hello from ellen dubin

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx hello from ellen dubin hello from ellen dubin


okay guys, here’s a tidbit ellen sent me today:

[b]I am gearing up for a very exciting LEXX episode which I will keep you posted
on as soon as I know more. Let’s just say the fans are going to be riveted.[/b]

squishy, i echo your feelings totally, this lady is not only gorgeous and funny, she answers emails right away, and she truly wants to keep in touch with her fans…my lexx buddies and i have loved her since we first saw her strutting around with her little stuffed man-head cape, and snarling “you got a problem with that” to kai’s “you are gigerotta, also known as the wicked?”…she is too cool, and an awesome actress and i can’t wait to see more from her…like what she’s working on now:

[b]We just started doing sound work in the studio on WRINKLE IN TIME this week.
The project looks amazing. I am unrecognizable. Not sure when it will be
airing on ABC , but as soon as I have more info, I will let you know. [/b]

i loved that book, and i am dying to see our giggy in it…anyway, as the wicked girl promised, more info as it comes in…meanwhile i am going to sit and gleefully contemplate just how much havoc our girl is going to wreak on planet earth and hopefully prince!