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  • #38811

    Is this an England/Europe based site? If so that’s interesting. I’m getting a different idea of the Buffy shows later seasons. On most American Buffy sites all I get is how washedup the show has been lately but there really hasn’t been much hinting of that on this site. It seems like people can’t tand for things to get complicated or more, i don’t know, but nevermind.



    Originally posted by irishflame:
    Is this an England/Europe based site? If so that’s interesting.

    hi sweetie, saddy and the lovely newkate are english (well, newkate is russian but she’s married to saddy so she will be english soon [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] )and they create/run this thing out of their new home in preston, england…most of the moderators here, including myself, are from the usa…don’t know how or why it worked out that way but it makes for a lively world community mix…and once again, welcome…love fx

    [ 26-01-2003: Message edited by: FX ]

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