FluffDaddy Spoiler- Did Xev mate….?
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19th September 2001 at 12:14 am
Anyone else notice that when we first meet the Alive Kai with Xev we see him doing the Crispin day speech then the very next scene Xev and Kai are in mid conversation? That was one cut that was really noticable on my end.
BTW the whole thing with Prince playing the satan like tempter this episode was a really cool idea. Offering Xev Live-Kai and Stanley Lyekka to get them to stay just a lil longer, and perhaps get a first-class ticket aboard the Lexx. 790 already made a deal with em back in Xevivor. Who’s next…Kai? [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] Episodes just keep getting better and better this season.