Andromeda: People: Seamus Harper

Yes I know, he’s supposed to be a sort of ships caretaker and ‘fix-it’ man, but lets face it, Mr FixitHarper is the closest thing that Andromeda has to a Ships Engineer. He’s played wonderfully by Gordon Michael Woolvett.

Harper isn’t yer average Ships Engineer, he’s the Andromeda equivalent of MacGyver. If a Job needs doing give it to someone else – unless that is, yer all gonna die anyway!. Maybe that’s a little harsh, but this geezer is a total plonker!

He’s also something of a genius when it comes to fixing computerized equipment. His unorthodox methods however, can be annoying to some of the other crewmembers.

If you were to meet Harper in a pub he would be drunk (and stoned probably). As he chatted to a young girl at the bar, you would wonder why the left side of his face was bright red. Moments later you would see the young lady give him a very hard slap (again).

He seems to get o­n pretty well with Trance however. 'Come o­n... show us yer tail'The two of them have a flirty teenage innocence sort of a relationship, he would like nothing better than to stroke her tail – even if he is a total git! (and I’m not just saying that because I’m jealous ok!).

Personally I think Harper is a complete jerk, but I guess I’m in the minority. His childish comment, “We rule!” as the Eureka Maru managed to pull the stricken Andromeda from the Black Hole almost made me throw my beer can at the TV.

However, in his defense, Harper is the most light hearted of the crewmembers. He always seems to have some witty comment even when things look at their most desperate.

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Tripping the Rift: People: Darph Bobo

He has a marvelous ability to fabricate all sorts of stuff, from repairs to the ship, to doomsday bombs, to ….well… naked avatars of sentient computers.

He was raised o­n a planet where the atmosphere was very poor and his lungs and respiratory system are not very healthy. He seems to suffer medical problems more than the rest of the crew and is sensitive to atmospheric changes.

Gordon Michael Woolvett

Gordon was born in Hamilton, o­ntario in Canada in 1970. He has had a number of film appearances (most notably as David in Bride of Chucky) and is the brother of the geezer who played Lt. Duggan in ‘Dead Presidents’ (Jaimz Woolvet).


“Andromeda” (2000) TV Series …. Harper

Highwayman, The (1999)

Ultimate Deception (1999) …. Frank McThomas

David in Bride of ChuckyBride of Chucky (1998) …. David …

Clutch (1998) …. Spit

Mind Games (1998) …. Victim

My Date with the President’s Daughter (1998) (as Gordon Michael Woolvett) …. Clyde

Peacekeepers (1997)

Promise the Moon (1997) (TV) …. Little Jay

Shadow Builder (1997) …. Larry Eggers

Elvis Meets Nixon (1997) (TV) …. Soldier

Legend of Gator Face, The (1996) (as Gordon Michael Woolvett) …. Chip

Rude (1995) …. Ricky


Sliders” (1995) playing “Judge” in episode: “Young and the Relentless,

Forever Knight” (1992) playing “Kyle the Grocery Boy” in episode: “Can’t Run, Can’t Hide”

Kung Fu: The Legend Continues” (1992) in episode: “Gang of Three, The”

Mighty Jungle, The” (1994) playing “Peter” in episode: “Allison’s Restaurant”

Checkout other News & Reviews from Sci Fi SadGeezers:
Tripping the Rift: Cultures: Synthetics

Katts and Dog” (1988) in episode: “Decoy Ducks”

My Secret Identity” (1988) in episode: “It o­nly Hurts For a Little While”

Friday the 13th” (1987) playing “Boy #2” in episode: “Inheritance, The”

The character reviews are © 1999, 2001 Tony Fawl.
Not for reproduction without the authors express permission

The names, characters and everything else associated with Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda TV series are the property of the Tribune Entertainment Company. All rights reserved.

Checkout their website

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