Belly up to the bar, Drinks are on me!

Forums Other Forums The Pub Belly up to the bar, Drinks are on me! Belly up to the bar, Drinks are on me!


[i]Sitting the bar with the faint sound of a heavenly chorus emanating from around him, the very act making his seat an object of religious significance to all the bar’s women, his halo of golden light almost obscuring his finely chiseled romance novel hero face, JOE-YAMA-SUPERHUMAN listens to mandra k’s story, then turns to his not-quite-as perfect brother.[/i]

[img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img]Verily, mine sibling, that tale hath much merit in its words, and much wisdom hath its teller, in knowing it. Heed his words, for they shalt help thee in facing the vagaries of our lives. I for one, shall remember this tale, and take its words to heart. [img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img]

[i]super_joe_yamaman raises towards mandra k and his brother his glass, his seventeenth. So far. In the last ten minutes.[/i]

Yur, that’s right mandy kay! I thought that was verra boot….beet….bootylicious? Nevermind, what m’brother sed. The necksht round is onna me! To wossname, for inshpiring me to deeder greats! ([i]he topples over, spilling his drink over him. It is of course, Mad Dog 20/20. JOE-YAMA-SUPERHUMAN sighs[/i])

[img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img]’Tis a most sad sight, this, my own flesh and blood sprawled unceremoniously unto the floor. But what may’st I do? He is my brother, and I must do my duty by him. :cool [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img][i]Turns to snooklepie[/i]) Milady, I must compliment thee on thy singing. I hath heard few who could match thee in both voice and melody.

[i]JOE-YAMA-SUPERHUMAN then looks at AltairEgomaniac waiting for autographs with a pained look on his finely chisel’d features.[/i]

[img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img]My good sir, while thou art waiting for the praise which thou undoubtedly deserve [i](the halo dims and the heavenly choir stops while he says this)[/i], why not thou allow the house band display their diverse talents? I hath heard their music, and though I wish to offend thee not, I must say that their music is in diverse ways better than thine[i](the halo’s brightening and the heavenly choir’s singing is amplified so much while he says this, that for a while, JOE-YAMA-SUPERHUMAN has to pause while the halo dims down and people can see again, and the singing lowers to a point where he doesn’t have to shout to say anything)[/i]
and that I for one, would like to listen to them[i](once again, the blinding halo and deafening singing, as well as the wait)[/i]. [img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img]

[i]super_joe_yamaman, who’s woken up by this time, downs another Mad Dog[/i]

YEEEAAAHHH! Let’sh have the VodkaShircle! Let’sh have vodka! Let’sh have a vodka and Mad Dog chasher! Let’sh shebrilate my nout votim….vrooming….PUKIN’ yet! YEEEEEHAAAAA!

[ 25-03-2002: Message edited by: super_joe_yamaman ]