SadCAST: Sci Fi News: S01E01

The first part of the first Science Fiction SadCAST produced in 2006 by a few sci fi fans from around the world (namely, me, Newkate, Mike, Sam and via Skype we had Ryan (USA), Rory (South Africa) and Michelle (USA)). Our intention was to provide a fan produced, not for profit, laid back but informative review of the state of sci fi around the world. The show is a result of discussions in the forums at our website, SadGeezer.Com.

Part 1

Part 2

The second part of the first Science Fiction SadCAST with reviews of Ergo Proxy and Lots o’robots (LoR). Perhaps the highlight however was Mike getting drunk faster than you could say, “Science Fiction SadCAST Part 2”.


You should also remember that this was produced in the days before YouTube.  Although you are viewing it from there now, originally, we had a private server and it was accessed through iTunes and later Google Video.  When it was first uploaded to YouTube, there was a limit of 10 minutes video (hence why it’s in two parts – guys, you are looking at the history of sci fi podcasting in the making!  🙂

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SadCAST: Sci Fi MMO's: S02E02