Xenia Chat

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Xenia Chat

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    There will be a Xenia Seeburg chat on Thursday, March 17th at 5 pm Eastern Standard time on irc.fef.net room #lexxchat
    Details can be found here:



    Thanks for letting the board know about the chat. Sounds great. Had lots of fun at the last one. 🙂 An update: the chat session with Ms. Seeberg HAS BEEN MOVED to Tuesday, March 15 at 5:00 pm ET.

    To quote excerpts of BK’s post in the forum topic LadyJade linked to:

    [quote=”BK”]…The chat will take place on the fefnet random server. The irc address is irc.fef.net and the room to join will be #lexxchat



    UPDATE- The chat with Xenia has been bumped up by 2 days- it will now be held on Tuesday, March 15 at 5pm eastern time. Sorry about this, but she ended up having to travel to promote her new movie “Der Clown”. [/quote]

    For non-IRCers, there is a #lexxchat java portal at sadCHAT (see links at top-right of board) as well as at lexxfans.com.


    heya all,

    don’t forget to join the chat TODAY!! Mrs. Seeberg promised to chat with us for approx. 1 hour! chat starts at 11 pm CET, 10 pm GMT, 5 pm ET etc!

    this will be a moderated chat, just as the last LEXX cast chat. questions can be send to any chat moderator and we’ll gladly post them for you. this is the only way to make sure Mrs. Seeberg will answer as many questions as possible.

    just a reminder: you can access the chatroom via the CHAT BUTTON at http://www.lexxfans.com – all you have to do is register first ;). the chat client will connect directly to the chatroom.

    you can find us here: on IRC – fef.net server – room name: #lexxchat

    see you all later,

    gela 🙂


    Thank you for the reminder Gela. 🙂

    As Saddy has pointed out many times if you do not have mIRC and you want to chat all you have to do is click on the SadCHAT button on the top of this page. There is a drop down menu that will open up a chat portal all allow you to not only go to the #lexxchat room for this chat, but also can be used to get to the original #lexx room and our own #sadgeezer room. You BSG peeps may want to remember that if you ever decide to do a chat during the episode.

    You can also just click on this link to get to the chat room


    use the drop down menu once it asks you for a nick to choose the room you want.


    the #lexxchat room is now open for everyone!!

    come on join the fun… we’re already chatting there, awaiting xenia seeberg to join us in about 45 minutes…



    I hope someone posts a transcript of the chat. I was too stupid to remember it was at 5pm today. Argh! 😡


    I’m sorry to hear you missed the chat, jkd112 😥 . it was a VERY interesting chat and the chatlog can be found here:

    as xenia was having trouble logging in and she retried it many many times without being successful we decided to have a phone chat… hehe.

    gela 🙂


    Gela, thanks for sharing the link, if it’s okay, could you please post the chatlog here too?

    Sad I coudn’t make it. Looks like you peeps have conducted another very successful chat, kudos. 🙂

    -[i]Papa “Funk” Greg[/i]


    Nowt to do with us dude, this was organised by Gela and friends. Things looked a bit dodgy at first when Xenia couldn’t get onto the internet to join the chat, but Gela relayed her answers for her by phone. It all worked out pretty darned good in the end.

    It’s nice to see LEXX cast still keep in touch like that.


    Oops, Sad. Not sure if you’re referring to me, never meant to imply that it wasn’t organised by the fine folks at lexxfans — I’m an active member of their site and consider the admin there, as well as many others, to be friends. Nowt to do with the sadgeezer site really, of course, but it’s much appreciated that they went out of their way to include Lexxians from various corners of fandom.

    Once again, kudos to BK, Gela, iStan, MMlover, and Mantrid on another great chat. Sad I missed this one, but glad to read the transcript. 😀



    Hi Fellow Lexxians,
    I’m so sorry that I missed the Xenia chat, but I was so sick, that I was running a high fever (100.5-102.2) & had a hacking cough that last all day & all night; I hope you all had fun & had your questions answered. May be next time there’s a chat with 1 of the Lexx cast, I’ll be well enough to join in, unless my parents & I are visiting the North Coast of California or I’m at Dragon*Con.

    I’ll read the chat later, when I’m up to it; it looks like a long 1 & I want to be able to read it; I’ll then tell you what I think about & hopefully will be able to join in on the next 1.

    Lexxians Unite,
    Jhevz 😉

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