Originally posted by sgtdraino:
I just tried to go to the darkzone chat thing, but all I could get was a big gray square.
oops, sorry sgtdraino; if you want to java chat you have to click yes to allow the installation of the applet…otherwise, go through mirc/irc.fefnet/ and so forth; saddy’s directions when you click on scifichat at the top of this page are a good background to mirc; please try it again today so that you can attend the rolf kanies live chat tomorrow [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] when you get to #sadgeezer just type frey and if she’s around (which she usually is) she’ll pop in and talk to you, …actually she usually appears in a puff of brimstone and sulfur, but don’t tell her i said that [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
good luck, and sorry for the late reply