A Lexx UScon Briagade to Dragon Con 2003

Forums General Sci Fi Sci Fi Conventions A Lexx UScon Briagade to Dragon Con 2003 A Lexx UScon Briagade to Dragon Con 2003


People, people, people. 😛 This is a starting point. I did say ‘and add extra cast’ Twice in fact….

In fact sig’s owner had suggested grouping the baddies and the goodies. Which is what I was going to do. On one side, HDS, Prince, Mantrid, Giggy, ect…. on the other side Kai, Stan, Xev, Lyekka, Thodin, Time Prophet, and the moth breeders ect…

The only quandary I have is BUNNY! She has played good, but now she is hanging with the wrong crowd. Does this make her bad by association? [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] She sees evil but does nothing to stop it?

Oh the dilemma…. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]