Forum Replies Created
Participant“In additional to letter/fax/etc. campaigns aimed at the Sci-Fi Channel, fans should also express their passion about the show to
UPN, TNT, and Showtime. UPN is actively seeking a science fiction companion piece to Enterprise, and Farscape airing with a hit like Enterprise could keep it on for years to come. TNT has expressed some initial interest in the idea of bringing the series over to their network, and a flood of fan support would certainly help there. And Showtime is clearly a place where science fiction has a healthy home (Odyssey 5, Jeremiah) and they may also take a serious look if there were a strong enough demand shown for it.”Cancelled. That seems sadly typical. Insane, but I just can’t find the energy to be surprised.
I do intend to write to Scifi to protest their decision, but I’m not sure if TNT, UPN and the like care what UK viewers think about a series. Goodness knows our own dear BBC, ITV and Channels 4 and 5, and Sky don’t give a d@mn, or they wouldn’t a)put scifi on at 6pm when they have to cut it to shreds b) put it on unnanounced at midnight every second week, if they feel like it c) bump it if anything that can be vaguely termed a ‘sport’ is available instead.