a friend of mine died
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Originally posted by crusader:
[b]I feal the same way!!!I dont now what to say, Im not good at talking about things like this but you and your friend is in my thoughts!!!
My life has bein Hell (And Im only 21) so I understand what you mean about seing series and dreaming in to the caracters lifes!!!
Seing there trubles and there happy times!!!
I doe that al the time!!!
I never had any real friends or any real girlfriends ( my only girlfriend broke up with me after 3 days) and my family redjects me!!! The only ones that dont treat me like **** is my mom and my brother!!!
The only real friend I had was my grandmother (fathers side)!!! I played with here when I was litle (We used to si by her tabel and drive toycars to etchouther and playd games and… the Bibel!!! She always read to me from the Bibel!!!
I blocked out that she had died and pretended that it never hapend (I gues that I couldent stand the greaf)but at x-mas time when we where at my fathers sister pleace and she showed a video of one time when my grandmothere selebrated X-mas with them and she played here Dragspel I just starded out in tears and thought that I would die of greaf!!!I dont now way I told you al this, I gues that I just whant you to now that I understand som of what you are going thruw!!!
I kant wright more now!!! To painful!!!
Like I said… You and your friend are in my thoughts!!!
crusader, the one thing i do not envy men is that everyoone expects them to be strong and not to show grief…at least as a woman you are allowed to show grief…and it helps, i felt so much better telling you all about my friend you have no idea…and for better or for worse, someone’s dying is not something that we resolve and forget about, it is a fact we trip over again and again like something we forgot to put away…and each time we trip over this fact it hurts, but it also helps to keep that person alive for us…i am glad you have your mother and brother, i am an only child and always wanted a brother, but you also have us to talk with, the rest will come in its own time thank you for your sweetness love fx