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    I thought it would be best to move this… this… this arguement (or whatever) over to the Angst forum where it should be. It’s my fault for turning a discussion about the actors into what it was. Therefore, I thought I should move here myself. (No, I’m not doing this as a moderator. But as a fool who should have know better.)


    Originally posted by :
    My heart breaks watching what lexx has been doing to some fine actors. i hope their careers recovers from the joke that is season 4 (runs for cover from an angry and unforgiving mob).

    that is all i want to say.


    Originally posted by Flamegrape:

    Hi, bonnee.


    Originally posted by Praxilla:
    LOL, Flamegrape.

    That’s what I was thinking.



    Originally posted by :
    I didn’t think you’d be silly enough to make the same mistake twice Flame: presumably FX would have *warned* you if it *was* me, as she indicated she would.

    Personally, I don’t think you would be stupid enough to want to play such a trick on you over here. Your presuppostions must be #VERY# precious to you if you want to re/enact them so readilly.

    I think an apology to Lily is conspicious by its absence – and I think you disrespect Tracy by similarly jumping to conclusions without having recourse to checking the ISP first. So again – sorry Tracy on behalf of the Flame thrower.

    yes, I know – *YAWN”


    Originally posted by dgk:
    At he risk of sounding more unpopular…

    Does Sadgeezer condone this kind of badgering by his moderators? To set someone straight is one thing, but to continually harass posters is uncalled for. I thought this board was above that kind of thing?


    Originally posted by :
    Thanx Dgk – but it is probably best not to be seen publicly supporting me, as privately indicated by others to me.

    I am concerned by the “risk” posed to yourself (and apparently Tracy) though – I think that is something Tony should be seen to address – namely, the sense that if you don’t replicate the standardised view, it is at your own peril. It is telling that it is the same three or four people jumping to one another’s defence. Instead of stiffling yawns, they should be worried about stiffling debate.


    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    Sorry, bonnee.
    Sorry, lily.
    Sorry, tracey.
    Sorry, dgk.
    Thanks, Praxilla.

    It was premature of me to presume that bonnee was up to something. Since he posted under other usernames before, it was easy to assume that he has done it again.

    You are right, dgk. And for the record, I’m not a moderator of the [i]Lexx[/i] discussion forums. I don’t really have any say what goes on here.

    Please just let it go, everyone.

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Flamegrape ]


    Originally posted by :
    The smile suggests a lack of sincerity and further disrespect to Lily and Tracy – sorry if I’m wrong about that. but please Flame thrower – I will let you know if I’m posting under another name, and when in doubt – please confirm your suspicions before casting any stray aspersions.


    Originally posted by FX:
    ya know bonnee, you act like you’re in a restaurant abusing the staff and demanding to talk to the manager because you are paying for a meal, and should therefore have everything your way…

    well, this isn’t a restaurant, and you are not my customer, nor is sad being paid by you for the services he provides…so if you don’t like it, take a hike

    as far as flame’s possible hypersensitivity; well, unfortunately that is the kind of resulting paranoia that i was talking about when i warned you about posting under several aliases…now, how about we stop all this crap and move on?


    Originally posted by Aleck:

    The “smile” you refer to (identified as “graemlins”) is noted as representing embarrasment. Place your cursor over the graemlin on the posting page, and a tag comes up identifying it as such.

    Acknowledging embarrasment isn’t really disrespectful, is it?



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    LOL, FX. Maybe you should have just said, “No soup for you! Come back one year!”

    In all seriousness, bonnee, I enjoyed reading your posts before this bickering began. I’m not sure exactly how or when the arguements got out of hand. It doesn’t really matter anymore.

    So okay, I’ve turned off my “Flame-thrower”, LOL! If you say this ought to end, then I agree.

    BTW, I enjoyed the song-sparring far more than flinging nasty insults.


    Originally posted by :
    I am not demanding to talk to the manager FX nor would I assume that Tony would give me ‘my way’ (whatever you think I think that might be).

    I have as much a role to play in this ‘crap’ as anyone, and would expect to get my ass kicked as hard – if not harder – than others by pursuing and developing it further. Nonetheless, I emailed him a while ago and he acknowledged that there was a tendency for certain voices to dominate at the exclusion of others, and that the board can often resemble a clique (sorry for repeating this Tony, but I’m starting to tire of their self righteousness as well as mine). And as I’ve indicated – I’m just lodging a protest at how you enshrine one another’s assumptions

    As a moderator, hovever, you have a responsibility to make better sense of what is happening, and why. Instead, you just instinctively encourage the dispute along the dividing lines. Has it actually ever occured to you that I might have felt bullied and devalued, and have responded by acting similarly. A typical example of your moderation is to inflame the problem : you claim that “your understanding” is that I’ve behaved in a cetain way elsewhere without even bothering to consult the other person involved. apparently it was enough for you to simply accept what you’ve been told. you claim that I’ve been adopting all these aliases to trick people here but it was part of the visible ‘song exchange’. You purport to bracket this exchange from the ‘revelation’ you think you’ve made for others without even remotely sitating it, and generalise from there. My behaviour at is irrelevant here because I’ve disclosed who I was, and what I was doing within the context of the song. You claim (quoting Flame) that a ‘yawn’ is appropriate to my behaviour in the other thread that resulted in playful song, but you fail to note that Flame was keeping it going without responses from me. and that is what I was responding to.

    You urge that I’m just trying to flame a war, but you fail to note the chronology of events leading up to them. the example of ‘lexx actors’ is a prime candiadte. I was doing my best to be nice to Aleck and Lee in what was essentially a three way conversation that got out of hand. note that before it did i was bending over backwards to ‘move on’ from previous crap, and Aleck and I even apologised to each other for the previous heated dicussions (I initiated the apology). And then – it got horrible (again), and I got upset again.but apparently my being taken aback was feined, because as you say, “no one is buying it”. you make it sound as if the question of my credibility is contingent upon the issue of your assent. and then, when someone dares to step up to protest their treatment of me from the moderators, the result is more mistreatment from them as if I was the one protesting. If you want to stop all this crap and move on, you shouldn’t be seen to crapping on me as a way to move forward.


    Originally posted by :

    i’ve just noticed the remarks from Aleck and Flame Thrower: if you are both prepared to set aside our differences, then I will be the first to set them aside. and can we agree that the next time we disagree, we simply resort to throwing a song at each other? I also enjoyed doing that, and got the feeling that so did you – hence my surprise at being ‘unvelied’ for trying to ‘trick ‘you. Please – I don’t come here to make friends or enemies: simply to discuss ideas with people willing to discuss them with me. I have a healthy respect for both of your minds, and hope that our respective personalities can articlate and share a common ground (to argue on).


    Originally posted by thefrey:
    Actually Flamegrape is not a moderator on this particular forum, but I am. And no, I don’t think Sad would like anyone baiting anyone. However bonnee , this is the kind of thing that happens when people start using multiple nicks to hide behind while posting. It is unfortunate that an innocent new poster who is unaware of the previous trespass has to get caught up in it. And this is one of the reasons that I am very much against such ill mannered behavior. If a person cannot post a view under their own name, perhaps it is a view that should not be shared. Oh, and posting on another system or from another location to hide your identity is not a great idea either, you would be amazed at the number of times cowardly posters are found out due to spelling, punctuation and grammar quirks that they use, but are unaware of. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] Not an accusation mind you, just an observation for all to be aware of.

    Anyhow, back to the topic. I am not enamored with all of Season 4, but then I have not been enamored with every ep in the other seasons either. There were a few eps this season that I have simply loved, The Rock, Walpurgis Night and Vlad. A few that I have hated, Mort being at the tippy top of my personal hate list. The rest have had their moments. Do I think season 4 is going to ruin anyone’s career? No, they will triumph or fail based on their future choices and performances. I think Lexx has been a good ride for all of them. Even if it is only a quirky sci-fi cable show, it is a widely distributed cable show. So the name recognition factor has got to help. Are there downsides? I am sure there are, but like most things, negatives can be turned around if you approach them correctly. I look forward to seeing all of the cast in their future projects. Oh, speaking of which, don’t forget Rolf Kanies (Priest) is going to be on Starz March 9th in Joe and Max. [url=] tle.html?version_id=4161731&episode_num=-1[/url]


    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    What do you [i]want[/i] bonnee? What do you want of me and the rest of the people who have crossed you?


    Originally posted by thefrey:
    ummm, Flame, we’ve move on to another topic. Please try to keep up. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Originally posted by Squishy:
    I realise that we’ve tried to move on, but Bonnee is not going to change his ways, he’s made it quite clear what he thinks of us, and if Tony backs him then I will be saying goodbye to this board.
    I don’t have time to read his annoying and troublesome view of this board and of Lexx and frankly feel that he is just out to cause as much trouble as possible here, sending this board to the depths and Sci-fi have plummeted too.
    So if Tony has any sense he will ban Bonnee’s ISP for good, before we all end having a mass flaming war.
    Like Aleck, I don’t find anything he has to say constructive in any way, he contantly whines and whinges (christ even DT doesn’t think much of him), as far as I am concerned he is a pain in the side of the board.
    So I guess that if I have to suffer this fool much more, then that will be the time to find another board that doesn’t advocate his kind of behaviour, as Saddy obviously couldn’t give a rat’s arse as to what happens here.
    Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]


    Originally posted by Flamegrape:

    Sorry about that. I didn’t see your message until after I posted mine.


    Originally posted by :
    Flame, i don’t really want anything other than what you want – which is to not falsify one another’s motives or take everything said so personally. There is nothing at stake here other than recognising one another’s self worth and otherness, and getting along accordingly. and go easier on lee – it should be apparent to you all that he really doesn’t understand why he is being played with as such, and it palpably hurts him terribly. my feeling is that you’ve all misrecognised him for your own amusement, and i would suggest that more caution is advised. if you want to pick on someone, try me instead – as long as you’re prepared to be played with a result.



    Originally posted by Squishy:
    And Bonnee, don’t you ever pour scorn on FX’s ability as a moderator, she is the fairest and most impartial person I’ve ever come across.
    But she’s wise enough to spot a troublemaker, she has always remained neutral in all topics and I don’t ever recall a time where she has to put her foot down.
    And I can tell you’re out to cause more trouble Bonnee, you are still refering to Flamegrape as flamethrower, even after he offered an olive branch, you don’t fool me, I’ve come across your type before, you are just a nasty piece of work who doesn’t belong here.
    And if you’re reading this Saddy, maybe you should consider putting your moderators first and not allow FX or any other moderators ability to come into question.
    Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]



    Please – I don’t come here to make friends or enemies: simply to discuss ideas with people willing to discuss them with me. I have a healthy respect for both of your minds, and hope that our respective personalities can articlate and share a common ground (to argue on).

    You brought up a good point. Me and many others came here to discuss ideas AND make friends. That is why it seems somewhat clique-ish here. SadBoard is not a terribly formal environment. It’s less like a debate club and more like a pub, tavern, or roadhouse. At least that’s the impression I get.

    One thing that gets in the way is the fundamental nature of message boards. It’s not easy to discern the tone of a message simply by reading text. I think this is something that frequently trips up DalekTek790.

    I’d say more, but I think others might be posting messages as I type this…



    Originally posted by bonnee:
    you claim that I’ve been adopting all these aliases to trick people here but it was part of the visible ‘song exchange’. You purport to bracket this exchange from the ‘revelation’ you think you’ve made for others without even remotely sitating it, and generalise from there. My behaviour at is irrelevant here because I’ve disclosed who I was, and what I was doing within the context of the song.

    I’m sorry, in which song is the phrase “Smart Aleck” used? How do you justify posting under that alias on the board, when it’s only in context when used on this site (since I really only frequent this board, and am really only somewhat known here)? It’s a blatant attempt to spread whatever little antagonistic piece of crap battle you want to wage outside the acceptable borders. Your behavior at is *not* irrelevent, as it’s directly influenced by and in response to what goes on here.

    quote[quote]You urge that I’m just trying to flame a war, but you fail to note the chronology of events leading up to them. [/quote]

    Okay, let’s look at the overall chronology of your actions. You post here with the (admitted later) intent of provoking responses though antagonizing the board public, refusing to address any reasoning behind your statements, generally just posting statements of the “lexx suxx” variety. You later say that this was just done to get people to remind you of why you liked [i]LEXX[/i] to begin with, and thank people for reminding you. Then, with the refresher course apparantly not sticking in your mind, you adopt a *different* name, and do the same thing on the board (starting, I believe, on the 20th of Feb). By this time, it’s obvious to anyone watching that you aren’t interested in discussion, you are merely interested in stirring up trouble. Trolling would be the popular term for what you’re up to. Then, *later*, in a heated discussion between DT and myself, you appear to try and play both sides against each other (if this was not your intent, I apologize, but it certainly seemed that way). You then involve yourself in this discussion with little knowledge of the background history that DT and I share, and criticize me for my “pathological need” to be overly antagonistic. I point out that you have been doing the selfsame thing with your pointless attempts to stir things up at, at which point you take up the name “Smart Aleck” both here and there (note: No songs were involved). You attempt to throw the criticism back at me once more, by stating that I’m posting under another alias as well, and am being hypocritical (so, hey, FG wasn’t the first to play the mistaken identity game), and again, do this on 2 boards. You actually don’t reveal who you are on *either* board until well after these events take place.
    So, when it seems that no one is buying your pleas of being “taken aback,” take into consideration that it’s hard to believe that someone who is so blatantly antagonistic and so intent on stirring up sh!t can really be that surprised at the response. You are obviously not interested in participating in constructive conversation, and for this reason I don’t buy your “let’s let bygones be bygones” attitude taken later in this thread. As you’ve demonstrated elsewhere, you have an uncanny tendency to bring your bygones to the foreground (but like to hide under another name while doing so).
    As intolerant and intolerable as I sometimes see DT, he at least brings some thought to the party. I’d never argue for his banning or suspending his ability to post. You, on the other hand, bring nothing but attempts to create disturbances.



    I was mocking you Aleck – with my monkey chunks : for the simple reason that you have outraged me on more levels that I can bring myself to mention. the last straw was your turning around and taking over a good natured exhange (with Lee) with something so vindictive that I’m still troubled by it. So, yes – whilst I would dispute your chronology of events (the inflammotary post was NOT my first, but a gradual unleashing of anger) I have been guilty of wanting to bring you down a peg and publicly chastise you as the A hole you obviously seem to enjoy being. I think you presume a great deal – as evident by your equivocation with finding yourself inflammed by something with the inflammable material (so to speak). So, I thought if I was going to inflame someone so inflammable – then at least let the inflammation be justfied. I’m not suggesting that we let by gones be gone – I remain wary of you, as you of me. Basically, I object to you on principle – I think you are a living self refutation who feels he can police and moderate others accordingly. And quite frankly- I think if you weren’t allowing yourself to be enraged by Lee, you would actually see him much better. I actually considered emailing you to draw something to your attention, but thought – why bother? the guy’s head is so far up his ass that its no wonder it pops out of his neck. just like me. Although I’m grateful to you for going to great lenghs to discuss this with me, the more I write this I think – we are just trying to impose our subjectivity upon each other, so why even bother?



    Originally posted by bonnee:
    I was mocking you Aleck – with my monkey chunks : for the simple reason that you have outraged me on more levels that I can bring myself to mention.

    Again, I don’t buy this for a minute. Your initial posts were intended to outrage and provoke response. You have admitted as much. You did the same thing on another board. You have (and, it appears) continue to “mock” me with the name Smart Aleck on that selfsame board, one that I don’t frequent *in the first place*. Outrage is, it appears, your business, and business is good. Therefore, I find it hard to believe that you find *me* outrageous or that I’m offending some tender sensibility of yours. This is what you’ve invited.

    quote[quote]So, yes – whilst I would dispute your chronology of events (the inflammotary post was NOT my first, but a gradual unleashing of anger)[/quote]

    Which inflammatory post? The first time *I* or, it seems, anyone else remembers you posting was in your series of “I hate Season 4 and Salter are a bunch of sell-outs!” posts.

    You have yet to address any of the issues raised. You wrap your posts in pseudo-philosophical babble, wave vague accusations around that don’t have foundations upon which to stand, basically say “you’re wrong and I’m right” without giving any *evidence* as to why this is so, and continue your mindless provocation. The evidence supports the contention that you post for one reason and one reason only: to provoke, outrage and offend.

    You object to me on principle? I at least *contribute* something to this board. I’m not bragging, as it’s not too hard to do, and it’s something that I think nearly everyone here does. You, on the other hand, have, since your first appearance, seen fit to simply and purely stir up trouble. You don’t add, you subtract.




    Originally posted by bonnee:
    I was mocking you Aleck – with my monkey chunks : for the simple reason that you have outraged me on more levels that I can bring myself to mention. the last straw was your turning around and taking over a good natured exhange (with Lee) with something so vindictive that I’m still troubled by it. So, yes – whilst I would dispute your chronology of events (the inflammotary post was NOT my first, but a gradual unleashing of anger) I have been guilty of wanting to bring you down a peg and publicly chastise you as the A hole you obviously seem to enjoy being. I think you presume a great deal – as evident by your equivocation with finding yourself inflammed by something with the inflammable material (so to speak). So, I thought if I was going to inflame someone so inflammable – then at least let the inflammation be justfied. I’m not suggesting that we let by gones be gone – I remain wary of you, as you of me. Basically, I object to you on principle – I think you are a living self refutation who feels he can police and moderate others accordingly. And quite frankly- I think if you weren’t allowing yourself to be enraged by Lee, you would actually see him much better. I actually considered emailing you to draw something to your attention, but thought – why bother? the guy’s head is so far up his ass that its no wonder it pops out of his neck. just like me. Although I’m grateful to you for going to great lenghs to discuss this with me, the more I write this I think – we are just trying to impose our subjectivity upon each other, so why even bother?

    If anything it is you that is being chastised and Aleck has nothing to fear from you.
    You have no right to pass judgement on anyone here, and as far as Aleck’s and DT’s discussions go, they are both grown up enough to handle their own affairs, without your huge ego intervening, protecting DT is an insult to him, what do you think you are his big brother or something?
    Those two have had these debates long before you came along, and we all know how they feel about each other, it’s usually the case where we leave them to it, but you will never find a case of it becoming really unsavoury or them resorting to foul language.
    We have all said things about Lee in the past, but for the best part it’s warranted, he’s a nice guy deep down, but occasionally he says something that is viewed as bigoted or arrogant, and no one should feel they have to apologise for pointing that out to him…especially Aleck.
    It seems that you connect with DT, as yes, sometimes it may appear to a casual observer that he’s being criticised, but DT has no intention of being that way, unfortunately his sometimes arrogant stance is more accidental than anything else, whereas you obviously take pride in it and it is intentional.
    Bringing Aleck down is something that is way beyond you, as I feel most of us would agree that you are just not worth his or anyone’s effort, and also that Aleck has pointed out successfully just what type of person you are, and your attacks on him are exremely vague, in other words he has the measure of you, and you are unsuccessfully trying to discredit him, and as trolls go, you really are a novice.
    And let it be known, I will trying my upmost in ridding this board of you, even if it means that I should be barred as well.
    Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]


    no need Squish – I’ve already indicated that I was leaving for your sake.



    Originally posted by bonnee:
    no need Squish – I’ve already indicated that I was leaving for your sake.

    If only that were true, don’t leave for my sake, do it for yourself, but then you are enjoying yourself too much to do that…aren’t you.
    Ladies and gentlemen, I think this is an historic moment in the history of the sadboard ( well as long as I’ve been here), as we have our first true troll.
    If you’ve never had the chance to find out what they are like, now’s your chance, and it will serve you well should you meet another, as they all share the same characteristics, they all use the net as an opportunity to show how nasty a person can be.
    Bonnee will be playing you all over whatever time he remains here, and really has nothing other than a passing interest in Lexx, he will beg forgiveness one day, and then when you least expect it, completely turn it around the next, and this is his idea of fun.
    Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

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