Best Villain
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I always like Jeff Pustil chars. They are simple, evil and depraved. Plus they have a pretty decent actor behind them.
I personally felt the german in Luvliner was a great villian too. He knew Kai and the Lexx and was probably the only baddy smart enough to realize you’d best toss kai out into a sun before you think about even standing a chance against him.
Hottest baddy?; Vlad takes the cake, even over Wist. And I still say shes gonna return and be the Time Prophet eventually. 😛 The duality in Brigadoom with the Time Prophet as my backup [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
Cant wait to see “Bad Carrot” though, might move the carrots up on my list a bit. Currently though they seem like nothing more than mindless drones, like Mantrids.
Hmmm mebbe Deiter will return this season and be the Carrot-Master!
edit: grammar grammar!
[ 11-01-2002: Message edited by: LexxLurker ]