Dutch Treat

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I’m not sure we’re supposed to recognise Longbore as His Shadow as much as a reincarnation of the Wozzard. In both cases, The Wozzard and Longbore have surrounded themselves with such members of society that are deemed to be ugly. And whereas the Wozzard’s secret agenda was to get revenge on all beautiful women with his technology, Longbore – as the Doctor Strangelove satire, as Aleck (I think) pointed out – surrounds himself with scientists while secretly intending to leave the planet with only the cream of the beautiful young girls.

Kai has been largely motivated this season, but then that seems to be part of his character evolution; He killed Prince in “The Key” to prevent the destruction of Water, and he would have killed Priest to prevent the destruction of the Earth. He seems to be still motivated quite strongly towards acts of justice when they present themselves. And, of course, it was he who agreed to unwittingly help Longbore in the first place, and Tina who was responsible for his being able to locate and defeat Vlad.