Can’t get no satisfaction (if you’re a robot head)

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Can’t get no satisfaction (if you’re a robot head) Can’t get no satisfaction (if you’re a robot head)



Originally posted by :
When DalekTek said he resembled Kai I could relate to that because I look just like Xev, everywhere I go people stop me on the street and say, “are’nt you???” And I have to calmly tell them, “no, I’m not, but everybody thinks I look exactly like Xev from Lexx. They follow me in the Mall and stare at me in restuarants and it get very tiring to say the least…Xev and I are like twins and it’s not an easy burden to bear, I’ll tell ya….Oh, did I mention, I look like her BEFORE the love slave transformation..
JUst Kidding!!! But I had your attention for a little while, right??? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

So NB1, you look better than she does now (ooops, that’s gonna set the cat amongst the pigeons), actually that did get my attention, mainly because of the staring in restaurants, I get that a lot, probably because I’ve just lost my temper and embarress my poor suffering girlfriend after seeing the bill!!!
I’ve decided that as I have no chance of looking like Kai and don’t stand much of a chance looking like Xev, being of the male variety (wait I take that back hehe), and Stan’s pretty much out of the question as I would need to age 20 odd years, I have decided to become His Divine Shadow.
I’m gonna get my head shaved and will model my appearance on the way Lex Gigeroff looked…whadya think?