Women of Sci-Fi Calendar

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Andromeda Women of Sci-Fi Calendar

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    Hey have you heard about the Women of Sci-Fi 2007 calendar. Chris Judge of Stargate SG-1 fame together with Michael Shanks also of Stargate SG-1 fame have done this calendar. Some of the women featured is Laura Bertram and Lexa Doig (Shank’s wife) of Andromeda fame.

    They are going to be promoting the calendar at Timeless Destinations and said that they will autograph the calendar along with some of the women of the magazine attending the convention.

    The ladies on the calendar who are scheduled to attend are:
    Laura Bertram of Andromeda fame
    Rachel Luttrell of Stargate Atlantis fame
    along with
    Christopher Judge and Michael Shanks will be at the convention.


    The neat thing is that they will all sign the calendar for free when they are there.

    So check out the calendar and then get it signed at Timeless Destinations.

    They are also planning on doing a Men of Sci-Fi for 2008 as well as a Women of Sci-Fi 2008. I hope both are as good as the 2007 calendar.

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