Spike and his soul

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Buffy the Vampire Slayer Spike and his soul

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    Well timed Saddy…it’s just ended in the UK!!! [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
    I didn’t pay that much attention to Willows plot, I was just waiting to see what happened to Spike.
    Bit of a discussion going on in my household at the moment, ie the soul returning bit.
    I think Spike has had his soul returned, but is still a vamp, kinda knocks Angel’s reputation a bit, as the Vampire with a soul was supposed to be special in some prophesised way.
    My brother feels that his had the whole package returned, that that demon made him fully human.
    I can’t see that myself, for two reasons, a:Spike is not going to have supernatural strength, and b: he was only any good as a vamp.
    But I suppose the big question is that either way, what will this new thing do to him, will he come back looking to kill Buffy or end up being another Angel.
    Whedon being Whedon, probably will go for shock value and surprise, I think most would like Spike to be a good guy, but I think he will probably return as being good but will be quietly plotting his vengeance of the Buffster.
    Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


    The whole thing was very strange. Yes, Spike with a soul = Angel Jr., boring and would ruin so many perfectly good prophecies! ‘Wolfram and Hart’ over in LA will be very confused. Also, getting a soul is supposed to be a punishment. Well, OK, one can argue that cave demon was devious and with a cruel sense of humor. I wonder will Spike’s soul be detachable, like Angel’s, and what will be the trigger? Moment of absolute misery? Moment of quiet boredom?
    Then again, making Spike human would be even weirder if you stick with the canon. Angel is supposed to work for many years, helping the helpless and averting apocalypses, and only then Powers will turn him into human. Spike only killed a bunch of demons, which he used to do every day before breakfast, and rolled in bugs. Making him human after that would be just too unfair.
    In any way, what Spike and Buffy should do is make a deal with the cave demon and start shipping all Sunnydale vampires over to Africa for rehabilitation and reintegration into society.


    Spike has a problem either way, if he becomes human or a vamp with a soul, he’s going to have to deal with all the things he did as a demon.
    It took Angel a very long time to come to terms with what he did, but Angel had issues that could never be dealt with, he killed his family, and nothing would ever change that, but as a vamp he still had to hide himself away from the world, and I think the balance of good and evil within him, stopped him going insane with guilt.
    Spike has more of a problem, he was weak willed and a figure of ridicule as a human, he may not have Angel’s strength of character to survive his guilt, if he’s still part vamp, he may be able to get that same balance Angel did, if he’s human, he might not be able to forgive himself.
    I don’t think Spike will be going back to Sunnydale as a happy bunny thinking he can win over Buffy, and like the rest of humanity he can still be evil.
    Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]


    What bitter irony. That cave demon really did a number on our boy Spike. Poor guy just wanted to be able to kill and drain human stock and look what happened, he ends up with a soul. I am at odds, I wanted him and Buff to fall for each other and regardless of being a vamp, I think he did fall for her. His past was different than Angel’s. He started out a sweet guy with a penchant for bad poetry and was ridiculed. I always cheer for someone like him. Bang, he gets turned into a blood sucker by Drusilla and falls for her in his vamp way! To make up for what happened in his mortal existance, he becomes the bad of the bad in vamps, but underneath it, he’s still the sweet fellow that was the brunt of ridicule. I’d still like to see him and the Buffster become a couple, but I’d hate to see him completely lose that hard edge I find so appealing. James Marsters is an excellent actor with a delectable body and he has done a terrific job fleshing out his character. He took Spike from being a sexy one dimensional throat ripper to a very complex mixture of good and evil. As to a battle of conscience, I can only hope we won’t be exposed to the constant angst we deal with from Angel. I can hardly wait to see what happens!


    With or without a soul Spike will still be dead gorgeous, can’t wait for the next season.


    I eagerly wait to see if Spike will do his own version of “Yo Way Yo” on the Big Bad in the end. I can see it now…Saint Spike.

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