theFrey did in sending me the episodes, it would be very bad of me not to.[/quote]

    You’ve got ’til February, Sad. Get yer ass in gear!

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