Xenia is selling my Xev painting!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Xenia is selling my Xev painting!

  • This topic has 12 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 22 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Xenia’s new store, featuring items with my Xev painting 😀 , “Love Slave II”, is open:


    Some of you may be able to see the large poster up close in Florida later this week, down to every eyelash, but everyone can get it at her new store right now! I get 50 cents off every sale there, but it’s HER store, managed by Lloyd, and they get the rest of the commission.

    I believe they ship internationally, but you have to make customs arrangements yourself, should you want to buy from them. There are shirts, mugs, stickers, a frisbee, and other items there, too…

    *bounce* I’m so excited! Whoo-Hoo!



    congrats and well done pet, you deserve it! 😀 now, how about a little cd of all the homer simpson does lexx mixes?! 8)


    it was very good!


    😀 That’s wonderful, Pet!!! I can’t tell you how happy I am to see this happen! I hope this means good things for both you AND the popularity of Lexx! 😉


    They’re wonderful; I’m very glad you did them; that was very thoughtful of you for doing those posters & such. This is also great for any Lexx fan who really appreciates the show, especially Xev; keep up the great work. I’ll visit more of your wonderful site & download more mp3s as soon as I can.
    Take care & have a great Winter.

    Lexxian to Lexxian,
    Jhevz 😉


    Thanks! (I only mention the 50 cents so y’all know I’m shilling a bit…. it’s actually for referring them to cafeshops.)

    [quote=”FX”]congrats and well done pet, you deserve it! 😀 now, how about a little cd of all the homer simpson does lexx mixes?! 8)[/quote]

    🙁 I have lost my ENTIRE collection of simpsons sounds and all the files I drew to remake a flash version of the opening sequence with all may favorite Sci-Fi characters. I even had Mr.Burns as Scorpius and Smithers as C3PO, and a SG-1 symbiote enter the back of Homer’s neck. I got that far!

    My NEW hard drive, purchased from a company that uses parts I make, crashed because of a short in parts I don’t make. I always back everything up on CD-RW, but my Simpsons disk has an unrecoverable read error. 👿

    At least my Xev disk is alright. That would really have sucked to make that deal and have no file! 😀



    Lost all that work??

    OMG, that sucks so bad! I hate when that happens.

    *theFrey begs the Techno gods to bless Pet’s system, so this will not happen again.*


    I just remembered that means my animation of Snowball II scratching Kai’s leg is gone, too! 🙁 If I’d only added the “What sort of a thing are you?” quote earlier it would be online by now and I could just download it. 🙁

    My new new hard drive came in today. If this one shorts out, I’m gonna be extremely pissed. Why am I spending all this time making sure their parts are springy enough and their welds are straight if they’re using substandard circuit boards?! Argh!



    Frey Here On FX’s Computer – Pet!!!! I saw your poster at the con!
    They had it up on a big display and very, very promently placed!!! Congrats times 2. I tooK a few pics of it, if the came out okay, I will post them for you. 😀

    You do good work sweetie.


    Whoo-Hoo! 😀


    I too saw your poster at Megacon. Very impressive.


    That’s fantastic news about your poster being prominently displayed there, but I’m not surprised, it’s good, damn good!

    It always great when our fellow Lexxians (particularly the ones we know and love) get recognition for their accomplishments. It’s great to see so many Lexxians really getting involved, and recognised, for their Lexx work — making Lexx-related merchandise, creating great websites, helping to organise events, and even interacting with other Lexxians and getting others interested in Lexx etc. I think that the Lexx fans (and Prisoner fans ;)) are amongst the most dedicated of any fans. Kudos Lexxians (and Prisoners ;))! And congratulations Pet! 😀

    BTW, sorry to hear about the ‘puter troubles.


    I know it’s a bit late after the fact, but anything really important I back up onto two CDRs as they can be unreliable, and it’s not a if they cost much these days (well, I can’t afford to buy any at the moment but that’s beside the point..)

    I don’t know about nero, but Direct CD has scandisk utility to try and recover data from a damaged CDR. Plus for physically damaged discs there are companies like http://www.fucd.co.uk who will repair the surface for a small fee.

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