Sadgeezer at DragonCon 2004

Forums Announcements/New Stuff Sadgeezer at DragonCon 2004

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    Tony, and other ‘geezers, after consulting with the Lexx Fanclub USA president I have a question for you.

    Since Sad’s is ‘The’ definitive Lexx site, what would you think about us sponsoring a ‘Lexx Fanclub USA Salutes’ table at DragonCon?

    And, if Cat (Rest of the world) and Lubka (Russia) didn’t mind, we could just change it to ‘Lexx Fanclubs’.

    I have some one who makes banners for me, and it would be no problem to pull in enough stuff from the various shows you support to make up a table display. Ans this year since HDS will not be press ganged into other duties, I could get the banners up in the air where they belong! ‘Lexx Fanclub Salutes’ up over the table and our Lexx Fanclub banner across the front of the table. ;D

    It would give you exposure to 30,000 people and give all us ‘geezers somewhere to group and rest and sally forth refreshed. 😀

    Whatda ya think?


    Sounds great!

    Tell me what you’d need or how I could sponsor the event and I’ll definately consider it.

    [i]Funny you should offer, I had a meeting with a prospective new sponsor last night (Dolphin Design) and they are very keen to get into this kind of activity![/i]


    We once again have a fan table at Dragon*Con 2004. It will be in the lobby of the Marriott Marquise the one you have to pass through to get to the exhibit hall, art show, and the esclators going down to the dealers room.

    This year the Lexx Fan Club USA will host a tribute to at DC2004. Sad’s Cult Tv site has been an enormous resource for the entire Lexx community for years, and we are proud to assist them in their DragonCon debut… and who knows, perhaps we can talk Tony and New Kate to attend.

    Let the nagging begin.


    Cool, Frey,
    If you need any manpower, I’ll be gald to help; hey, you never know, I might take more pictures with my digital camera. If there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know & I’ll be glad to.

    Your Friend,
    Jhevz 😉


    Don’t forget to share the pictures! =)

    Can’t wait to see it.

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