Re:Lexx the movie

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Lexx the movie Re:Lexx the movie


As Frey and other Lexxians can tell you, the “First Season” were made as four 2 hour “movies” and shown on Showtime here in the states (other locations can vary)

1.0 I Worship his Shadow
2.0 Super Nova
3.0 Eating Pattern
4.0 Giga Shadow

Which laid out all the groundwork for the following seasons 2, 3, & 4 which had “hour long” episodes and in a nutshell there you go.

BTW currently you cannot get this “First Season” here in the states on DVD I had to go to our friends in the North.


hehehe oh Frey.. Just saw your message in the pub.. like in june… heheh you forgot the 2nd “b” in my name. and as an answer… just here… hehehe

and for all involved in the Futurama guide I’ll be sending more stuff soon, been too busy being jobless sorry…