Can’t get no satisfaction (if you’re a robot head)

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Can’t get no satisfaction (if you’re a robot head) Can’t get no satisfaction (if you’re a robot head)


Ive really missed em this season. His witty comments and insults were some highlights of my favorite eps.

He/She/It has gotten really violent this season and seems to want to finally achieve his agenda.

Sure 790 has always been violent:

“If he knew what he was doing he’d prolly kill Stan then himself!” -Terminal

many quotes like that through season2. But he never really *acted* on it until he fell for Kai. And in S4 its esculated to the point where he is literally out to murder everyone but Kai!!

If memory serves he also sent the signal that brought the ‘carrot ass-pirates’ to Earth in the first place.

But with Kai perhaps 790 could find satisfaction. Perhaps hook himself into those lil 12 foot rods that come out of Kai from time to time 😛