New To Farscape

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  • #37762

    Does anyone know what time and channel Farscape is on in Australia? I know that Austar doesn’t have it, ‘cos I looked.
    Also, can anyone tell me what series it’s onto? Thanx.



    quote[quote] Also, can anyone tell me what series it’s onto? Thanx. [/quote]

    hmm do you mean what season? if so i think we are starting season 4. i am still waiting for new eps. that is here in the US. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Season 4? Geez, how many seasons do they have?
    Oh, stupid question. We get shows here late (we got the 3rd series of Lexx showing for the first time while the 4th series was on in America) and I automatically think like that.
    So the better question is; are there plans for another series?

    [ 04-03-2002: Message edited by: Smartass 2002 ]


    SmartAss Season 4 is still in production. All of Season 2 aired on Nine. Season 3 has finished in the UK but it has yet to air here in Australia, it’s because of those *******s at Channel Nine that we have to wait until September! [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]


    Thanx! I’ll watch for it, if we get around to getting a non-Austar TV guide one day.

    quote[quote] Season 3 has finished in the UK but it has yet to air here in Australia, it’s because of those *******s at Channel Nine that we have to wait until September! [/quote]
    You have to admit, at least they were nice enough to air Dark Angel. (Now airing on Austar.) I’d better check out the Ep Guide here so I know what’s happening. While inwardly cursing 9 as well!!! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
    Hang on, isn’t Series 3 the crap one???

    [ 08-03-2002: Message edited by: Smartass 2002 ]



    You have to admit, at least they were nice enough to air Dark Angel. (Now airing on Austar.) I’d better check out the Ep Guide here so I know what’s happening. While inwardly cursing 9 as well!!!
    Hang on, isn’t Series 3 the crap one???

    SmartAss, you’re wrong. Channel Nine didn’t show Dark Angel, Channel Seven did. Series 3 isn’t crap, it’s supposed to be the best one of them all.


    quote[quote] Channel Nine didn’t show Dark Angel, Channel Seven did. [/quote]
    Oh, whoops. Well, we only get one channel on normal TV and I wasn’t too sure of what that was!


    YAY….. more Aussie geezers! Finally, someone to bitch to when we’re seven billion seasons behind the rest of the world…. [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    Seven million? Try an infinity times an infinity seasons behind!!!
    Do you have Austar, BTW?

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