A Gallifrey One Convention Lexx Get-together

Forums General Sci Fi Sci Fi Conventions A Gallifrey One Convention Lexx Get-together A Gallifrey One Convention Lexx Get-together


Hi Fellow Lexxians,
If anyone’s going to next month’s Gallifrey Convention & would like to room with me, please let me know as soon as possible; I plan to make both flight & hotel reservations for next month’s Gally Convention, Monday. I hope that anyone can go, so that we can make an impression like we did at Dragon*Con last yr; I’d really like a post `Lexx’ following this yr, so may be, there can be Lexx guest at the Gallifrey Convention next yr.
Take care & have a great Winter.

Lexxians Unite,
Jhevz [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]