Will MM become Tina Louise???
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- This topic has 27 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 22 years, 8 months ago by
3rd May 2002 at 7:43 am #37052
KeymasterThis has been on my mind lately – I’m sure many of us know the Tina Louise/Ginger Grant character from “Gilligan’s Island”. Ms. Louise has always had a “I can’t believe I did that crap” additude about the show. She never attends the reunions, has very little to say about the series and makes it perfectly clear she would rather forget the Ginger character…
I hope MM does’nt feel this way about Lexx…I know he has been steadfast in his decision about never appearing in a spin-off and I fully realize he owes us no explanation but I just wish he would say why…. Someone posted an interview from a magazine recently and I did’nt see any comments from MM, but Brian and Xenia had things to say…
I just hope he does’nt become the Tina Louise of Lexx and be the elusive, wish I could forget it, don’t bother me about it, type… [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]
3rd May 2002 at 8:13 am #53086Anonymous
GuestOh, I’m sure he’s happier back at his old gig doing theater. “Michael McManus…IS..Stanley Kowalski… in A Streeetcar Named Desire! Now appearing at the Nova Scotia Playhouse”. Or some such thing.
3rd May 2002 at 8:45 am #53087Flamegrape
ParticipantI don’t think he would make the best Stanley Kowalski. Stanley Kowalski is a brute.
3rd May 2002 at 8:56 am #53088Anonymous
GuestWell some people are content will playing the same role over and over again, while some people need flavor, they need change. MM has the talent, but i dont see Hollywood offering him any roles other than Sci-Fi ones. The stage is the best place to be if your bored ****less.
The only lame part of the stage is established actors taking the roles of would be stars.
3rd May 2002 at 8:56 am #53089Anonymous
GuestThey have Gilligan’s Island conventions??? [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
Why all the [i]agita[/i] about MM? He did a great job playing Kai; the show’s over, he wants to do plays. It’s mainly in the U.S. that actors do [b]only[/b] TV or movies; just about everywhere else they bounce around between stage and TV/film throughout their careers.
3rd May 2002 at 12:11 pm #53090Anonymous
GuestI agree with Elmey in the UK quite a number of US movie stars come over to do theatre work therefore it isn’t an unusual thing to do as a part of an actors career
The thing I don’t understand is the mixed feelings people have about Michael McManus,
I personally think that not only did he play the part of Kai brilliantly and was the most intriguing character out of the whole Lexx crew he is the most interesting actor, obviously Brian Downey is really great guy and Xenia Seeburg is a really nice person but poor Michael sometimes doesn’t seem to be able to do no right perhaps someone could explain this ? What has Michael done ?3rd May 2002 at 9:09 pm #53092Anonymous
Originally posted by elmey:
They have Gilligan’s Island conventions??? [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]Why all the [i]agita[/i] about MM? He did a great job playing Kai; the show’s over, he wants to do plays. It’s mainly in the U.S. that actors do [b]only[/b] TV or movies; just about everywhere else they bounce around between stage and TV/film throughout their careers.
No, not conventions, that I know of Elmey, but reunion t.v. shows and movies…
I don’t think anybody would get agita over MM, I sure would’nt, maybe a big burritto or spicy chicken wings, but MM nooooooooooooo..
the only point I was making was in the last parargraph of my post….If he becomes or has become the Tina Louise of Lexx, that’s his choice, I’m just saying I hope he does’nt… [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]4th May 2002 at 5:21 am #53091Anonymous
GuestTwo words “Pre Madonna”.
[ 03-05-2002: Message edited by: HisDivineShadow ]
4th May 2002 at 12:21 pm #53093Anonymous
GuestMM does and always has preferred stage to screen or tv. When he initially started the Lexx epoch, he had no idea it was going to last for six years. He didn’t want to do the last season but was talked into it because it had already been decided that this was THE last one. He has a fear of being typecast and therefore has returned to stage work. If he were to show up in much other than an occasional tv movie or offbeat movie in general I would be somewhat surprised. He did a fine job with Kai. I really don’t think anyone else could have keep the character as interesting as McManus did. He will probably not have anymore to do with Lexx or Lexx oriented affairs as he has put that all behind him and moved on to his preferred field. I wish him a lot of luck.
[ 04-05-2002: Message edited by: nwmonikr ]
4th May 2002 at 1:51 pm #53094Anonymous
GuestWell I hope that as well as doing theatre he also gets into more mainstream TV or films so that we can get a chance to see him do other things Canada is long way to go to the theatre
quote[quote]two words pre- Madonna [/quote]
what does this mean ?it conjuors up a picture of Lexx fans asking for his autograph and him telling them to f***
off then dramatically flouncing off ,which doesn’t seem consistent with the happy smiley photos I’ve seen of him surrounded by adoring women obviously doing his bit for the fans I agree he looks like he would prefer to have his eyes poked out but perhaps his acting abilities don’t stretch to faking pleasure in the face of what for him is possibly torture.As the people who make the vague innuendos have obviously met him but can’t detail any specific crime against fandom that he has commited then I can only assume you are like a group of disappointed women who thought he would fancy them and he didn’t.c’est la vie4th May 2002 at 6:03 pm #53095theFrey
Originally posted by :
As the people who make the vague innuendos ….. then I can only assume you are like a group of disappointed women who thought he would fancy them and he didn’t.c’est la vie
[b]How sweet. Starburst…. Starburst? Nope don’t remember seeing the name. But it appears that someone in the UK has their nickers in a twist. Have you ever noticed that this stuff comes mostly from unregistered posters. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] [/b]
No offence intended to NB1 and Fred or any other casual poster of course. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
4th May 2002 at 6:55 pm #53096Anonymous
GuestFirst of all, wherever you may roam MM I hope you find what you search for. That out of the way, listen to yourselves; it is all over and I were him i would find the smallest rock to climb under and stay there until the LEXX holocaust is over. He is who he is; he has had his ass kissed by way too many women all of his life (he’s said that) and it continues today. It was that fan adulation/ ass kissing from the start; and then everyone wonders why he cops an attitude.
Look, he is getting older; it is obvious; and as he does it will be harder for him to find work unless he goes character. Thems the breaks. The competition is fierce; I think he should have worked on his people skills a little better; so that given a situation he would be more comfortable. If I were a producer; who would I give a part to; hmm; someone whose talented but very intense/tense or someone who can equally do the part but is more laid back; treats everyone respectfully and does not badmouth anyone unless off the set; away from ears in the company of close friends. For obvious reasons the latter; so I don’t have to apologize later for someone elses bad behavior.
As for being upset about not being fancied; that’s a horseload of crap if I’ve ever heard it. It’s like being fancied by Tom Cruise; same scenario; you would have to be way out there in delusional land to think he would even consider zooming in on a fan. No. 1: not professional; NO. 2: very sticky PR situation. No. 3 He already said he was a jerk in past relationships;I say if it walks like an a.., talks like an a.., acts like an a..; then it is probably an a… In other words, good luck to you guy; but I’m glad I don’t have have you in my area at least until you’ve learned how to treat all people equally; not just the ones who kiss your arse.
4th May 2002 at 8:08 pm #53097theFrey
ParticipantWas Tina Louise/Ginger Grant harassed by a few fruitloops who made everyone else look bad? Or did the character of Ginger and the whole concept of Gilligan’s Island just irk her artistic little soul? I would imagine that her distaste for the memories of that time period did not hinge on only one item, and indeed might have been colored by her private personal experiences at the time, but I don’t think anyone but Ms. Louise could answer that one.
Well I don’t know what MMM twack has planned for his future, but I do hope it brings him joy. After all, despite his lack of enthusiasm for the fan side of acting and Lexx in general, there is no doubt that many of us enjoyed his performances as Kai.
4th May 2002 at 9:16 pm #53098Anonymous
GuestI prefer Honey Nut Cheerios myself.
Well, That would be a good thing, send the twain twack right on over to Europe. We’ll keep the Beans and the fun peeps here.
And who ever said MM would be a good Bond. I don’t think so; the good Bonds such as Connery actually seemed like they liked being close to women and had a tenderness that I’m sorry you can’t teach in method acting school; so soowry must be born with.
Means to an end; that’s how he looks to me; he sees peeps as a means to an end.But, again, he has talent; that could get him through his career and hopefully his life. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]
4th May 2002 at 11:56 pm #53099Anonymous
GuestHe stuck with it for 61 episodes and for me that is all that matters.
5th May 2002 at 2:01 am #53100Anonymous
Guestor you may prefer ‘unregistered oik’
I’m surpised at you TheFrey you seem such a nice woman but I haven’t got my [b]K[/b]nickers in a twist ( sorry couldn’t resist the spelling correction)the reason why I asked the question is that there is such a contast between the unrelenting praise for Brian Downey etal and the meanspiritness anytime MM is mentioned I just can’t believe he can be that bad a person maybe it’s a cultural thing
As for Tina Louise perhaps like a lot of established actors she cringes when faced with what she did at the beginning of her career after all wasn’t she the one that Gilligan was in love with !
As for MM he is an established stage actor and I don’t think being serious/intense moody/being difficult is a drawback in fact isn’t it part of the job description for many actors and I imagine talent is what counts not personality ,look at Robert De Niro he can bearly speak in interviews, I just would like to see MM in something different.
I am unregistered because I do know that I do not have the right stuff to join the Divine Order sorry Sadgeezers I could never toe the party line and would ask difficult question – I do enjoy reading the posts though
5th May 2002 at 6:59 am #53101Anonymous
Guestsansjudgement: appropriate name indeed. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]
Fred: voice of reason as always, thank you.
5th May 2002 at 10:37 am #53102theFrey
Originally posted by :
or you may prefer ‘unregistered oik’
I’m surpised at you TheFrey you seem such a nice woman but I haven’t got my [b]K[/b]nickers in a twist ( sorry couldn’t resist the spelling correction)
I am, I am, ask my father he’ll tell you. Oh and no problem on the spelling correction. I have alway admitted to being spelling impaired. And was under the double curse this morning while replying to this post of having my living room dismantled around me. [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img] Who knew that I had two 18 gallon containers of *just stuff* on my desk. Sigh… with my files, crafts and computer crap that came to almost 10 containers just from my end of the room.
Originally posted by :
I am unregistered because I do know that I do not have the right stuff to join the Divine Order sorry Sadgeezers I could never toe the party line and would ask difficult question – I do enjoy reading the posts though
Well I don’t recall fretting about that when I started posting here a year or so ago. I was not told that there was a line to toe, and no one told me that we were members of the Divine Order. *Tony!!!!! You didn’t tell me! Grrrrr, does this mean I have to order an incredibly heavy robe and wear that freaky folded hood? I don’t want to!!* Actually, the only rank I have really been assigned is from posters who I have managed to aggervate. Let’s see, I have been awared the Rank of Sadgeezer Royalty, Sadgeezer Dominatrix and now I am a member of the Sadgeezer Divine Order. Is it just me, or does any one else notice a trend here? *Hey Tony! I am going to need a clothing allowance if this keeps up!*
Originally posted by :
As for Tina Louise perhaps like a lot of established actors she cringes when faced with what she did at the beginning of her career after all wasn’t she the one that Gilligan was in love with!
Hey it could be worse, she could have started out in children’s daytime TV! How would you like to play second fiddle to King Friday the incredibly ugly puppet? *I liked him mind you, but you must admit that he was a bit of a hatchet faced old thing.* Beside, I would have thought that not being Gilligans love interest would be a good thing. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
Originally posted by :
the reason why I asked the question is that there is such a contast between the unrelenting praise for Brian Downey
Why shouldn’t we praise Mr. Downey? He has gone out of his way again and again to demonstrate how much he values our support.
I know I also praise Ms. Zentilli, Mr. Kaines and Ms. Dubin and many others for their interest and support of Lexx Fandom. Heck, Mr. Kaines pops in between gigs and catches up with what is going on here at Sadgeezer.com. How cool is that? [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]5th May 2002 at 6:08 pm #53103Anonymous
GuestAll this talk of MM and Gilligan’s Island reminded me of one of my predictions pre Yo Way Yo that 790 would land on Gilligan’s Island, they’d put him on a totem pole and he’d tell Gilligan he’d love him forever. My prophecy failed miserably. But has it? Wouldn’t it be great if MM moved on to bigger things like if they made a 21st century remake of Gilligan’s Island and MM played Gilligan and because we know 790 as last seen adored him so they put 790 on the totem and thus the cicles of time were fullfilled…here…on…Gilligan’s…Island.
Dang, it must be late at night.
6th May 2002 at 2:45 am #53104Anonymous
GuestGilligan’s Island, try Islands in the Stream by Hemingway. Delightful three part novel. Sorry about the other day. I have had bad experiences associated with watching Lexx. For instance, my lady pal decided to shoot my t.v. simply because she does not approve of my watching schedules. I let her down a few hours later after I could withstand the urge to kill her.
Everything I am saying is a lie. In fact I’m lying to everyone right now.
This is swaring johnson, at your service teehee!
6th May 2002 at 5:45 am #53105Anonymous
GuestYou know, at least I have enough clear thinking to support someone who appreciates me as a fan and will treat me as a person; not a neccesary evil to endure. I’ll back Mr. Downey, Mr. Kaines, MS. Zentilli, and Ms. Dubin anyday over him. You know why; because I don’t think he, because he was on TV or movies; or this or that makes him anymore as important or wonderful as me or you. It annoys me; this hero worship of another person; for a character he was; not the person he is. [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]
6th May 2002 at 11:13 am #53106Anonymous
Originally posted by thefrey:
Was Tina Louise/Ginger Grant harassed by a few fruitloops who made everyone else look bad? Or did the character of Ginger and the whole concept of Gilligan’s Island just irk her artistic little soul? I would imagine that her distaste for the memories of that time period did not hinge on only one item, and indeed might have been colored by her private personal experiences at the time, but I don’t think anyone but Ms. Louise could answer that one.Well I don’t know what MMM twack has planned for his future, but I do hope it brings him joy. After all, despite his lack of enthusiasm for the fan side of acting and Lexx in general, there is no doubt that many of us enjoyed his performances as Kai.
Indeed, Frey. And because I enjoyed his performance as Kai, I would like to see more of his work and keep up with his career. But I fear he maybe have been exposed to the dark side of fandom and will be skittish about letting fans know about future projects. [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]
13th May 2002 at 2:38 am #53107Anonymous
GuestWeeeeeeelp. I’m satisfied with MMM’s portrayal of Kai. (No spoilers will be mentioned.)
I am starting to understand the “No, I don’t do fans,” thing. I’ve found that out by listening to Alan Rickman groupies’ whinings. Alan does signatures at the stage door; I think that’s as far as McManus will go, too. The quote from Alan Rickman about having a webpage/club for his friends: “I don’t think that’s quite apropriate.”
Amazing. Polite, yet offish. He says in 6 words what he really feels.
1. I’m just an actor
2. I’m just a man
3. I’m unsure of myself as it is!
4. No, no worship for me, please?
5. I’m getting old! Not a teenie-bopper
anymore…please!Like I said… I’m beginning to understand…
17th May 2002 at 12:29 pm #53108Anonymous
Guesti don’t mind that McM is a private person… *shrug* i think he’s a great actor and not bad to look at, so hopefully i’ll get to see his future work again. i’m not a fan letter writing type person so it doesn’t matter to me if he doesn’t want ‘fans’ per se.
but that’s just me. ;o)
18th May 2002 at 8:59 am #53109Anonymous
GuestMy goodness, this is more talk about Tina Louise than has been uttered about her in all the years since she was on Gilligan’s Island. Her best role. Her ONLY role, far as I know. In TL’s case, I believe when Gilligan’s Island was offered to her, she took it believing she was going to be the big star and the others would revolve around her blinding presence like asteroids. (Much as the dad in Lost in Space believed he would be the center of the universe on that show.) Wrong. So actually her experience can’t be compared to MM’s experience; she is a true primadonna. I can’t say the same for MM, don’t know anything about him except his heart is in the theater. (Also it has been, what, two, three weeks, and I’m still suffering withdrawal. Here it is Friday night and no Lexx. I.am.not.happy.)
20th May 2002 at 10:38 am #53110Anonymous
GuestFrom what I have seen, Brian, Ellen, Rolf, Patricia and others have shown nothing but patience and generosity towards the fans. They have earned and deserve the words of kindness that have been said about them by the fans. It can’t be easy keeping up contact with such a wide spectrum of people.
Erm.. I really don’t have anything constructive to say on Micheal McManus or Tina Louise. I hear she’s doing work for the illiterate in New York. That’s cool. Live and let live, if MMM deems himself a success, then I guess he is. It’s pretty certain that I won’t see anymore of his work unless it’s on TV or video taped and generously sent to me by another fan. If a movie isn’t highly commercial, I don’t get it here. Thems the breaks, that’s just the way it goes. And I even more HIGHLY, HIGHLY doubt he will ever go on tour in a play that would come to this town. It just wouldn’t happen, I’m more likely to win the lottery.
*tripping on my rob as I go, Hey, can I get this darn thing altered! I’m short, you know!*
24th May 2002 at 9:50 am #53111Anonymous
GuestI only know this because old movie pin-ups were my idols for a time, but I bet the problem Tina Louise has with Gilligan’s Island was that she was a third-choice for the role. Every other actor on the show got to develop a little bit of character, while Tina had to imitate the person who first turned down the role– Jane Mansfield, who made her living and was originally picked for the role for imitating Marilyn Monroe. She was basically an impressionist surrounded by actors… and when the role was designed for Jane, she WAS the central character. Tina had every right to expect to be the main character.
Also, as far as MM, actors on stage get immediate response from the audience, and they don’t get their improvisational ideas cut by the director and producer. Some actors prefer having more control. While I love Kai as a character, you have to admit that it can’t be very satisfying for a creative person to keep repeating “Dead do not’s”. I’m impressed he could still do it without a grimace after the first few years!
31st May 2002 at 8:27 am #53112BowCatz
ParticipantIf MM doesn’t want to be Kai—fine. Go off to the world of stage and Tony awards, MM. Or Genie awards (in Canada), MM. It’s Kai I miss.
Why did Paul kill off Kai?
Can’t they find one strand of Kai DNA floating out there in the vacuum of space and have 790 make a new Kai? It worked with Zev/Xev.
The new season would have a live Kai and the romantic twists and turns as Zev, Kai, Stanley, 790, and Little Lexx go off to new adventures.
[b]Goodbye, MM. [/b] I hope you have a long and happy life and a long and rewarding career and finally meet someone who loves you very much and you love them very much and the two of you have beautiful babies together. If not babies then well behaved pets.
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