Enough Is Enough

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Originally posted by Hypatia:
Please, let’s not retaliate blind. This is so horrible, let’s not make it any worse.

But when we find them, no holds barred.

Preaching to the converted?

Such a horrible day

I fully agree with you Hypatia, the whole thing needs to be looked at closely and a course of action needs to be determined.
But the biggest problem faced with taking out these monsters is the people that protect them, simply the intelligence services and crack military outfits have been unable to strike back.
The time is not now for wanton acts of retaliation, that time will come, but we must act swiftly while the world speaks as one voice, as we have seen in the past, that the loud noise made is reduced to a whimper in the following weeks.
I am frightened of the consequences of taking action at any time, but what choice do we have, as the terrorists will continue to strike hard and deep into our countries, and next time we may be the ones that are not so lucky.
Several day’s of thought are required from the person in the street to the President of the United States, so that blind anger doesn’t play too much of a part in our response.